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Biden administration is incompetent and out of touch with reality

Newt Gingrich Former House Speaker; Chairman of Gingrich 360

Americans are already struggling with inflation sending the price of gas and many other goods and services through the roof and making a recession a very distinct possibility. Now, we have a nationwide shortage of baby formula that has sent parents scrambling to try to keep their young kids fed. According to Straight Arrow News contributor Newt Gingrich, these significant problems are an indictment of President Joe Biden and a White House that has no concept of what life is really like for most Americans:

You know, the Biden administration just doesn’t seem to understand reality at any level. The head of the program for foreign aid, Samantha Powers said, you know, the answer to the rising cost of fertilizer is to use manure and compost. So I wrote a good friend of mine who had been the U.S. representative to the World Food Organization. And he said that was just nuts because everybody already does manure and compost, but it gives you some sense of how desperate these people are that they can’t understand when you raise the price of oil and gas, you raise the price of fertilizer.

So it is the Biden war on the American oil and gas industry, which is raising the price of fertilizer and is frankly, in some countries, going to cause literally millions of deaths because the food production’s going to go down dramatically. Now, similarly, I just discovered the last couple days, there’s a shortage in baby formula.

Now the idea that the logistics supply chain is so totally screwed up, that we may literally have women…on Fox News, there was a woman who had had a double mastectomy for breast cancer and really needs baby formula for her new second baby and said, “It’s really hard to find.” And this administration of course, is totally out to lunch, has no idea what’s going on, has no solutions.

You know, I always tell people if you put eggs in the freezer, you can make them hard, but they’re not boiled eggs. And these guys, classic liberals, don’t understand that they follow policy after policy after policy, which makes life worse. And they’re usually rich enough and living, you know, or they’re college professors hidden away in some enclave, so they don’t experience how bad it is. But in fact, on every one of these fronts, things are getting worse, not getting better.

You know, the Biden administration just doesn’t seem to understand reality at any level. 

The head of the  program for foreign aid, Samantha Power said, you know, the answer to the rising cost of fertilizer is to use manure and compost. 

So I wrote a good friend of mine who had been the US representative to the world food organization. 

And he said that was just nuts because everybody already does manure and compost, but it gives you some sense of how desperate these people are that they can’t understand …

When you raise the price of oil and gas, 

You raise the price of fertilizer

when you raise the price of oil and gas, you raise the price of fertilizer. 

So it is the Biden war on the American oil and gas industry which is raising the price of fertilizer and is frankly, 

 in some countries gonna cause literally millions of deaths because the food production’s gonna go down dramatically. Now, 

similarly, I just discovered the last couple days, there’s a shortage in baby formula.

Now the idea that the logistics supply chain is so totally screwed up, that we may literally have women…this morning on, on Fox news, 

there was a woman who, uh, had had a double mastectomy for breast cancer and really needs baby formula for her new second baby, and said, it’s really hard to find. 

And this administration of course, is totally out to lunch, has no idea what’s going on, has no solutions. You know, I always tell people if, uh, you put eggs in the freezer, you can make them hard, but they’re not boiled eggs. 

And these guys, classic liberals, don’t understand that they follow policy after policy after policy which makes life worse. 

And they’re usually rich enough and living, you know, they’re college professors hidden away in some enclave, so they don’t experience how bad it is. But in fact, on every one of these fronts, things are getting worse, not getting better.

Highest increases in food prices in U.S.

And I think that we’re going to see this summer and fall, uh, probably the highest increase in food prices in America. 

And we’re lucky we’ll have food to just be expensive, 

but you go to places in India in Sub-Saharan Africa. Um, there can be people really suffering. 

And the fact is that that Governor Beasley, who just got the Nobel prize for leading the world food program and doing a brilliant job has said publicly that there could be several hundred million people dying this year because of the crisis, both in food crop availability as Russia and Ukraine are cut out of exporting And in terms of growing food, when you can’t get fertilizer. 

So I think we need to recognize the Biden administration has two great characteristics.

One, it’s just plain incompetent. Two, the things it does believe don’t work, uh, and the result is gonna be, I think, a rough ride for America. Hopefully the Republicans will win big enough this fall that they can begin to take control of January.

 But I can tell you, this is a very dangerous, very sobering time. And I think we need to recognize that, uh, the, for normal everyday people, life is getting harder, not easier. 

And that’s the opposite of what the government should be doing.

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