Hello again. I’m Dr Frank I Luntz, and welcome to the latest edition of America speaks right here on straight arrow news today, the focus is the President Elect Donald J Trump. So let’s get right to it. We got 15 individuals from 14 different states. Give me a complete sentence to describe Donald J Trump, Renee, I’m going to start with you. I think that I hope that he does better this time, and I hope that he’s not the complete idiot he was before. Well, that’s an interesting way to get this whole conversation started. Uh, Teresa, you’re up. Greetings from the great state of New Hampshire. Donald Trump has America’s heart and people at first. Lipa, you’re up next. Make America agreed again. Max from Arizona, a sense to describe Donald J Trump,
a very savvy businessman who can convince people of anything, even buying a signed copy of the Bible with his name on it, Jeff, your turn, I would agree with that. Be the business. Be the great businessman that you are, and help our economy flourish like you did your first term. Harold from Colorado, um, I think he’s just the the American people first, and that’s his priority, is to make the country great again. Braden from Ohio, feel like I’m entering Season Two of my least favorite reality TV show. It’s pretty interesting response itself. Obi from neighboring Indiana, criminal, a liar, self loathing, guy that just doesn’t seem to go away. So that’s how I feel about Trump. Rita, I saw you react. From Florida, sends to describe Donald Trump. He was an amazing president, an amazing business man, and he will absolutely make this country great again. Anthony from Virginia, 75% of his first term was excellent, and he’s going to be better this time. Thomas from South Carolina, I believe he has the American people and America itself as his number one interest. So I believe he’s going to make sure it. It succeeds. Alicia from Nevada, he’s amazing, but he’s like the Energizer Bunny. He just does not stop. Amber from Georgia, I say he has nerves of steel. He will not lose. He hates to lose, and he has the Americans best interest at heart. Go Trump, red wave. Lucas from Massachusetts, I think he took too much money from Elon, and it’s going to cause him problems.
I gotta ask a question, is Elon an asset or a liability to the Trump administration. Anybody here?
Liability, liability? Okay, let’s do it this way. Let’s do it this way. Raise your hands if you think that Elon is an asset. Raise your hands if you think Leon is a liability. So just like the presidential race, you guys are split evenly. Can three of you tell me why Elon is an asset. Any three of you, he’s the smartest, richest man in the country, in the world. Come on, Thomas, yeah. I mean, when he, when he bought Twitter now. X, you know, he showed how media is one sided of free speech. He, he he allowed all this to happen, allowed all this news that was kind of being deflected or held back from the American people, and now he’s had a platform to allow us all to be able to express ourselves, but also allow us to get, I would say, the most accurate information, but there’s more information out there, Anthony, why is he an asset? Well, he believes in freedom, and really, you know, the First Amendment, like it really is the heart of the Constitution. It really is.
And you know, he was not, he was not always like in favor of anything that the Republicans did, but he came to see, he came to the light that that, um, that the left is, doesn’t believe in freedom, so, um, definitely announce it. Felipe, why is he an asset? I’m going to piggyback, what, what Thomas had, had mentioned, how he, you know, brought to Twitter, and he actually opened up the floodgates on, on, you know, freedom of speech. And now he’s, he’s, you know, contemplating on buying MSNBC, which is, is actually, you know, controlled by by certain interests. So I think that’s, that’s actually, you know, a help to the Trump administration. Anyone else want to tell me why Elon Musk is an asset to the Trump administration? He’s an innovative, out of the box thinker. Tesla. Hello, everybody wants a Tesla. He wants to ride on a rocket at his face. So, well, I mean, he.
Going to bring home those two stranded astronauts that nobody else could figure out how to get a home. I think that’s a huge asset to this administration. We need a thinker. We need a more we need more businessmen. Elon’s a businessman. Straight up, America needs to be innovative, and I think he’s the one that can like spark that imagine it imagination in a lot of us. I think he’s sparking that hope in a lot of young people too, and I think we need that to be driven forward. Okay, let’s have three of you tell me why he’s a liability, or why he shouldn’t be as involved. Braden, you’re a first and then Obi I understand where you guys are coming from from like, a Republican standpoint, it’s not even that I disagree necessarily, but I think that for all the talk we’ve had about how divisive our country has been, that in that regard, Elon is not going to come around and try to bring people together. I think that if you look at his actions leading up to the election, it’s not been anything about bringing the American people together. It’s been rallying behind Trump and this big red wave, which, again, if you’re a Republican, that’s great, but I don’t think that that’s an asset necessarily. Going forward, if you’re trying to bring people together, I’ll be you’re up. I mean, Elon Musk considers himself Tony Stark. I mean, that’s what he priced himself on, but he’s more of a Lex Luthor, but just a lot of freaking money, and all he does is, he speaks his mind of a lot of things, but when you got a guy like this, that could be off the rails, you know, obviously, we know that he smokes narcotics and all that, like, I just feel like he could be a potential liability for Trump. You know, just as an outsider, I’m not saying I support, you know, Trump, but I’m just saying as from an outsider perspective, when you got a guy like Elon Musk that could just do a lot of things that may not be favorable for Trump, that could be a liability,
there have been a lot of appointments made since Election Day. Almost the entire cabinet is now filled, many of the government agencies, some of the ambassadors. As you look at these appointments, how would you characterize them, and are you favorable to them? Neutral or hostile to them? Felipe, I’m going to start with you. I’m very favorable to all of the appointments made. There’s there’s new, new faces that haven’t been involved in the current administration or previous administrations that need to come to this, this new administration, and create a change. Amber, you’re up. Yeah, I actually really am thrilled with it. I love Pam Bondi. I don’t I did not like Matt Gaetz, and I’m glad he’s gone. I don’t trust him. I never have and I’m a Republican, voted for Trump, but I love Pam Bondi, out of Florida. I think she’s going to be Hardline. I don’t think she’s going to weaponize the DOJ against average citizens. I don’t think she’s going to come after us, his average everyday American. She’s not going to weaponize the IRS, and I’m thrilled with his Cabinet picks. Absolutely love Tom, who’s the full name? Yep, love him. Thrilled. Go Trump. Max. You feel that positive? No, I would say more like disappointed, like maybe a little bit afraid, I guess, because it seems like the choices were picked based on how loyal they were to Trump and not their actual qualifications for the position. So it like, if you like Trump, I guess that makes sense to like, Oh, you like the people that are all loyal to Trump. But if I’m not, I see all these people that are only loyal to one person and not the American people as a whole. Oh, how do you feel about Trump’s appointments?
Scared and like, worried about some of his appointment picks that he has, especially with RFK, just you got a guy that’s a loose cannon, and I don’t know what he’s going to do to our health system. So it’s like, if that’s who he’s picking, these are the kind of people he has on this list. I’m I’m more afraid than most people are. Carol, are you afraid? No, I I’m very happy with them. I think that they’re all very qualified people that have done, you know, great jobs in the past to prove that they are qualified for the positions they filled. And I also trust Trump and his judgment in a lot of these calls, because I think he realizes where he made a lot of mistakes in the first administration. So I do have a lot of confidence in Trump’s opinion and gut feelings as well. This time, let me go with Renee, you’re up. I just don’t understand how people could say they trust his judgment when even the Republicans say, How could he put Matt Goetz out was a pedophile. If you show me your company, show me who you’re like. So running from
any worries about everybody, and none of those stories
for him. Why is he even in the conversation? So he should
I would have never been in the conversation. So how could you trust any judge?
