Star Parker Founder & President, Center for Urban Renewal and Education

When cornered, Harris turns to ‘word salad’ or untruths

Star Parker Founder & President, Center for Urban Renewal and Education

After a recent CNN town hall held in Pennsylvania, some analysts, even Democrats, criticized Vice President Kamala Harris’ performance, accusing her of giving “word salad” responses to avoid direct answers. Harris’ responses to voter questions were sometimes lengthy and circular, occasionally lacking context or containing exaggerations.

In the video above, Straight Arrow News contributor Star Parker argues that Harris — a former prosecutor — doesn’t grasp the impact of her words and references a “reckless” 2021 remark involving the Border Patrol to illustrate her point. Parker also asserts that Harris’ previous comments about law enforcement have not only been proven false but also but “pose a risk of inflaming volatile situations.”

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The following is an excerpt from the above video:

In a town hall meeting in Malvern, Pennsylvania, Kamala Harris said most of her career has been spent as a prosecutor and as attorney general of California she was “acutely aware” of how much her words mattered. Really? Was Harris “acutely aware” of the power of her words when she slandered the Border Patrol with the false “whipping Haitian migrants” allegation? Instead of waiting for the Department of Homeland Security to investigate the situation, Vice President Harris compared the agents’ efforts to protect the border to tactics “used against African Americans during times of slavery.” 

Harris has never apologized to the Border Patrol agents for her reckless and inflammatory allegation even though that charge has been proven false. Was she “acutely aware” of the power of her words when she recklessly used the word “murder” to make false allegations against police officers regarding the deaths of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri and Breonna Taylor in Louisville, Kentucky? On Aug. 9, 2019, the fifth anniversary of Michael Brown’s death, Senator and presidential candidate Kamala Harris described Brown’s 2014 death as “murder” years after Obama Attorney General Eric Holder’s Justice Department had cleared the police officer of any wrongdoing. 

In a town hall meeting in Malvern, Pennsylvania, Kamala Harris said most of her career has been spent as a prosecutor and 

as Attorney General of California she was “acutely aware” of how much her words mattered. Really?

Was Harris “acutely aware” of the power of her words when she slandered the border patrol with the false ‘whipping Haitian migrants’ allegation?

 Instead of waiting for the Department of Homeland Security to investigate the situation, Vice President Harris compared the agents’ efforts to protect the border to tactics “used against African Americans during times of slavery.” 

Harris has never apologized to the border patrol agents for her reckless and inflammatory allegation even though that charge has been proven false.  

Was she “acutely aware” of the power of her words when she recklessly used the word “murder” to make false allegations against police officers 

regarding the deaths of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri and Breonna Taylor in Louisville, Kentucky?  

On August 9th, 2019 – the fifth anniversary of Michael Brown’s death – Senator and presidential candidate Kamala Harris described Brown’s 2014 death as “murder” years after Obama Attorney General Eric Holder’s Justice Department had cleared the police officer of any wrongdoing. 


Two successive Democrat county prosecutors investigated the incident and brought no charges against the police officer. 

Harris made the “murder” allegation in a tweet as she was campaigning for the Democrat presidential nomination. 

In 2020, Harris made another inflammatory and unfounded allegation of murder after the tragic death of Breonna Taylor.

 These two incidents wreak of professional misconduct by a former prosecutor, as it is outrageous to make such reckless allegations when they are demonstrably false and pose a risk of inflaming already volatile situations.

One of the main reasons cities are having a police recruitment and retention problem is that police officers feel demonized and disrespected. 

The border patrol is facing retention and recruitment problems for similar reasons. 

More than 4,000 agents have left since Biden and Harris were elected in 2020 and 


the New York Post reports that border patrol agents are threatening to leave in droves if Harris wins the presidential election.

Kamala Harris is arguably the most high-profile person in America who has contributed to this demonization of the police and border patrol, and a president with her track record and worldview could make this situation even worse. 

Yes ms harris words matter and either A – you have word salad or B – you make allegations that are not true


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