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senate confederate statues capitol

Tuesday evening, the House of Representatives voted to remove Confederate statues from the U.S. Capitol. The bill had bipartisan support, passing with a vote of 285 – 120. It will now move over to the Senate. Under the terms of the bill, a bust of Roger B. Taney, the former Supreme Court Justice who wrote the…

State Rep. Justin Heap of Mesa, Arizona won the Republican primary for Maricopa County recorder. He unseated incumbent election officials.

In a 6-3 ruling, Supreme Court reversed lower court rulings on challenges to two voting restrictions in Arizona Thursday. One rejects ballots cast in the wrong precinct. The other limits who can deliver ballots on someone else’s behalf to family, caregivers, mail carriers and elections officials. An appellate court struck down the restrictions as racially…

Cosby capitol riot trump

Gwen’s picks for Wednesday, June 30 include: Bill Cosby’s release from prison after the Pennsylvania Supreme Court overturned his sexual assault conviction The House of Representatives voting to form a Select Committee to investigate the Jan. 6 Capitol riots President Trump visiting the U.S.-Mexico border A deadline for phone carriers to implement technology that blocks robocalls…

The decision to make Bill Cosby a free man is being appealed.

Update (11/29/21): Nearly five months after Bill Cosby became a free man, prosecutors filed a petition with the U.S. Supreme Court Monday appealing the Pennsylvania Supreme Court’s decision to overturn his conviction. Back in June, the court ruled a previous agreement with a previous prosecutor prevented Cosby from being charged. The only written evidence of such…

Last day Supreme Court

Thursday is the last day for the current Supreme Court session, and we could see several major rulings handed down before the end of the day. Perhaps the biggest surrounds two Arizona voting restrictions. One rejects ballots cast in the wrong precinct. The other limits who can deliver ballots on someone else’s behalf to family,…

Supreme Court bathroom ban

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court on Monday rejected a Virginia school board’s appeal to reinstate its transgender bathroom ban. Over two dissenting votes, the justices left in place lower court rulings that found the policy unconstitutional. The case involved former high school student Gavin Grimm, who filed a federal lawsuit after he was told…

Supreme Court limits officers

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court on Wednesday put limits on when police officers pursuing a fleeing suspect can enter a home without a warrant. The high court ruled that when officers are pursuing someone suspected of a misdemeanor, a less serious crime, they cannot always enter a home without a warrant if a suspect…

Supreme Court school cheerleader

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court ruled Wednesday that a Pennsylvania public school wrongly suspended a cheerleader over a vulgar social media post she made after she didn’t qualify for the varsity team. The court voted 8-1 in favor of Brandi Levy, who was a 14-year-old high school freshman when she expressed her disappointment over not…

gop voting rights filibuster

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Democrats’ sweeping attempt to rewrite U.S. election and voting law stalled in the Senate Tuesday, blocked by a wall of Republican opposition to what would have been the largest overhaul of the electoral system in a generation. The bill, known as the For the People Act, would touch on virtually every…

Supreme Court athletes compensation

WASHINGTON (AP) — In a ruling that could help push changes in college athletics, the Supreme Court on Monday unanimously sided with a group of former college athletes in a dispute with the NCAA over rules limiting certain compensation. The high court ruled that NCAA limits on the education-related benefits that colleges can offer athletes…

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