Rear Admiral James Gilmour, Commander Joint Forces New Zealand: “The airfield is being opened today. There was a mammoth effort by His Majesty’s Armed Forces to clear that runway by hand. And they’ve achieved that this afternoon. And our first C-130 arrived shortly after four o’clock this afternoon with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs provided release clause, and that is now being unloaded as we speak. No contact, COVID protocols are being adhered to rigorously, and that aircraft will return to New Zealand tonight and standby for further tasking, which could be as early as Saturday for a next flight.
“Coming up in the next 48 hours, HMNZS Wellington that departs. She departed on Tuesday morning. I’m expecting her to arrive in the next two hours and commence a survey of Nuku’alofa Harbour and the preparation that she will be taking will allow HMNZS Aotearoa to arrive tomorrow and for a no-contact process alongside the port, start discharging up to 250,000 litres of fresh water and other humanitarian and disaster stores.”
“Well, I can imagine that there’s going to be some challenges right from the beginning with regards to ongoing food security, and we do know that various areas in Tongatapu, particularly towards the northwest, have been damaged and structures have been damaged so shelter and and those kind of things are going to be important.”