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Ray Bogan Political Correspondent
U.S. Elections

Midterm ballot measures to watch: Abortion rights, gun rights and more

Ray Bogan Political Correspondent

Voters around the country will make big decisions on abortion rights, legalizing marijuana and even a millionaires tax. Here are some of the most important ballot measures being considered this midterm election. 

Abortion rights

California Proposition 1 would add the right to have an abortion and use contraceptives to the state’s constitution. 

Michigan Proposition 3 would add to the state constitution the right to use contraceptives and have an abortion up to the point of fetal viability. The legislature would be allowed to regulate abortion after viability with restrictions. 

Vermont Proposal 5 would create a “personal reproductive autonomy” in the state constitution. According to the proposal, the right cannot be infringed upon unless there is compelling state interest. 

Kentucky Constitutional Amendment 2 states there is no right to an abortion granted in the state constitution, nor does it require funding for abortions. 

Montana Legislative Referendum 131 would require medical care to be provided to all infants who are born alive, including those who survive an attempted abortion.

Marijuana and drug policy

Arkansas Issue 4 would legalize marijuana for adults 21 and older and impose a 10% sales tax.

Maryland Question 4 would legalize marijuana for adults 21 and older and allow the General Assembly to set the tax rate.

Missouri Amendment 3 would legalize marijuana for adults 21 and older and impose a 6% sales tax. It would also expunge previous non-violent offenses, except for DUI and selling to minors.

North Dakota Initiated Statutory Measure 2 would legalize the use and sale of marijuana for those 21 and older. 

South Dakota Initiated Measure 27 would legalize marijuana use for adults 21 and older. 

Colorado Proposition 122 would legalize psychedelic drugs, including mushrooms, for adults 21 and older.


Massachusetts Question 1 would add a 4% tax on income over $1 million and put the money toward public education and public transportation. 

Voting and elections

Arizona Proposition 309 would require a photo ID for in person voting and also require a date of birth, photo ID, or last four digits of the voter’s Social Security number for absentee ballots.

Michigan Proposal 2 would expand early voting and allow voters to sign an affidavit instead of using a photo ID.

Nebraska Initiative Measure 432 would create a photo ID requirement to vote.

Nevada Question 3 would implement ranked choice voting in general elections.

Gun rights

Iowa SJR 7 would add the right to keep and bear arms to the state constitution.

Oregon State Measure 114 would require a permit from law enforcement in order to purchase firearms. Obtaining the permit would require a criminal background check and a safety training course. It would also ban magazines that can hold more than 10 rounds of ammunition.

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Ray Bogan: We are just one day away. That’s right. Tomorrow is the US midterm elections and we’ve talked a lot about governor’s races, Senate races, congressional races, will now let’s go over some of the most important ballot measures that voters are going to be considering around the country. So first, there are five states where abortion is on the ballot in Vermont, Michigan and California. They are voting to enshrine the right to an abortion into the state constitution. But Kentucky and Montana are a little bit different. Kentucky’s ballot measure actually says the right to an abortion is not guaranteed in the Constitution, and therefore state funding is not guaranteed. And then in Montana, they are having a ballot measure that states, all infants need to receive medical care, including those who have survived and attempted abortion. Moving on to drug policy in the Dakotas, Missouri, Arkansas and Maryland. Voters are going to be considering whether to make marijuana illegal for people who are 21 and up and also at a state tax to the sale of marijuana. Colorado as you know, marijuana is already legal. They’re actually going to be voting on whether or not to make psychedelic drugs, including mushrooms legal. And then finally, there’s a millionaire’s tax in Massachusetts, the voters there will decide whether to add 4% tax on income over $1 million. People who are in favor of the millionaire’s tax say that it will make sure everybody pays their fair share, and that it will go to a good cause including public transportation and public education. Those who are against this tax say this could hurt anybody, not just millionaires, because it goes for one time income. So meaning if you sell a house if you sell an investment if you sell a business, if you’re trying to create a nest egg for retirement, all of that could be taxed and it could hurt average people now stay with straight arrow news throughout the night tomorrow for up to the date election coverage. It’s going to be coming in live.