Went after that, show me. Show me him, that that just blew it out the water. How could you even have anybody in that category, in the running for anything? Where did he come from? So there’s any, there’s many more excuses that Republicans could say. But why him? But that was never come from? Why did Congress? Why did Congress? Had it from it all? Well, the
accusation the report was never made, because you can
read the report right now, read the report. Why was he even in for consideration? I don’t understand that no one can make excuses for that. Oh, he was still running anymore. He was still in Congress because Republicans were defending him. Democrats were playing on their life for Matt gates, it was all Republicans
trying to report. This report was still there for the Democrats. Tell me about the Democrats, telling me about the President that you say is for the people, and he’s not even safe around your 15 year old or 14 year old. Oh, give me a break around. I don’t think anyone’s trying to justify I don’t think anyone trying to justify that. Matt gates, one back, stand up guy, one bad pick doesn’t obliterate every good choice. Was it a bad pick. That was a disturbing pick. Yeah, so is, so is Joe Biden, who sniffed little girl Exactly, yeah,
there against his own daughter.
We could just start saying things now.
Okay, Donald Trump,
it’s just a double standard,
because it’s wrong. They picked Linda McMahon for the Board of Education instead of like a teacher or like a professor, or like anyone on the board of schools, or like anything. They picked Linda McMahon like wrestling life instead of like a teacher or a professor doing anything actually for the American people. I mean, they have no concern about the actual education system, other than getting religion and banning books and doing all this other crap and bringing into our education system. They don’t care about the actual American people growing up. Wrong. No. What happened? What happened? Over the last four years,
Democrats were able to control qualified people that Biden put up, including the dude in a dress that was stealing women’s suitcase. Yeah, yeah. We have a we have a teacher. We have a teacher. I hear all these voices opposition. When you mention him, something must have been wrong.
I think Matt Gates was a bad pick. I’ll just say that we’ve moved past Matt gates. Yeah,
of course we have to move past
show. Yeah, clearly, everything was great. We’re all having a civil conversation. Yeah, you agreed to disagree. You mentioned Matt gates, it’s a sore below the doors off the home. Exactly. You all interrupt each other. You are rude to each other. You use really bad language with each other. Why is it that that was the moment when this group came apart? Please explain that to the American people
hit a sore spot. No, I that’s their only, that was their only rock that they found a key under. And they’re like, Matt gates, he’s a pedophile. And it was like, okay, he made a bad he’d even pick him honestly. He was just in a running or he was a contender for the AG, that’s all he was. Oh, only a contender for bat. That’s not too much. Let’s go back to the original question.
That’s my guy. He didn’t say that. Let’s go back to the original question that Frank asked, Does everybody agree or disagree with Trump’s appointments, right and and we disagreed on one particular appointee. That’s no longer part of the process, right? But we’re using that one appointee to justify the comments that all of this appointees are bad choices. Come on, guys, you anybody said that they were bad choices? I I specifically said, if he chose someone like that, how could I trust his other choices? That’s all I said. You guys ran with it like you needed a band aid. Well, I just said exactly that one bad apple doesn’t ruin the bunch, exactly. But
okay, cool, so the immigrants are good, because one bad apple doesn’t ruin the
bunch. I understand multiple
reports of bad apples in that bunch. I agree. I agree with that. My family are immigrants. They’re from Mexico and.
I agree with that, but illegal immigrants and legal immigrants, my family came here legally. Came here legally. They were never illegal. They were never astray on the government. They struggled. They did not have a perfect life. I grew up with a single mom. I grew up poor. I was not I had nothing. Alright? We had we lost our electricity, our gas, our water. I’m just saying immigration is not a problem. Illegal immigration is a problem. So we’re okay with the immigrants in Springfield, Ohio that came here legally. We’re okay with legal ones. Quick question, so like, do you think that, like the solution to immigration is making it easier for legal immigration, or making it harder for legal immigration? Because if you make it harder for people to come here legally. They’re just going to come here illegally, right? So in a sense, you kind of have to make it easier for them, or, like, open the borders, so to speak, not open the borders. No how you get here legally. I
have said that. You said that for the remainder of this group, I promise you, Reese and Carol, you had your hands up. What do you want to articulate to this group? Either I totally support all of President Trump’s nominees. Where was the outrage four years ago when Biden put up unqualified people and Congress still allowed them to be appointed, we could go down the list of unqualified people under Biden, but I will not road such as the guy that got arrested for stealing woman’s luggage. He was in charge of, then the nuclear department, Pete Bucha. Bucha. He was such a prize, um, and oh, that Vice President, the borders are, yep. Can I get half of you to tell me who you think is your best, the best pick that Trump has made so far for his cabinet, and the worst pick Trump has made so far? Can I get six volunteers? Seven volunteers, Carol, who’s best and who’s worst? And then I’m going to go to Felipe after that, Carol, you’re up best. I would say Tom Holman for the border because, because he’s experienced to get the job done and knows how to get it going day one. And worst pick, I don’t know worst one. I’m not sure I’d
gage just because he’s been so controversial. Believe best pick and worst pick and tell us why. I’m going to have to agree with with Carol Tom Holman. He’s, I think he’s going to do the job that that needs to be done, as far as you know, ice is concerned. And and to regulate these, this illegal immigrants within our country, and worst pick. I’m gonna agree with her again. Matt Gatz, who’s no longer part of the conversation, Anthony, best pick and worst pick and work I like Tom Holman, like the other said, but I’m gonna say JD Vance, the Vice President, best because
he articulates sound policy very well, and he is presidential, so he may be the next president worse. Oh, definitely. Matt Gaetz. I don’t know why Matt Gaetz was chosen and, well, I can imagine, but it was not a good idea for the obvious reasons, that he was controversial, and that it came to be that he may be a criminal. Thomas, best pick and worst pick, best pick is going to be cash Patel. I think him taking over the FBI, being the director there will allow that criminal organization to be
cleaned up. And then the other one, the worst would be
Matthew Whitaker, the NATO. Hopefully we cut that spending. And unfortunately, that guy might get fired simply just because we don’t need to be in NATO any longer. Renee, best pick and worst pick. He doesn’t have a best pick and his worst pick, I think, was the vice president when he first stated about the women who were childless. Big mistake. Jeff, best pick and worst pick. And why? Best pick? JD Vance, worst pick, of course Matt gates, because I think that JD Vance is good at connecting with the common people of America. And as far as Matt gates is just the, you know, it boils down to loyalty with Trump, and that was a horrible pick and OB, best pick and worst pick. Uh, best pick, maybe Marco Rubio. I mean, at least he’s a career senator. At least I could trust some of his judgment on things. Source Book is probably Dr us, because, I mean, he’s going to run Medicare. I mean, is that the guy that you want running Medicare? So I would question that anyone else want to go? I want to give anyone else the opportunity best.
