Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Florida: “Every time. Every time there’s a hearing in this case that does not result in freedom for Britney Spears and dissolution of this guardianship, it is a black eye on the American justice system. There were grifters in this process that tried to act like they spoke for Britney, that they knew what she wanted. Well, now the whole world knows what Britney Spears wants, and it is the freedom and the liberty that should be offered to every single American. Free Britney! She has been abused by the media. She’s been abused by a grifter father and she has been abused by the American justice system. And so we need to come together and to create a federal cause of action, a federal change in the law that will free Britney and the millions of Americans who are impacted by a corrupt guardianship system that empowers people to take advantage of the weak. That is what we stand for and that should unite all Americans. There’s a lot that still divides us, but one thing we can all agree on is that Jamie Spears is a dick. He shouldn’t make any more decisions regarding his daughter. She is nearly 40 years old. She should make her own decisions. But you know what? This case should open our eyes to the broader abuse that occurs in this system to the millions of Americans impacted. And if we come together, then we think that Britney’s final act could be one of graciousness, could be one of joy, and could be one that could help liberate many other Americans. Thank you to the organizers. Thank you to all of you who lent your voice to this. Britney has a chance because we all love her and care about her.”
Reporter: “You introduced Matt Gaetz.”
Jacob Sandt, Britney Spears activist: “Yes, I did introduce Matt Gaetz, yes.”
Reporter: “What was that like?”
Jacob Sandt, Britney Spears activist: “It was interesting. You know, this is a bipartisan issue. I’m not exactly familiar with Matt Gaetz’s background. And, you know, we are here. This is an open platform for anyone to speak about Britney Spears and her conservatorship. And we’re here for Britney, not for Matt Gaetz. We are here for Britney Spears. And, you know, anything to help. He is from Congress. He did write a letter. Those are the facts. Those are the facts, I don’t really have an opinion on that.”
Konstantine Anthony, Burbank Councilmember, D-California: “Matt Gaetz was here. You know, I’d say there’s a lot of conservatorship abuse in the state of Florida. So, you know, if he wants to take care of that stuff over there, we’ll take care of California. We’re making changes.”