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Democrats weaponizing race only further divides the country

Star Parker Founder & President, Center for Urban Renewal and Education

Last month the U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments in a case from a Colorado web designer who doesn’t want to work on same-sex weddings. Using a photo shoot scene from the 1946 film “It’s a Wonderful Life” as a hypothetical, Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson suggested the designer’s argument could be used to endorse racial discrimination. For example, a photographer in a mall wants to take “old-time” photos of Christmas scenes, and he only wants to take photos of White children. Would that photographer be allowed to do that? Straight Arrow News contributor believes this is only one of many attempts by the Left to link race to polarizing issues and will end up dividing the country even further.

The issue of race and building race relationships is no doubt a long and complicated thread in the woven fabric of our nation’s history, and yet the issue of race has continued to be used as a tool by the Democrat Party, not an effort to try to build race relationships to unify the company, but rather to divide. They’re dedicated to dividing the country instead of trying to fix what is broken down mostly because of public policy to keep certain people trapped in certain zip codes.

The matter of race is weaponized in pushing unrelated Leftist opinions and policies on a very regular basis. The perception of racism exists in any and all instances that are useful to Democrats for promoting their left-wing ideology. They badger, they beat, they demonize the Right by interjected race.

Most recently, a case before the Supreme Court centered on whether Colorado’s anti-discrimination laws violate the First Amendment by compelling a website designer to create a same-sex wedding website. The Supreme Court’s newest member, Judge Jackson, wasted no time in making the far-flung case that this debate is linked to racism. Jackson went as far as to suggest that the argument of the website designer in the case could be used to to endorse racial discrimination against people of color in a hypothetical “It’s A Wonderful Life” film-themed photo shoot. This is bizarre for a judge on the United States Supreme Court. What does racism and a movie from 1946 have to do with the religious liberty of a website designer today?

The issue of race and building race relationships is no doubt a long and complicated thread in the woven fabric of our nation’s history, and yet the issue of race has continued to be used as a tool by the Democrat Party, not an efforts to try to build race relationships to unify the company, but rather to divide. They’re dedicated to dividing the country instead of trying to fix what is broken down mostly because of public policy to keep certain people trapped in certain zip codes. The matter of race is weaponized in pushing unrelated leftists opinions and policies on a very regular basis. The perception of racism exist in any and all instances that is useful to Democrats for promoting their left wing ideology. They badger they beat they demonize the right by interjected race. Most recently, a case before the Supreme Court centered on whether Colorado’s anti discrimination laws violate the First Amendment by compelling a website designer to create a same sex wedding website. The Supreme Court’s newest member, Judge Jackson, wasted no time, in making the far flung case that this debate is linked to racism. Jackson went as far as to suggest that the argument of the website designer in the case could be used to to endorse racial discrimination against people of color in a hypothetical It’s A Wonderful Life film themed photo shoot. This is bizarre for a judge on the United States Supreme Court. What does racism and a movie from 1946 have to do with the religious liberty of a website designer today?

As outlandish as this argument is, it’s nothing new. It’s the tactic that we keep seeing over and over again, we’ve seen that use time and time again by left wing progressives who have an agenda when Republicans have pushed for election integrity and security by suggesting an ID so that you could vote and we can have integrity in our vote, the left continues to label such an opinion as racist, because in the view of the left, black people are not capable of getting ID cards. In the view of the left, we shouldn’t care whether people are citizens to vote in our elections. When congressional Democrats introduce a national abortion on demand legislation recently, they tried to link that to race. They tried to link pro life Americans to systems of oppression, white supremacy, and anti black racism.

But that argument is particularly ironic when you consider that the largest abortion provider in America Planned Parenthood was founded by your Genesis founded by someone who when referring to black people call for our elimination, and call this human weeds. And since her founding a Planned Parenthood we’ve seen 20 million blacks killed in the wall.

And when Democrats recently promoted their Respect for Marriage Act, the disrespect for Marriage Act, which concerns same sex marriage, they made the argument that the bill was needed to protect interracial marriage. I can’t believe people bought this including Republicans. Sadly, the left has so much weaponized race matters that far too many have bought their lives. Because when you hear a narrative over and over and over again, you start to believe it might be true. And as noted in a cure report on black opinions and voting behaviors, Democrats received overwhelming support from blacks, when they vote in elections, because they keep hearing this messaging over and over and over. And then the report showed that blacks have bought this lie and feel that America is unfair. From 1964 to 2020. The average percentage of the black vote for Democrat candidates was 88%.

And Democrats, they still weaponize race, every time there’s a Republican policy on the table. Oh, it’s racism, it’s racism to be free. It’s racism for you to be able to send your children to schools you want is racism because we shouldn’t be stealing from one another through some policies to do something that’s inconsistent with what it is that we really need to do as a community of Americans. They seek to reinforce the perceptions among many black voters and others that

Republicans are insensitive to black concerns about fairness and inequality, as if black people can’t live free in America and don’t have the self governing dispositions, that law can be for all of us. But make no mistake, these taxes will, like well will likely continue. They’re gonna lower the level of the discourse, they’re gonna continue to try to force public debate on race, race, race, even at the highest court so that they can we can as a people be distracted. But hopefully, Truth will continue to prevail. Hopefully, what we saw over the last election cycle with record numbers of African Americans re electing their governors in states where we didn’t think to see that type of participation, higher numbers, where black people were starting to listen to their congressional leaders and like what they were saying about limited government, free and open markets choice in many areas of their lives, so that they can have economic and educational stability. And then instead of talking about issues of movies and racism in the past, we might actually be able to talk about the state of black America today, and the future that they have in common with all Americans. And we might even be able to get down to what’s really broken down in our poorest communities and help them achieve toward the more perfect union and the opportunities that are for all of us here in this great country.

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