The worst Going once, going to Rita, you’re up. I think best pick was vivid Coronavirus. Swami. I think he is a really good, up and coming, possible presidential candidate. He’s done so much for his own state, and I think he’ll do well for this country. First pick, obviously, it’s my page, for obvious reasons. I already said, can I just say one other thing I really like is pick for labor secretary, because I think she’s going to do a great job of working across the aisle with labor unions like them or not, they’re here, and we got to be able to work with them. Anyone else want to go? I think that,
go ahead. Oh, I see them. I just think, I think it’s fantastic he’s going to be president one day. Okay, Theresa, do you want to do best and worst? Okay, best again. Tom Tom Holman on the immigration border of border security. And definitely the worst pick was Matt gags. And thank goodness he’s not going to be anywhere near the White House.
I’ve got a question for the people who voted Republican. Do you want Congress to act independently, or do you want Congress to back Trump’s agenda? Who would say only for those who voted Republican, who would say that you want Congress to be independent of the White House? Raise your hands. Three of you. Now, Trump’s obviously Republican, but Jeff, Thomas and Kimberly, why do you want Congress to be independent of Donald Trump? Jeff, you start. Yeah. For me, it goes back to the belief about checks and balances. I think if all branches of government are on the same page, then, you know, it kind of cancels out the checks and balances and does goes against the good of the country. And not just what the the executive branch want wants, but what, what is Trump’s what is Trump’s policies are good ones. Jeff, I think some of them will be, but I think if you go against him at all. He’s gonna do everything in his power to humiliate you. I mean, I voted for Trump, but I have to agree a little bit with that. I think he already has been. I forget the guys. Thanks, Chip Roy. Chip Roy in Texas, and he’s already all over him. Roy didn’t vote for the CR so now he’s all over chip Roy, calling him, Oh, you’re gonna get primary. You’re gonna get voted at. You know, go against chip Roy already. It’s like, wait, wait, what? Like he’s he’s standing up for the people chip. Roy is an, you know, more of an average guy than most of the members are that are in there. So I tend to, I mean, I would agree that I want them to back the Trump agenda, but I agree with you what you said, Jeff, is that I don’t want Trump just running off and and humiliating them, either if they, if they give them, you know, take a stand on something. Yeah, it’s like our governor, Matt Kemp, went against them when he wouldn’t do the recount. And now he’s kind of, now Trump’s back on his good graces now and saying, Oh, he’s a okay governor, yeah, when really, he wouldn’t show his flexibility. Wouldn’t that show his flexibility same way with JD vamps also showed his flexibility, where he previously had a different opinion about Trump, and then now has a completely different opinion they based on getting to know that individual. I think, I don’t think he can do and I think that now voted as president, you gotta jump on his side, or, like she said, he’s just going to humiliate you. You don’t have
to jump on his side. You don’t have to jump on his side get humiliated. So you do not have to jump on his side. You have to get to know him. Yeah, it has to be flexibility on both sides, like even me as a Republican, I will. I raised my hand saying that Congress should act according to what’s best for the American people, not necessarily what Trump agrees to. I don’t think any of us agree that we all want higher prices. So when it comes to tariffs, you know, it’s a great thing. He said that, tariff, tariff, tariff, but when it really comes down to it, tariffs are going to hurt the people, and he’s going to realize that, and he’s not going to go full force with it. There’s going to be certain things. Yes, he’s going to put tariffs on, I mean, Joe Biden, just two weeks ago, put more tariffs on solar power and all this stuff that the tariffs are already in there. They’re just going to highlight it later and blame it on Trump. But at the same point, he’s going to see this, and he’s going to pull back on that agenda of tariffs, and that’s where, that’s where Congress is going to also have to be flexible and not give him everything he wants, because there’s going to be times where, hey, this doesn’t make sense. This is going to hurt the American people, and he’s going to sit down, he’s going to listen, and it’s all about reeling that message everyone’s got to go. We got 15 people here, Thomas, your response was smart as hell, whether it was way too long, everyone has gotten the chance to speak. Anyone else want to address this issue? I agree with Thomas in many points. I.
Um, my, my biggest concern is, I want to see things get done. So it’s like things are broken, right? So they have to be fixed. So I’d like to see more of Congress,
you know, agreeing with the reasonable policies of Trump. You know, yes, we want to have checks and balances, but things are broken. Let’s fix it. I think the American people have spoken quite loudly, and I think that Congress needs to to realize that. And he showed he can do it the first time, exactly. Well, I’m Jeremy. Chris spoke on november 5. Well, I’m a Democrat,
therefore they need to follow what we voted for. They need right, but what the American people voted for, but, but if I didn’t vote for him, but, but I am willing. We’re only asking Republicans here. Oh, okay, well, I wanted to work with the Republican if he’s going to just be somebody who’s worthwhile. I didn’t agree with him the first time, but I could always give somebody a second chance. I just want to see him do better and not tear down people, bring them together, because look at our prices the first time. Look at our prices the first time. And then he went out and look at what Joe Biden did to this country. So can we bring it back, the country, back to how it was when he voted an insurrection. So I don’t think there’s anything more that needs to be said, but you are entitled to your opinion. That’s what makes America great. So I’m looking for the opinion of Republican voters this time, but that’s okay. I’ll help Renee. So during COVID, Trump actually created the inflation that we’re currently having by printing money. And it didn’t help that Joe Biden continued the money printer, but that was 100%
on the Republicans. We We started that, and that we’re currently feeling that now, and that’s why we gotta get back to cutting spending. That’s right, we gotta. We have a spending problem. We don’t have an inflation problem. We have a spending problem. I agree. There’s, there’s just there’s, there is blame on each side. There is blame. But when you’re going to tell me there’s no blame on Trump’s or the insurrection and certain things, why are you doing this? I know. Okay, I know. You just keep on interrupting. Yeah. I so there are a couple other Republicans who are here. What do you and they got one more congressional question. Then we will move on to Trump, and then you can take them apart. Amber Alea Rita, what should the relationship between Trump and Congress be Well, Congress is a representative of the people, so they have to, they have to represent the people. So I agree somewhat with Thomas, and I also want Congress to back Trump. So I think there has to be a balance. You know, we can’t completely back everything Trump does and forget our duty to the people. I mean, we have the executive branch, legislative branch and the judicial branch, so we have the legislature to represent the people. However, we don’t get anything done when there’s grid law. So they gotta back Trump’s agenda. But when they come up against him, there has to be some some give and take. Trump has to listen two years one mouth. He has to listen to Congress more than he just blows them off and starts like he did with Chip Roy, just bagging on it. Alicia
Trump needs a he needs somebody in his ear at all times to tell him you need to be quiet. Really wholeheartedly believe that he’s a good person, but he needs to zip it sometimes. And he, he does, he needs. He and Congress need to work symbiotically together. And if they do that, then we’re going to get a lot done. And Rita, what should be the relationship between President Trump and the Republicans in Congress? I think that the Congress should absolutely back the president, but also question when there are some things that may not be, you know, very feasible, but I’m going to say one thing. You might not like what a president says, but I go by what a president does. Yes, he’s colorful. He says some things that make me cringe a little bit, but I do like the things that he did for our country agreed.
How could Donald Trump? What can he do to ensure that the next four years are better than 2017 to 2021 can I get six of you, to give me an idea, put your hands up. Carol from Colorado, we’re going to start with you. Just keep listening to the American people and keep us first. Does he listen to the American people? Yes, he does, and he just needs to continue. How do you know that he does? I mean, I see it just in my life.
