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Craig Nigrelli


Craig Nigrelli is an anchor and reporter for Straight Arrow News.

His broadcasting career spans nearly 35 years. He comes to SAN after anchoring in markets such as Omaha (for more than a decade), Kansas City, Albuquerque, Buffalo, Sarasota and Wichita.

Craig also reported in Minneapolis where, in 2004, he flew with the Minnesota National Guard to Ramstein Air Base in Germany as American medics treated the wounded from the war in Iraq.

As a reporter, Craig got his start in his native Buffalo, New York, in the early 1990’s where he covered stories of national interest such as the crash of TWA Flight 800 into the Atlantic Ocean and the discovery that Oklahoma City bombing suspect Timothy McVeigh grew up in western New York.

Craig also became a top political reporter for the stations where he worked. He co-moderated debates for  the New Mexico governor, Congress in Minnesota, as well as for U.S. Senate and the pivotal congressional seat in District 2 in Nebraska.

In his spare time, Craig and his wife Carol enjoy being part of the Omaha community. Craig is an avid recreational ice hockey player, who also keeps fit at the gym regularly and walks the trails in West Omaha. Carol is an accomplished cellist who plays at catholic mass, weddings, funerals and other events.