Timothy Walmsley, Superior Court Judge: “The first of which, this court has found that there appears to be intentional discrimination in the panel. Well, that’s that prima facie case. And I guess before I get into this, one of the challenges that I think counsel recognize in this case is the racial overtones in the case. And those can’t, at least here without the jury present, based on the questioning, we have not been able to escape those discussions with the panel. And they’ve just come up in a lot of different contexts. So, you know, this is sort of a continuation of a conversation that I think will continue for a long time with respect to this case and maybe many others. And so we start getting into this question about race. And again, quite a few African-American jurors were excused through preemptory strikes exercised by the defense. But that doesn’t mean that the court has the authority to reseat simply again, because there’s this prima facie case, because we see it sort of one of those.. It’s not one of those ‘we see it, therefore it is. There’s now additional steps the court needs to engage in.”
Thea Brooks, Ahmaud Arbery’s aunt: “I wasn’t surprised. That’s just some of what we’ve already been facing in this case. Just another of the injustices that we see here in Glynn County. Not just with this case, but with many. So it’s just another part of what we face every day.”
Thomas Binger, Prosecutor, questioning Koerri Washington, who had been livestreaming unrest: “It’s hard to catch of the very second, but at any rate, Mr. Washington, we now know. Perfect. Excellent. We now know that that is the defendant, Kyle Rittenhouse, running through the screen carrying a fire extinguisher. You would agree with me on that. Correct?”
Washington: “Yes.”
Binger “OK.”
Koerri Washington, witness who had been livestreaming unrest: “I don’t know. He just kind of young to me. And he had these gloves on and he was smoking cigarettes and stuff. So I was, I don’t know. I kind of was, kind of seemed like an interesting figure. So I just took a mental note of that. It wasn’t anything I want to say malicious. I just, you know, a young person in a situation. Honestly, I would say it was mainly the gloves. I didn’t know why he had the gloves on. It kind of stood out.”
Corey Chirafisi, Rittenhouse’s attorney questioning Koerri Washington, who had been livestreaming unrest: “Do you recognize that person right there?”
Washington: “That’s the defendant, correct?”
Chirafisi “Yes, that’s Mr. Rittenhouse, agreed?”
Thomas Binger: “Yes”
Chirafisi: “Does he, during this time that you saw him, does he appear to be aggitated or irritated to you?”
Washington: “Right there it looks like he’s just kind of standing looking around.”
Chirafisi: “OK.”
Chirafisi: “Would you describe Rosenbaum as erratic, and if this is fair and Rittenhouse as chain smoking, yes?
Washington: “I suppose you could say, nervous, I guess, would be a fairer way to say it. He seemed nervous in the situation.”
Martin Howard, Kenosha Detective: “The first shooting takes place at the 63rd Street and Sheridan Road Car Source on the south end of our map here. That is where Mr. Rittenhouse shoots four times at Mr. Rosenbaum.
Thomas Binger, prosecutor, questioning Martin Howard, Kenosha Detective: “In this this video, we see center left Joseph Rosenbaum.”
Howard: “Yes.”
Binger “And in his right hand is a plastic bag. Is that correct?”
Howard “Yes.”
Binger: “And again, Detective Howard, does that show the plastic bag that Mr. Rosenbaum was carrying around on the evening of August 25th, 2020?”
Howard: “That’s what it appears to be, yes.”
Binger: “All right.”
Binger: “At any point in any of those videos, is there any indication that Mr. Rosenbaum had any weapon of any kind?”
Howard: “No.”
Binger: “No gun?”
Howard: “I can only see a plastic bag that he’s carrying.”
Binger: “So no gun?
Howard: “No”
Binger: “No knife.”
Howard: “No.”
Binger: “No bat?”
Howard: “No.”
Binger: “No club?”
Howard: “No.”