
Russia claimed victory in Mariupol despite not taking over a key steel plant.

Russia, Ukraine make disputed claims over Mariupol, steel plant

By fleeing their homes, many Ukrainians intend to find safety but international officials have warned of the real risk of kidnapping.

Trafficking refugees: Ukrainians run from one risky circumstance to another

Organizers said the march was an attempt to "bring back the feeling of safety to the streets of Jerusalem," while Israeli leaders called it a "provocation".

Israeli police stop far right Jewish protesters from marching in Jerusalem

The case will now go to Britain's interior minister for a decision, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange still has legal avenues of appeal before extradition.

UK judge approves extradition for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange

Jerusalem holy site viewed as emotional epicenter of Israeli-Palestinian conflict

Shanghai residents resistant to latest COVID-19 testing push

First deaths in Lviv reported as Ukraine hangs onto Mariupol.

First deaths reported in Lviv, Ukraine hanging onto Mariupol by thread

Israeli troops shot and wounded two Palestinians during clashes in the occupied West Bank. The violence has stoked tensions during Ramadan.

West Bank violence follows unrest at Jerusalem holy site

Alexander Lukashenko is allowing Putin's Russian forces to use Belarusian land but denies involvement in the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

Alexander Lukashenko demanding seat at the table with Putin, Zelenskyy

Four Germans have been accused of kidnapping the health minister.

Four Germans arrested in plot to kidnap health minister, cause blackout

Russia is stepping up its attacks on Kyiv as Ukraine holds on to Mariupol.

As Ukraine holds onto Mariupol, Russia signals new aggression in Kyiv

341 people have died in South African floods.

Officials: 341 killed in South African floods

Western officials and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy have warned that Putin's forces could deploy chemical weapons in Ukraine.

Putin warned over potential chemical weapons use in Ukraine

Russia announced a surrender in Mariupol as Biden referred to the invasion as a genocide,

Russia announces Mariupol surrender, Biden calls invasion ‘genocide’

The new multinational task force would target arms smuggling around Yemen. It's the latest military response to Houthi attacks.

US Navy establishes new task force to patrol Red Sea

Taiwan's book includes information on where to find bomb shelters and how to stockpile emergency supplies in the event of conflict with China.

Taiwan issues war survival handbook as China threat grows

Jared Kushner's firm secured a $2 billion commitment from Saudi Arabia's Public Investment Fund, according to the New York Times.

Report: Jared Kushner’s firm received $2B Saudi investment

Shanghai eased its lockdown and Philadelphia reinstated its mask mandate.

Shanghai eases COVID-19 lockdown, Philadelphia restores mask mandate

Ukraine is investigating reports that Russia used phosphorus munitions.

Ukraine investigates claim accusing Russia of using phosphorus munitions

French leader Emmanuel Macron and challenger Marine Le Pen qualified for what promises to be a very tightly fought presidential election.

French presidential election: Macron set to face Le Pen in runoff

As the West sanctions Russia over its invasion of Ukraine, GOP leaders have described American Putin supporters as "lonely voices."

GOP: Putin’s only American supporters are ‘lonely voices’

A missile with the words “For the children” painted on it hit a station where thousands of people had gathered to flee in eastern Ukraine.

Russian ‘For the children’ missile kills dozens at Ukrainian train station

SpaceX has launched its first private charter flight. The three rich businessmen are expected to arrive at the space station on Saturday.

All-private astronaut team launches to ISS at $55M per seat

Food prices jumped in March to a new record high. The war in Ukraine continues to lead to "massive supply disruptions" threatening millions.

Food prices soar to record high in March as Ukraine war continues