Kim Potter, Defendant: “I am so sorry that I caused the death of your son, father, brother, uncle, grandson, nephew and the rest of your family. (Unintelligible) Katie, I understand mother’s love and I am sorry I broke your heart. My heart is broken for all of you.”
Regina Chu, Hennepin County District Judge: “It is the sentence and judgment of this court that you shall be committed to the custody of the Commissioner of Corrections for a period of 24 months. You shall serve two thirds of that time or 16 months in prison and a third on supervised release, assuming no disciplinary offenses or conditional release violations.”
Katie Wright, Mother of Daunte Wright: “Kim Potter murdered my son and he died April 11, 2021. Today the justice system murdered him all over again. To sit there and watch pouring my heart out in my victim impact statement that took so long to write that I rewrote it over and over again, to not get a response out of the judge at all. But then when it came down to convicting, or to sentencing Kim Potter, she broke out in tears.”
Ben Crump, Wright family attorney: “You know people in our community have gotten sentenced to greater time for selling marijuana than she got for killing our cousin. Let that sink in. There are Black people in prison serving greater time for selling marijuana, which is legal in most states, than this police officer got for killing this young Black man.”
Arbuey Wright, Father of Daunte Wright: “My son’s life was tooken. And that it seems to be that nobody even cared enough, you know it was like, uh, they were so tied up into her feelings and what’s going on with her that they forgot about my son being killed. A life was tooken.”