In my in my life, I’ve never had a presidency affect it, and Trump is the first president that I saw an impact directly in my life with the economy. Lucas, you’re up. Gotta have something, no sovereign wealth fund. He needs to do a sovereign wealth fund. And it’s weird that JD and Vivek and all these investment bakers have never brought it up before. I don’t know why they’re not suggesting it. They want cut, cut, cut. They don’t want to pay for something doing the thing. They do believe they How can trump ensure that his next four years are better than the previous four years? Build that border wall? And why does that matter so much to you? Well, it’s gonna, it’s gonna prevent the immigrants crossing the border any way they can and have to go through the process legally. Amber, your answer to that question consistent, when that is cut, cut, cut. I’m sorry. Our government is too big. We spend way too much money. You have to have those employees. He’s been saying, I want them to come back to work. I want them to come back to the office. If they don’t want to come out to the office, get out. Can them? I think they need to cut they’ve said they’re going to cut the Department of Education. They need to get rid of it. Needs to go back to the states. The states know what they need. The States know what their communities need. Don’t blend the two. We have a federal government. We have a state government. I think he needs to watch his spending. He did not watch his spending the first time, and I think he needs to do so this time. Braden, what would you say that would most give us a better four years than the last four? I would say to not interfere with the Fed. Don’t try to impose his will upon our economy in that manner. He’s not supposed to be doing it, and I know he’s going to try. That’s my concern, Thomas, you’re nodding your head pretty strongly. No, you disagree with Braden. I do. I believe the Fed is one of the major reasons of inflation. They should never turn that money printer on. I have, I have concerns with the Fed. I just don’t think that a president that that that thing should be abolished. It should be get we should get rid of it. Jay Powell needs to be fired. I know he can’t do it. I know it’s Congress, but luckily, that red wave is coming, and I hope Congress really pulls the plug on him. Alicia, he needs to, yeah, he needs to follow through on what he read, everything he ran on, and just continue what he did the first time with his international relationships and and and help end the wars that were created under this last regime, yes, that will cut spending. No,
did not vote for Trump. Are quiet in this question. Obi, what would you say to the President? I mean, don’t start a nuclear war. Don’t pull out of NATO. You know, don’t fire people because he did that last time. You know, don’t tweet. You know, we don’t need Twitter feeds filled with his messages and stuff like, you know, we just don’t need a lot of that. Listen to people, especially people who are giving advice, especially some of his Republican colleagues, not bash them. You know, all those things could probably improve this time around, then the last time, Max you’re up, and then Jeff, I’m coming to you, one of the biggest things he can do is, like, not just blindly listen to everything that Elon says, because I believe that Elon is trying to serve his own personal businesses and grow his own wealth. So I think, like, not that much good is going to come out of the next four years, in my personal opinion, but I think it would be better for him to listen to the average everyday Americans, rather than, like the telephone version that Elon Musk is telling him, Jeff, and then Renee, I would say, just be a little more presidential. Don’t, don’t, you know, take the high road sometimes. Don’t always get involved in these little war of words with people that aren’t on your level. Be presidential and have some integrity. Renee and then Theresa. I just think, be a decent human being and have a conscience. I always believe in giving someone a second chance. But you know, sometimes he has to listen to the people around him and just not himself. Surround himself with a good, a good, decent staff that will, you know, challenge you and say, Hey, look at it from this side, not just his side, all the time. I believe that was his downfall. Try and listen to others sometimes, because it’s in any in any democratic or republican, sometimes we all just need to work together and listen to each other. Theresa, you’re up, um, I’d say, you know, to work with everybody. Um, maybe even look at Joe Manchin as part of a position in his cabinet. He’s been very fair as a I guess you would call him a blue dog Democrat,
or Kennedy Democrat. Work with the world leaders, um.
And do the big get a full account in of what’s going on in Ukraine with all the money that we have sent there, and make sure it’s all the information is released to the American public.
The final question for you all, what advice do you have for America so that they can have respectful, civil conversations that we have always promoted on this podcast. I’ll ask a few of you, because this is my issue, how do we disagree without being disagreeable? How do we be productive, and how do we instill a sense of respect and decency to conversations like this one Max, you’re up first. I don’t want to overstep, but I want to see if we can find something that we all agree on here, like politicians being able to buy stocks, for example, are being paid off by big corporations. Like I just want to see if that’s at least something that all of us agree on or like, because I believe that’s something Raise
your hands if you agree with Max. And there we go. That’s our first example of almost universal support. Felipe for America. I think everybody should just, you know, stop bickering and fighting and listen to one another. Everybody has good and valid points. Everybody doesn’t have the same
choices and decisions as everybody else, but we should just, you know, just because we’re, you know, on different side of the table, you know, we’re all part of that same bird. Let’s, let’s, let’s come together and hear each other out, not because we’re right and because we’re left. We have to disagree with each other. We need to stop that. You know that that line in the sand and really, really understand we’re here for the American people,
just to keep putting America’s first. You know, we are the priority. This is our country, and just allow us to, you know, be the priority. Obi, your advice for America, and we just need to get along. I mean, we all have differences. We all have different political affiliations. Mean, most people in this room, I don’t have the same political affiliations. But you know, if there’s like a hurricane, or if there’s like a some kind of natural disaster, you know, I would be the first person to donate and try to be in the front lines. Like, we have to kind of think of it in this matter that we’re all Americans, and we all live, probably down the block from each other, so we gotta have a helping hand, you know, not just say, alright, it’s red versus blue. Like, you know, a blue state gets more funding than red states. Like it shouldn’t be like that. It should just be like, you know, we’re Americans. We may not agree with each other on every issue, but we are still Americans, and we always have to kind of remember that first and foremost, Amber, your advice for America. Yeah, I just find myself nodding. You know, I’ve heard Renee speak and Brayden and Max and Obi. I mean, I’ve heard and Jeff Georgia that we just there’s so many things that they said, and I found myself going, yes, yes, yes. And so I think, like I said before, two ears, one mouth, listen more, talk less, Renee, I just love what she said. We listen more, talk less and try and understand not and don’t be the first to always judge. You know, just wait. I even want to. I honestly want to give Trump a chance. I honestly want better for the country. I want better for him. You know, that’s and Theresa, your advice from
be respectful of each other’s opinions and differences. Even Senator Federman from Pennsylvania is wishing the best for President Trump and willing to support his nominees for cabinet. I really want to thank you. I think this is a great way to close this discussion. Have you voted for Trump. Half of you didn’t. Most of you want him to succeed. All of you want America to succeed. And that’s part of the goal of these segments on America voices, America speaks, is to find a way to address controversial issues and people in a more respectful, civil way. So I want to thank you all on behalf of straight a news the home of America speaks, I’m Dr. Frank Luntz, thank you for watching, and we’ll be back soon.
‘A disturbing pick’: Americans debate Musk, Trump’s cabinet picks
By Straight Arrow News
Controversy has surrounded Donald Trump’s questionable selections for top cabinet positions in his upcoming second term, and around his close partnership with Elon Musk, a multibillionaire who spent at least $277 million to help Trump win reelection. Recent arguments between Musk and MAGA-affiliated U.S. Congress members, however, have revealed deep schisms within the Republican Party in the run-up to Trump’s inauguration.
