
Straight Arrow News is committed to fair, factual, unbiased journalism that encourages viewers to make up their own minds. In addition to the facts, we believe it’s vital to hear perspectives from all sides of the political spectrum. We hope these different voices will help you reach your own conclusions. The commentary published in this section are solely those of the contributors and do not reflect the views of Straight Arrow News.

Germany will establish a permanent military base in Lithuania signaling its strengthened military presence in Eastern Europe.
December 22

The German military is back

Geopolitical Strategist

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Houthi fighters have been attacking shipping lanes and merchant vessels in the Red Sea. How will this impact the global economy and global trade routes?
December 20

Houthi attacks trigger Red Sea shipping crisis

Geopolitical Strategist

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As America's involvement and influence in the Middle East have waned, what trajectory will its future role take in the region?
December 19

The Middle East in a post-American world

Geopolitical Strategist

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In each episode of this post-America series, get ready to focus on a country and analyze its prospects within an ever-changing global system.
December 18

Getting ready for the post-American world

Geopolitical Strategist

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American firefighters do some of the most dangerous work in the country. Here are just some of the stories and the lessons they have to share with us.
December 15

Firefighters share what they wish civilians, politicians knew

Pollster and Political Analyst

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While the battle against high inflation is winding down, the problem of labor shortages will likely persist for decades to come.
December 15

As inflation cools, labor challenges loom ahead

Geopolitical Strategist

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President Javier Milei has enacted sweeping reforms across federal government and the economy. What does it mean for Argentina’s future?
December 14

Argentina’s Javier Milei enacts bold sweeping reforms

Geopolitical Strategist

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The U.S. and China both have powerful navies, but one holds an obvious advantage in a potential military confrontation in the Pacific.
December 13

Who wins in US-China war over the Pacific?

Geopolitical Strategist

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