Star Parker Founder & President, Center for Urban Renewal and Education

Black Americans should vote for Donald Trump

Star Parker Founder & President, Center for Urban Renewal and Education

In the 2020 elections, 92% of single-race Black, non-Hispanic voters cast their ballots for President Joe Biden, while only 8% voted for Donald Trump. That one-sided turnout followed a summer of nationwide protests against police violence largely organized by Black Americans in the wake of George Floyd’s murder, and then-President Trump’s crackdown on those protests in major cities. In the months leading up to the 2024 election, however, there are signs that Biden’s lock on this voting demographic may be slipping. While 83% of Black voters still identify as Democrats, only 77% now say that they will vote for Biden in November.

Watch the above video as Straight Arrow News contributor Star Parker explains why this comes as no surprise to her, and why she says Black Americans should support Trump.

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The following is an excerpt of the above video:

And in fact, Donald Trump is down in Atlanta this week, as many of you know now, as well as Byron Donalds, again with a “Congress, cognac and conversation” in the heart of Atlanta. He didn’t care what they said about him going into Philadelphia, because African American young people want to hear from these legislative officials, whether it’s Byron Donalds and/or candidate Trump, to find out what are their ideas? What is it that they’re selling this election season?

It’s very clear that they are not buying what the Left has had anymore. It is very clear that the Democrats need to try to regain momentum with the Black community. But it’s also very clear that they have lost that voting bloc because that voting bloc is not now looking at the African part of American. They’re looking at American, and that progressive playbook has been exposed, that that is the party of big government and secularism, statism, and it’s just not selling anymore in Black communities. November is going to be very interesting.

Interested in opposing perspectives? Have a look at how our other contributors view this issue from across the political spectrum:

Jordan Reid: The modern-day Republican woman has terrifying role models.

Dr. Rashad Richey: It is insane to let convicted felons run for president.

Ruben Navarrette: Americans have more than 2 choices.

There’s a lot of discussion recently about African Americans leaving the Democrat Party and how afraid the Democrats are as a result of this new trend. They act like they are surprised, but yet they shouldn’t be. For the last 5060 years, the Democrat Party has been trying to convince African Americans that that’s a natural home for them. A home of secularism and big government just doesn’t work real well. They act as though there’s an allegiance to the Democrat party from African Americans, because of the Civil Rights Act been signed into law by Lyndon Baines Johnson, or the Voting Rights Act and or the Fair Housing Act. But they’re wrong when it comes to the younger African Americans who not only are two generations away from the Civil Rights era, and while they appreciate the civil rights, they’re these new young African Americans are looking for freedom. They’re looking for ideals that are embodied now in the Republican Party. They’re looking for inflation to not be a part of their life. They’re looking for the open border to close. They’re looking for prosperity in their communities by safe neighborhoods and good schools. The Biden administration acts like they’re shocked at this new trend. And yet they are the ones that created this environment to where we are having discussions about the African American vote, leaving the Democrat Party they’re running after every single black conservative who is elected official and or not. That is saying it’s okay to look at the ideas of the Republican Party and perhaps even vote for those ideals. Just recently, when Byron Donalds held a congress cognac and cigars meeting up in Philadelphia, the left was relentless to keep pointing out what he said about the Jim Crow era and black families. Black families were intact during the Jim Crow era. Even though the Jim Crow laws big government laws be Democrat government laws in various states were hurting African Americans, generally from mainstreaming black families were intact. Well, they weren’t able to stop Congressman Donald’s. And in fact, Donald Trump is down in Atlanta this week, as many of you know now, as well as Byron Donalds again with a congress cognac and conversation in the heart of Atlanta. He didn’t care what they said about him going into Philadelphia because African American young people want to hear from these legislative officials, whether it’s Byron Donalds and or candidate Trump to find out what are their ideas? What is it that they’re selling this election season is very clear that they are not buying what the left has had anymore. It is very clear that the Democrats need to try to regain momentum with the black community. But it’s also very clear that they have lost that voting bloc because that voting bloc is not now looking at the African part of American. They’re looking at American and that progressive playbook has been exposed. That that is the party of big government and secularism statism and it’s just not selling anymore in black communities. November is going to be very interesting.


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