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Watch the above 39-minute episode of American Speaks as pollster and political analyst Dr. Frank Luntz asks Americans to share their opinions of Trump, Musk, Trump’s cabinet selections and Trump’s relationship with Congress.
Hello again. I’m Dr Frank I Luntz, and welcome to the latest edition of America speaks right here on straight arrow news today, the focus is the President Elect Donald J Trump. So let’s get right to it. We got 15 individuals from 14 different states. Give me a complete sentence to describe Donald J Trump, Renee, I’m going to start with you. I think that I hope that he does better this time, and I hope that he’s not the complete idiot he was before. Well, that’s an interesting way to get this whole conversation started. Uh, Teresa, you’re up. Greetings from the great state of New Hampshire. Donald Trump has America’s heart and people at first. Lipa, you’re up next. Make America agreed again. Max from Arizona, a sense to describe Donald J Trump,
a very savvy businessman who can convince people of anything, even buying a signed copy of the Bible with his name on it, Jeff, your turn, I would agree with that. Be the business. Be the great businessman that you are, and help our economy flourish like you did your first term. Harold from Colorado, um, I think he’s just the the American people first, and that’s his priority, is to make the country great again. Braden from Ohio, feel like I’m entering Season Two of my least favorite reality TV show. It’s pretty interesting response itself. Obi from neighboring Indiana, criminal, a liar, self loathing, guy that just doesn’t seem to go away. So that’s how I feel about Trump. Rita, I saw you react. From Florida, sends to describe Donald Trump. He was an amazing president, an amazing business man, and he will absolutely make this country great again. Anthony from Virginia, 75% of his first term was excellent, and he’s going to be better this time. Thomas from South Carolina, I believe he has the American people and America itself as his number one interest. So I believe he’s going to make sure it. It succeeds. Alicia from Nevada, he’s amazing, but he’s like the Energizer Bunny. He just does not stop. Amber from Georgia, I say he has nerves of steel. He will not lose. He hates to lose, and he has the Americans best interest at heart. Go Trump, red wave. Lucas from Massachusetts, I think he took too much money from Elon, and it’s going to cause him problems.
I gotta ask a question, is Elon an asset or a liability to the Trump administration. Anybody here?
Liability, liability? Okay, let’s do it this way. Let’s do it this way. Raise your hands if you think that Elon is an asset. Raise your hands if you think Leon is a liability. So just like the presidential race, you guys are split evenly. Can three of you tell me why Elon is an asset. Any three of you, he’s the smartest, richest man in the country, in the world. Come on, Thomas, yeah. I mean, when he, when he bought Twitter now. X, you know, he showed how media is one sided of free speech. He, he he allowed all this to happen, allowed all this news that was kind of being deflected or held back from the American people, and now he’s had a platform to allow us all to be able to express ourselves, but also allow us to get, I would say, the most accurate information, but there’s more information out there, Anthony, why is he an asset? Well, he believes in freedom, and really, you know, the First Amendment, like it really is the heart of the Constitution. It really is.
And you know, he was not, he was not always like in favor of anything that the Republicans did, but he came to see, he came to the light that that, um, that the left is, doesn’t believe in freedom, so, um, definitely announce it. Felipe, why is he an asset? I’m going to piggyback, what, what Thomas had, had mentioned, how he, you know, brought to Twitter, and he actually opened up the floodgates on, on, you know, freedom of speech. And now he’s, he’s, you know, contemplating on buying MSNBC, which is, is actually, you know, controlled by by certain interests. So I think that’s, that’s actually, you know, a help to the Trump administration. Anyone else want to tell me why Elon Musk is an asset to the Trump administration? He’s an innovative, out of the box thinker. Tesla. Hello, everybody wants a Tesla. He wants to ride on a rocket at his face. So, well, I mean, he.
Going to bring home those two stranded astronauts that nobody else could figure out how to get a home. I think that’s a huge asset to this administration. We need a thinker. We need a more we need more businessmen. Elon’s a businessman. Straight up, America needs to be innovative, and I think he’s the one that can like spark that imagine it imagination in a lot of us. I think he’s sparking that hope in a lot of young people too, and I think we need that to be driven forward. Okay, let’s have three of you tell me why he’s a liability, or why he shouldn’t be as involved. Braden, you’re a first and then Obi I understand where you guys are coming from from like, a Republican standpoint, it’s not even that I disagree necessarily, but I think that for all the talk we’ve had about how divisive our country has been, that in that regard, Elon is not going to come around and try to bring people together. I think that if you look at his actions leading up to the election, it’s not been anything about bringing the American people together. It’s been rallying behind Trump and this big red wave, which, again, if you’re a Republican, that’s great, but I don’t think that that’s an asset necessarily. Going forward, if you’re trying to bring people together, I’ll be you’re up. I mean, Elon Musk considers himself Tony Stark. I mean, that’s what he priced himself on, but he’s more of a Lex Luthor, but just a lot of freaking money, and all he does is, he speaks his mind of a lot of things, but when you got a guy like this, that could be off the rails, you know, obviously, we know that he smokes narcotics and all that, like, I just feel like he could be a potential liability for Trump. You know, just as an outsider, I’m not saying I support, you know, Trump, but I’m just saying as from an outsider perspective, when you got a guy like Elon Musk that could just do a lot of things that may not be favorable for Trump, that could be a liability,
there have been a lot of appointments made since Election Day. Almost the entire cabinet is now filled, many of the government agencies, some of the ambassadors. As you look at these appointments, how would you characterize them, and are you favorable to them? Neutral or hostile to them? Felipe, I’m going to start with you. I’m very favorable to all of the appointments made. There’s there’s new, new faces that haven’t been involved in the current administration or previous administrations that need to come to this, this new administration, and create a change. Amber, you’re up. Yeah, I actually really am thrilled with it. I love Pam Bondi. I don’t I did not like Matt Gaetz, and I’m glad he’s gone. I don’t trust him. I never have and I’m a Republican, voted for Trump, but I love Pam Bondi, out of Florida. I think she’s going to be Hardline. I don’t think she’s going to weaponize the DOJ against average citizens. I don’t think she’s going to come after us, his average everyday American. She’s not going to weaponize the IRS, and I’m thrilled with his Cabinet picks. Absolutely love Tom, who’s the full name? Yep, love him. Thrilled. Go Trump. Max. You feel that positive? No, I would say more like disappointed, like maybe a little bit afraid, I guess, because it seems like the choices were picked based on how loyal they were to Trump and not their actual qualifications for the position. So it like, if you like Trump, I guess that makes sense to like, Oh, you like the people that are all loyal to Trump. But if I’m not, I see all these people that are only loyal to one person and not the American people as a whole. Oh, how do you feel about Trump’s appointments?
