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In 2012, Obama swept the Latino vote with a shrewd strategy. In 2024, that plan isn't working for Biden in his bid for reelection.

Why Democrats’ immigration playbook not working with Latino voters

In June 2012, as President Barack Obama campaigned for reelection, he ordered immigration enforcement agents to defer action against those who had arrived in the United States as children. This executive action, known as DACA, offered a path to work permits for hundreds of thousands of undocumented immigrants. That November, Obama cruised to reelection, beating…

Louisiana has become the first state to require the Ten Commandments be displayed in schools, causing pushback from civil rights groups. The Morning Rundown™

Louisiana law requires public classrooms to display Ten Commandments

Louisiana becomes the first state to require the Ten Commandments be displayed in public classrooms. And the prehistoric landmark Stonehenge was defaced by climate activists. These stories and more highlight The Morning Rundown for Thursday, June 20, 2024. Louisiana law requires public classrooms to display Ten Commandments Louisiana’s governor has signed a law that makes the state…

If Trump wins in November, he will have a mountain of work ahead to resolve the many security risks poised by waves of immigrants.

On immigration, Trump will have a mountain to climb

President Biden, responding to a recent uptick in “the entry of certain noncitizens at the southern border,” has restricted asylum eligibility and increased the consequences for individuals caught illegally crossing the border. Those measures prompted liberal advocacy groups like the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) to file lawsuits against the Biden administration. Biden’s stricter immigration…

President Joe Biden takes executive action to protect undocumented spouses of U.S. citizens. The Morning Rundown™

Biden administration announces protection for undocumented spouses of US citizens

President Joe Biden takes executive action to protect hundreds of thousands of undocumented spouses of U.S. citizens. And from wildfires to tropical storms to extreme heat, much of the country is under alert for severe weather. These stories and more highlight The Morning Rundown for Tuesday, June 18, 2024. Biden administration announces protection for undocumented spouses of U.S. citizens…

Biden administration faces a lawsuit from the ACLU and immigrant groups after closing U.S. southern border, restricting asylum claims.

ACLU sues Biden administration over new asylum rule

The Biden administration is facing its first lawsuit over President Joe Biden’s recent order temporarily shutting down the U.S.’ southern border. The lawsuit, filed by the American Civil Liberties Union on behalf of a coalition of immigrant advocacy groups, is the first big challenge to the executive order put in place just over a week ago.  The restrictions bar…

Attorney General Merrick Garland says House has "turned a serious congressional authority into a partisan weapon" after contempt vote. The Morning Rundown™

Attorney General Merrick Garland held in contempt of Congress

The head of the Department of Justice, Attorney General Merrick Garland, held in contempt of Congress. And “life-threatening” flooding in south Florida as more torrential rain is expected Thursday. These stories and more highlight The Morning Rundown for Thursday, June 13, 2024. Attorney General Merrick Garland held in contempt of Congress In an effort led…

U.S. police are increasingly using drones, enhancing efficiency and safety despite concerns about potential surveillance overreach.

US police use drones as first responders boosting safety, efficiency

Across the United States, police departments are increasingly turning to drones as their first response when someone calls 911. More than 1,500 departments are now equipped with unmanned aerial vehicles that function in real time with call-center operators and police units on the ground. In 2018, Chula Vista, California, became the first city to use…

President Joe Biden arrived in France to commemorate D-Day as his executive action on the southern border came into effect. The Morning Rundown™

Biden arrives in France as executive order on US border takes effect

President Joe Biden arrived in France to commemorate D-Day as his executive action on the southern border takes effect. And one major league player is banned for life after betting on baseball games. These stories and more highlight The Morning Rundown for Wednesday, June 5.  President Biden in France as U.S. border restrictions take effect President…

Louisiana law creates 25-foot buffer space between police, citizens

Louisiana Gov. Jeff Landry signed legislation that makes it a crime to knowingly approach within 25 feet of a police officer. An individual cannot approach an officer when they are “engaged in law enforcement duties” and the officer has ordered the person to stay back. Buffer zone or First Amendment infringement? Proponents of the new…

Two Native American tribes have filed a lawsuit against Big Tech. The Lawsuit alleges that Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok, Google and YouTube contributed to a rise in Native American teens suicide rates.

Native nations take on Big Tech in name of teen mental health

Two U.S. tribal nations are taking on Big Tech. The Spirit Lake Tribe in Los Angeles and Menominee Tribe in Wisconsin filed a lawsuit against Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat, Google and YouTube. The plaintiffs claim that these platforms are preying on their youth, contributing to high suicide rates among Native American teens. The tribes said…

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