Rob Manfred, Major League Baseball Commissioner: “I had hoped against hope that I would not have to have this particular press conference in which I am going to cancel some regular season games. We worked hard to avoid an outcome that’s bad for our fans, bad for our players and bad for our clubs. I want to assure our fans that our failure to reach an agreement was not due to a lack of effort by either party.”
“The calendar dictates that we’re not going to be able to play the first two series of the regular season and those games are officially canceled. We’re prepared to continue negotiations. We’ve been informed that the MLBPA (Player’s Association) is headed back to New York, meaning that no agreement is possible until at least Thursday.”
“My deepest hope is that we get an agreement quickly. We’re back on the field and we get back into that market and compete effectively.”
“We never used the phrase ‘last, best and final offer’ with the union. We said to them that it was our best offer prior to the deadline to cancel games. Our negotiations are deadlocked right now, but I’m not going to get into, that’s different than using the legal term ‘impasse’ and I’m not going to do that.”
“We went through a really long nine or 10 days. We had a really late night last night and not a particularly productive day today. We need to regroup and figure out how we’re going to move the process forward. That’s the best I can do for you.”
“The concern about our fans is at the very top of our consideration list, followed closely by places like where we’re standing, where people’s livelihood depends on baseball, spring training baseball and certainly an important part of the calculus for us and for our owners.”