Scared and like, worried about some of his appointment picks that he has, especially with RFK, just you got a guy that’s a loose cannon, and I don’t know what he’s going to do to our health system. So it’s like, if that’s who he’s picking, these are the kind of people he has on this list. I’m I’m more afraid than most people are. Carol, are you afraid? No, I I’m very happy with them. I think that they’re all very qualified people that have done, you know, great jobs in the past to prove that they are qualified for the positions they filled. And I also trust Trump and his judgment in a lot of these calls, because I think he realizes where he made a lot of mistakes in the first administration. So I do have a lot of confidence in Trump’s opinion and gut feelings as well. This time, let me go with Renee, you’re up. I just don’t understand how people could say they trust his judgment when even the Republicans say, How could he put Matt Goetz out was a pedophile. If you show me your company, show me who you’re like. So running from
any worries about everybody, and none of those stories
for him. Why is he even in the conversation? So he should
I would have never been in the conversation. So how could you trust any judge?
Went after that, show me. Show me him, that that just blew it out the water. How could you even have anybody in that category, in the running for anything? Where did he come from? So there’s any, there’s many more excuses that Republicans could say. But why him? But that was never come from? Why did Congress? Why did Congress? Had it from it all? Well, the
accusation the report was never made, because you can
read the report right now, read the report. Why was he even in for consideration? I don’t understand that no one can make excuses for that. Oh, he was still running anymore. He was still in Congress because Republicans were defending him. Democrats were playing on their life for Matt gates, it was all Republicans
trying to report. This report was still there for the Democrats. Tell me about the Democrats, telling me about the President that you say is for the people, and he’s not even safe around your 15 year old or 14 year old. Oh, give me a break around. I don’t think anyone’s trying to justify I don’t think anyone trying to justify that. Matt gates, one back, stand up guy, one bad pick doesn’t obliterate every good choice. Was it a bad pick. That was a disturbing pick. Yeah, so is, so is Joe Biden, who sniffed little girl Exactly, yeah,
there against his own daughter.
We could just start saying things now.
Okay, Donald Trump,
it’s just a double standard,
because it’s wrong. They picked Linda McMahon for the Board of Education instead of like a teacher or like a professor, or like anyone on the board of schools, or like anything. They picked Linda McMahon like wrestling life instead of like a teacher or a professor doing anything actually for the American people. I mean, they have no concern about the actual education system, other than getting religion and banning books and doing all this other crap and bringing into our education system. They don’t care about the actual American people growing up. Wrong. No. What happened? What happened? Over the last four years,
Democrats were able to control qualified people that Biden put up, including the dude in a dress that was stealing women’s suitcase. Yeah, yeah. We have a we have a teacher. We have a teacher. I hear all these voices opposition. When you mention him, something must have been wrong.
I think Matt Gates was a bad pick. I’ll just say that we’ve moved past Matt gates. Yeah,
of course we have to move past
show. Yeah, clearly, everything was great. We’re all having a civil conversation. Yeah, you agreed to disagree. You mentioned Matt gates, it’s a sore below the doors off the home. Exactly. You all interrupt each other. You are rude to each other. You use really bad language with each other. Why is it that that was the moment when this group came apart? Please explain that to the American people
hit a sore spot. No, I that’s their only, that was their only rock that they found a key under. And they’re like, Matt gates, he’s a pedophile. And it was like, okay, he made a bad he’d even pick him honestly. He was just in a running or he was a contender for the AG, that’s all he was. Oh, only a contender for bat. That’s not too much. Let’s go back to the original question.
That’s my guy. He didn’t say that. Let’s go back to the original question that Frank asked, Does everybody agree or disagree with Trump’s appointments, right and and we disagreed on one particular appointee. That’s no longer part of the process, right? But we’re using that one appointee to justify the comments that all of this appointees are bad choices. Come on, guys, you anybody said that they were bad choices? I I specifically said, if he chose someone like that, how could I trust his other choices? That’s all I said. You guys ran with it like you needed a band aid. Well, I just said exactly that one bad apple doesn’t ruin the bunch, exactly. But
okay, cool, so the immigrants are good, because one bad apple doesn’t ruin the
bunch. I understand multiple
reports of bad apples in that bunch. I agree. I agree with that. My family are immigrants. They’re from Mexico and.
I agree with that, but illegal immigrants and legal immigrants, my family came here legally. Came here legally. They were never illegal. They were never astray on the government. They struggled. They did not have a perfect life. I grew up with a single mom. I grew up poor. I was not I had nothing. Alright? We had we lost our electricity, our gas, our water. I’m just saying immigration is not a problem. Illegal immigration is a problem. So we’re okay with the immigrants in Springfield, Ohio that came here legally. We’re okay with legal ones. Quick question, so like, do you think that, like the solution to immigration is making it easier for legal immigration, or making it harder for legal immigration? Because if you make it harder for people to come here legally. They’re just going to come here illegally, right? So in a sense, you kind of have to make it easier for them, or, like, open the borders, so to speak, not open the borders. No how you get here legally. I
have said that. You said that for the remainder of this group, I promise you, Reese and Carol, you had your hands up. What do you want to articulate to this group? Either I totally support all of President Trump’s nominees. Where was the outrage four years ago when Biden put up unqualified people and Congress still allowed them to be appointed, we could go down the list of unqualified people under Biden, but I will not road such as the guy that got arrested for stealing woman’s luggage. He was in charge of, then the nuclear department, Pete Bucha. Bucha. He was such a prize, um, and oh, that Vice President, the borders are, yep. Can I get half of you to tell me who you think is your best, the best pick that Trump has made so far for his cabinet, and the worst pick Trump has made so far? Can I get six volunteers? Seven volunteers, Carol, who’s best and who’s worst? And then I’m going to go to Felipe after that, Carol, you’re up best. I would say Tom Holman for the border because, because he’s experienced to get the job done and knows how to get it going day one. And worst pick, I don’t know worst one. I’m not sure I’d
gage just because he’s been so controversial. Believe best pick and worst pick and tell us why. I’m going to have to agree with with Carol Tom Holman. He’s, I think he’s going to do the job that that needs to be done, as far as you know, ice is concerned. And and to regulate these, this illegal immigrants within our country, and worst pick. I’m gonna agree with her again. Matt Gatz, who’s no longer part of the conversation, Anthony, best pick and worst pick and work I like Tom Holman, like the other said, but I’m gonna say JD Vance, the Vice President, best because
he articulates sound policy very well, and he is presidential, so he may be the next president worse. Oh, definitely. Matt Gaetz. I don’t know why Matt Gaetz was chosen and, well, I can imagine, but it was not a good idea for the obvious reasons, that he was controversial, and that it came to be that he may be a criminal. Thomas, best pick and worst pick, best pick is going to be cash Patel. I think him taking over the FBI, being the director there will allow that criminal organization to be
cleaned up. And then the other one, the worst would be
Matthew Whitaker, the NATO. Hopefully we cut that spending. And unfortunately, that guy might get fired simply just because we don’t need to be in NATO any longer. Renee, best pick and worst pick. He doesn’t have a best pick and his worst pick, I think, was the vice president when he first stated about the women who were childless. Big mistake. Jeff, best pick and worst pick. And why? Best pick? JD Vance, worst pick, of course Matt gates, because I think that JD Vance is good at connecting with the common people of America. And as far as Matt gates is just the, you know, it boils down to loyalty with Trump, and that was a horrible pick and OB, best pick and worst pick. Uh, best pick, maybe Marco Rubio. I mean, at least he’s a career senator. At least I could trust some of his judgment on things. Source Book is probably Dr us, because, I mean, he’s going to run Medicare. I mean, is that the guy that you want running Medicare? So I would question that anyone else want to go? I want to give anyone else the opportunity best.
