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Scientists discovered a marine fungus, Parengydontium album, that breaks down plastic, offering hope in the battle against plastic pollution.

Scientists discover plastic-eating fungus in ocean environments

A newly discovered marine fungus offers a glimmer of hope in the battle against plastic waste, which exceeds 880 billion pounds annually, much of which ends up in oceans and threatens marine ecosystems. As plastic production is expected to triple by 2060, the race to discover organisms that can break down plastic becomes increasingly critical.…

A new study has revealed that 56 lead brands are responsible for more than 50% of plastic pollution globally.

Study: 56 of leading brands responsible for more than 50% of plastic pollution

A new study revealed on Thursday, April 24, that 56 of leading brands are responsible for more than 50% of the plastic pollution plaguing the Earth. The study showed the Coca-Cola Company is the leading offender. Around 400 million tons of plastic waste are generated annually, with most of it ending up in landfills and…

Coca-Cola Company was accountable for 11% of branded waste, with PepsiCo following at 5%, Nestlé at 3%, Danone at 3%, and Altria/Philip Morris International at 2%.

Survey finds that 60 firms are responsible for half of world’s plastic pollution

Fewer than 60 multinationals are responsible for more than half of the world’s plastic pollution, with five responsible for a quarter of that, based on the findings of a piece of research published on Wednesday.

"Wet wipes containing plastic will be banned from being sold in the UK, with legislations expected to be announced by Environment Secretary Steve Barclay today."

Government set to ban wet wipes containing plastic to fight water pollution

Wet wipes containing plastic will be banned from being sold in the UK, with legislation expected to be announced by Environment Secretary Steve Barclay today.

With the world generating more than 2 billion tons of trash every year, researchers have been working on ways to convert waste into energy.

Waste-to-energy tech burns trash for power, raises environmental concerns

With the planet generating more than 2 billion tons of trash every year, a significant portion of it ends up in landfills or open dumpsites that create environmentally harmful methane gas as they decompose. The emissions generated in this process are comparable to those of the coal mining industry, pollution from which at least is…

Coca-Cola Company was accountable for 11% of branded waste, with PepsiCo following at 5%, Nestlé at 3%, Danone at 3%, and Altria/Philip Morris International at 2%.

Loopholes in some plastic bag bans increase plastic waste

Do plastic bag bans work? A new report found that some people living in a city or state with a single-use plastic bag ban may still carry their groceries back from the store in plastic. Environment America recently published a paper titled “Plastic Bag Bans Work.” The paper outlines the impacts of the bans throughout…

Plastic pollution: Key step toward landmark treaty to end plastic waste

A United Nations committee is meeting Monday in Paris to work on what is intended to be a landmark treaty to bring an end to global plastic pollution, but there is little agreement yet on what the outcome should be. The Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee for Plastics is charged with developing the first international, legally binding treaty on plastic pollution, including in the marine environment. This is the second of five meetings due to take place to complete the negotiations by the end of 2024.

Researchers find microplastics in Antarctica snow

Researchers find microplastics in Antarctica snow

Not even the most remote part of our planet has been able to escape the latest pollution problem — microplastics. Researchers recently found the tiny plastic particles in fresh snow in Antarctica for the first time. Researchers from the University of Canterbury in New Zealand gathered snow samples from nearly 20 sites on the frozen…

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