The worst Going once, going to Rita, you’re up. I think best pick was vivid Coronavirus. Swami. I think he is a really good, up and coming, possible presidential candidate. He’s done so much for his own state, and I think he’ll do well for this country. First pick, obviously, it’s my page, for obvious reasons. I already said, can I just say one other thing I really like is pick for labor secretary, because I think she’s going to do a great job of working across the aisle with labor unions like them or not, they’re here, and we got to be able to work with them. Anyone else want to go? I think that,
go ahead. Oh, I see them. I just think, I think it’s fantastic he’s going to be president one day. Okay, Theresa, do you want to do best and worst? Okay, best again. Tom Tom Holman on the immigration border of border security. And definitely the worst pick was Matt gags. And thank goodness he’s not going to be anywhere near the White House.
I’ve got a question for the people who voted Republican. Do you want Congress to act independently, or do you want Congress to back Trump’s agenda? Who would say only for those who voted Republican, who would say that you want Congress to be independent of the White House? Raise your hands. Three of you. Now, Trump’s obviously Republican, but Jeff, Thomas and Kimberly, why do you want Congress to be independent of Donald Trump? Jeff, you start. Yeah. For me, it goes back to the belief about checks and balances. I think if all branches of government are on the same page, then, you know, it kind of cancels out the checks and balances and does goes against the good of the country. And not just what the the executive branch want wants, but what, what is Trump’s what is Trump’s policies are good ones. Jeff, I think some of them will be, but I think if you go against him at all. He’s gonna do everything in his power to humiliate you. I mean, I voted for Trump, but I have to agree a little bit with that. I think he already has been. I forget the guys. Thanks, Chip Roy. Chip Roy in Texas, and he’s already all over him. Roy didn’t vote for the CR so now he’s all over chip Roy, calling him, Oh, you’re gonna get primary. You’re gonna get voted at. You know, go against chip Roy already. It’s like, wait, wait, what? Like he’s he’s standing up for the people chip. Roy is an, you know, more of an average guy than most of the members are that are in there. So I tend to, I mean, I would agree that I want them to back the Trump agenda, but I agree with you what you said, Jeff, is that I don’t want Trump just running off and and humiliating them, either if they, if they give them, you know, take a stand on something. Yeah, it’s like our governor, Matt Kemp, went against them when he wouldn’t do the recount. And now he’s kind of, now Trump’s back on his good graces now and saying, Oh, he’s a okay governor, yeah, when really, he wouldn’t show his flexibility. Wouldn’t that show his flexibility same way with JD vamps also showed his flexibility, where he previously had a different opinion about Trump, and then now has a completely different opinion they based on getting to know that individual. I think, I don’t think he can do and I think that now voted as president, you gotta jump on his side, or, like she said, he’s just going to humiliate you. You don’t have
to jump on his side. You don’t have to jump on his side get humiliated. So you do not have to jump on his side. You have to get to know him. Yeah, it has to be flexibility on both sides, like even me as a Republican, I will. I raised my hand saying that Congress should act according to what’s best for the American people, not necessarily what Trump agrees to. I don’t think any of us agree that we all want higher prices. So when it comes to tariffs, you know, it’s a great thing. He said that, tariff, tariff, tariff, but when it really comes down to it, tariffs are going to hurt the people, and he’s going to realize that, and he’s not going to go full force with it. There’s going to be certain things. Yes, he’s going to put tariffs on, I mean, Joe Biden, just two weeks ago, put more tariffs on solar power and all this stuff that the tariffs are already in there. They’re just going to highlight it later and blame it on Trump. But at the same point, he’s going to see this, and he’s going to pull back on that agenda of tariffs, and that’s where, that’s where Congress is going to also have to be flexible and not give him everything he wants, because there’s going to be times where, hey, this doesn’t make sense. This is going to hurt the American people, and he’s going to sit down, he’s going to listen, and it’s all about reeling that message everyone’s got to go. We got 15 people here, Thomas, your response was smart as hell, whether it was way too long, everyone has gotten the chance to speak. Anyone else want to address this issue? I agree with Thomas in many points. I.
Um, my, my biggest concern is, I want to see things get done. So it’s like things are broken, right? So they have to be fixed. So I’d like to see more of Congress,
you know, agreeing with the reasonable policies of Trump. You know, yes, we want to have checks and balances, but things are broken. Let’s fix it. I think the American people have spoken quite loudly, and I think that Congress needs to to realize that. And he showed he can do it the first time, exactly. Well, I’m Jeremy. Chris spoke on november 5. Well, I’m a Democrat,
therefore they need to follow what we voted for. They need right, but what the American people voted for, but, but if I didn’t vote for him, but, but I am willing. We’re only asking Republicans here. Oh, okay, well, I wanted to work with the Republican if he’s going to just be somebody who’s worthwhile. I didn’t agree with him the first time, but I could always give somebody a second chance. I just want to see him do better and not tear down people, bring them together, because look at our prices the first time. Look at our prices the first time. And then he went out and look at what Joe Biden did to this country. So can we bring it back, the country, back to how it was when he voted an insurrection. So I don’t think there’s anything more that needs to be said, but you are entitled to your opinion. That’s what makes America great. So I’m looking for the opinion of Republican voters this time, but that’s okay. I’ll help Renee. So during COVID, Trump actually created the inflation that we’re currently having by printing money. And it didn’t help that Joe Biden continued the money printer, but that was 100%
on the Republicans. We We started that, and that we’re currently feeling that now, and that’s why we gotta get back to cutting spending. That’s right, we gotta. We have a spending problem. We don’t have an inflation problem. We have a spending problem. I agree. There’s, there’s just there’s, there is blame on each side. There is blame. But when you’re going to tell me there’s no blame on Trump’s or the insurrection and certain things, why are you doing this? I know. Okay, I know. You just keep on interrupting. Yeah. I so there are a couple other Republicans who are here. What do you and they got one more congressional question. Then we will move on to Trump, and then you can take them apart. Amber Alea Rita, what should the relationship between Trump and Congress be Well, Congress is a representative of the people, so they have to, they have to represent the people. So I agree somewhat with Thomas, and I also want Congress to back Trump. So I think there has to be a balance. You know, we can’t completely back everything Trump does and forget our duty to the people. I mean, we have the executive branch, legislative branch and the judicial branch, so we have the legislature to represent the people. However, we don’t get anything done when there’s grid law. So they gotta back Trump’s agenda. But when they come up against him, there has to be some some give and take. Trump has to listen two years one mouth. He has to listen to Congress more than he just blows them off and starts like he did with Chip Roy, just bagging on it. Alicia
Trump needs a he needs somebody in his ear at all times to tell him you need to be quiet. Really wholeheartedly believe that he’s a good person, but he needs to zip it sometimes. And he, he does, he needs. He and Congress need to work symbiotically together. And if they do that, then we’re going to get a lot done. And Rita, what should be the relationship between President Trump and the Republicans in Congress? I think that the Congress should absolutely back the president, but also question when there are some things that may not be, you know, very feasible, but I’m going to say one thing. You might not like what a president says, but I go by what a president does. Yes, he’s colorful. He says some things that make me cringe a little bit, but I do like the things that he did for our country agreed.
How could Donald Trump? What can he do to ensure that the next four years are better than 2017 to 2021 can I get six of you, to give me an idea, put your hands up. Carol from Colorado, we’re going to start with you. Just keep listening to the American people and keep us first. Does he listen to the American people? Yes, he does, and he just needs to continue. How do you know that he does? I mean, I see it just in my life.
In my in my life, I’ve never had a presidency affect it, and Trump is the first president that I saw an impact directly in my life with the economy. Lucas, you’re up. Gotta have something, no sovereign wealth fund. He needs to do a sovereign wealth fund. And it’s weird that JD and Vivek and all these investment bakers have never brought it up before. I don’t know why they’re not suggesting it. They want cut, cut, cut. They don’t want to pay for something doing the thing. They do believe they How can trump ensure that his next four years are better than the previous four years? Build that border wall? And why does that matter so much to you? Well, it’s gonna, it’s gonna prevent the immigrants crossing the border any way they can and have to go through the process legally. Amber, your answer to that question consistent, when that is cut, cut, cut. I’m sorry. Our government is too big. We spend way too much money. You have to have those employees. He’s been saying, I want them to come back to work. I want them to come back to the office. If they don’t want to come out to the office, get out. Can them? I think they need to cut they’ve said they’re going to cut the Department of Education. They need to get rid of it. Needs to go back to the states. The states know what they need. The States know what their communities need. Don’t blend the two. We have a federal government. We have a state government. I think he needs to watch his spending. He did not watch his spending the first time, and I think he needs to do so this time. Braden, what would you say that would most give us a better four years than the last four? I would say to not interfere with the Fed. Don’t try to impose his will upon our economy in that manner. He’s not supposed to be doing it, and I know he’s going to try. That’s my concern, Thomas, you’re nodding your head pretty strongly. No, you disagree with Braden. I do. I believe the Fed is one of the major reasons of inflation. They should never turn that money printer on. I have, I have concerns with the Fed. I just don’t think that a president that that that thing should be abolished. It should be get we should get rid of it. Jay Powell needs to be fired. I know he can’t do it. I know it’s Congress, but luckily, that red wave is coming, and I hope Congress really pulls the plug on him. Alicia, he needs to, yeah, he needs to follow through on what he read, everything he ran on, and just continue what he did the first time with his international relationships and and and help end the wars that were created under this last regime, yes, that will cut spending. No,
did not vote for Trump. Are quiet in this question. Obi, what would you say to the President? I mean, don’t start a nuclear war. Don’t pull out of NATO. You know, don’t fire people because he did that last time. You know, don’t tweet. You know, we don’t need Twitter feeds filled with his messages and stuff like, you know, we just don’t need a lot of that. Listen to people, especially people who are giving advice, especially some of his Republican colleagues, not bash them. You know, all those things could probably improve this time around, then the last time, Max you’re up, and then Jeff, I’m coming to you, one of the biggest things he can do is, like, not just blindly listen to everything that Elon says, because I believe that Elon is trying to serve his own personal businesses and grow his own wealth. So I think, like, not that much good is going to come out of the next four years, in my personal opinion, but I think it would be better for him to listen to the average everyday Americans, rather than, like the telephone version that Elon Musk is telling him, Jeff, and then Renee, I would say, just be a little more presidential. Don’t, don’t, you know, take the high road sometimes. Don’t always get involved in these little war of words with people that aren’t on your level. Be presidential and have some integrity. Renee and then Theresa. I just think, be a decent human being and have a conscience. I always believe in giving someone a second chance. But you know, sometimes he has to listen to the people around him and just not himself. Surround himself with a good, a good, decent staff that will, you know, challenge you and say, Hey, look at it from this side, not just his side, all the time. I believe that was his downfall. Try and listen to others sometimes, because it’s in any in any democratic or republican, sometimes we all just need to work together and listen to each other. Theresa, you’re up, um, I’d say, you know, to work with everybody. Um, maybe even look at Joe Manchin as part of a position in his cabinet. He’s been very fair as a I guess you would call him a blue dog Democrat,
or Kennedy Democrat. Work with the world leaders, um.
And do the big get a full account in of what’s going on in Ukraine with all the money that we have sent there, and make sure it’s all the information is released to the American public.
The final question for you all, what advice do you have for America so that they can have respectful, civil conversations that we have always promoted on this podcast. I’ll ask a few of you, because this is my issue, how do we disagree without being disagreeable? How do we be productive, and how do we instill a sense of respect and decency to conversations like this one Max, you’re up first. I don’t want to overstep, but I want to see if we can find something that we all agree on here, like politicians being able to buy stocks, for example, are being paid off by big corporations. Like I just want to see if that’s at least something that all of us agree on or like, because I believe that’s something Raise
your hands if you agree with Max. And there we go. That’s our first example of almost universal support. Felipe for America. I think everybody should just, you know, stop bickering and fighting and listen to one another. Everybody has good and valid points. Everybody doesn’t have the same
choices and decisions as everybody else, but we should just, you know, just because we’re, you know, on different side of the table, you know, we’re all part of that same bird. Let’s, let’s, let’s come together and hear each other out, not because we’re right and because we’re left. We have to disagree with each other. We need to stop that. You know that that line in the sand and really, really understand we’re here for the American people,
just to keep putting America’s first. You know, we are the priority. This is our country, and just allow us to, you know, be the priority. Obi, your advice for America, and we just need to get along. I mean, we all have differences. We all have different political affiliations. Mean, most people in this room, I don’t have the same political affiliations. But you know, if there’s like a hurricane, or if there’s like a some kind of natural disaster, you know, I would be the first person to donate and try to be in the front lines. Like, we have to kind of think of it in this matter that we’re all Americans, and we all live, probably down the block from each other, so we gotta have a helping hand, you know, not just say, alright, it’s red versus blue. Like, you know, a blue state gets more funding than red states. Like it shouldn’t be like that. It should just be like, you know, we’re Americans. We may not agree with each other on every issue, but we are still Americans, and we always have to kind of remember that first and foremost, Amber, your advice for America. Yeah, I just find myself nodding. You know, I’ve heard Renee speak and Brayden and Max and Obi. I mean, I’ve heard and Jeff Georgia that we just there’s so many things that they said, and I found myself going, yes, yes, yes. And so I think, like I said before, two ears, one mouth, listen more, talk less, Renee, I just love what she said. We listen more, talk less and try and understand not and don’t be the first to always judge. You know, just wait. I even want to. I honestly want to give Trump a chance. I honestly want better for the country. I want better for him. You know, that’s and Theresa, your advice from
be respectful of each other’s opinions and differences. Even Senator Federman from Pennsylvania is wishing the best for President Trump and willing to support his nominees for cabinet. I really want to thank you. I think this is a great way to close this discussion. Have you voted for Trump. Half of you didn’t. Most of you want him to succeed. All of you want America to succeed. And that’s part of the goal of these segments on America voices, America speaks, is to find a way to address controversial issues and people in a more respectful, civil way. So I want to thank you all on behalf of straight a news the home of America speaks, I’m Dr. Frank Luntz, thank you for watching, and we’ll be back soon.
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