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Senator Graham’s abortion bill misconstrued by Democrats

Star Parker Founder & President, Center for Urban Renewal and Education

Republican Senator Lindsey Graham introduced a bill to ban most abortions at 15 weeks of pregnancy in every state across the country. The bill, which received a huge backlash from Democrats and even some Republicans, comes on the heels of the Supreme Court overturning its landmark ruling, Roe v. Wade, less than three months ago. Straight Arrow News contributor Star Parker argues Senator Graham introduced the bill to start a national conversation about who we are as a people.   

Kamala Harris is out there on the stump pushing abortion, abortion, abortion. Why would she be pushing abortion? Abortion, abortion after 20 million blacks have died in the womb at the hands of abortionists since Roe v. Wade became national law? Biden, that’s all he wants now. Abortion, abortion, abortion in the states, when we’re having conversations about what kind of leadership we’ll have here in Washington, D.C. in the House and the Senate. 

All they want to do is talk about abortion, abortion, abortion. So Senator Graham, in response to them putting forth these bills in the House and in the Senate, the Democrats, the progressives, the liberals, putting forth these bills that allow for abortion, ninth month, ninth hour. So instead of that, become a national law and take away this moment that Dobbs has given us, the Dobbs decision to go have the conversation nationally about who we are as a people.

Senator Graham puts in a bill and says, let’s stop abortion after the moment that we know all of life is there for that unborn.

Why can’t we just have the national discussion? I was at the press conference. That’s what he asked for. But yet every mainstream media account is absolutely lying about what actually happened there. We have to have the discussion.

This is a crime against humanity. We cannot allow for abortion to continue in our country and think that we will be a blessed nation. As you’ve heard so many times that people have said our country is great because we’re good, and if we’re not good, we won’t be great. And we have not been good for a long time.

You know, it’s very sad when you think about what our mainstream media has devolved into as a political arm of the left, especially on issues that really matter, that matter to our culture, that matter to our community, that matter to our country. Important issues like life. We’re having a national discussion about abortion and life. 

And at the press conference of Senator Lindsey Graham, which I was there, I was a part of, I spoke. When you look at the news that came out of the press conference of Senator Lindsey Graham, where he dropped a bill this week on abortion to stop abortion after a child feels pain in the womb at 15 weeks, at the point where anesthesia was given to that child, if you’re operating on that child in the womb, for those moms who want to be moms. For those moms that don’t want to be moms, we need to have a national discussion if it’s a good idea for them to terminate the human life, that humanity, growing in their womb. 

After the Dobbs decision, which did not end abortion, we are now having an intensity that the media, the mainstream media, will not let people hear on what is really going on.

Senator Graham did not drop this bill in isolation. Dobbs sent abortion back to the states for the people to have the conversation about humanity, about our culture, about who we are, and should we kill children in the womb? No. 

What happened was the Democrats decided to demagogue and they started pushing forth bills that would allow in the House and the Senate abortion to the ninth month, ninth hour, with no restrictions whatsoever and then override every rule, every regulation in all of the states as the states and the people of the states are trying to have this conversation. So with Senator Graham, they said, okay, you want to have a national conversation. You want to nationalize it. You. 

Kamala Harris is out there on the stump pushing abortion, abortion, abortion. Why would she be pushing abortion? Abortion, abortion after 20 million blacks have died in the womb at the hands of abortionists since Roe v. Wade became national law? Biden, that’s all he wants now. Abortion, abortion, abortion in the states, when we’re having conversations about what kind of leadership we’ll have here in Washington, D.C. in the House and the Senate. 

All they want to do is talk about abortion, abortion, abortion. So Senator Graham, in response to them putting forth these bills in the House and in the Senate, the Democrats, the progressives, the liberals, putting forth these bills that allow for abortion, ninth month, ninth hour. So instead of that, become a national law and take away this moment that Dobbs has given us, the Dobbs decision to go have the conversation nationally about who we are as a people, Senator Graham puts in a bill and says, let’s stop abortion after the moment that we know all of life is there for that unborn.

Why can’t we just have the national discussion? I was at the press conference. That’s what he asked for. But yet every mainstream media account is absolutely lying about what actually happened there. We have to have the discussion.

This is a crime against humanity. We cannot allow for abortion to continue in our country and think that we will be a blessed nation. As you’ve heard so many times that people have said our country is great because we’re good, and if we’re not good, we won’t be great. And we have not been good for a long time.

And what Dobbs decision did was gave us a merciful hand from the Lord to start the discussion about who we’re going to be as a people on this most sensitive, most personal and most problematic territory. 

Let’s just have the discussion. That’s what that press conference of Senator Lindsey Graham was really all about. 

And you can put aside what mainstream media says it was about and begin the conversation in our nation’s body to say, who are we going to be as a people? Are we going to continue to allow the blood of the innocent to run rampant, ninth month, ninth hour? Are we as a nation going to start having that conversation that we as a nation had to have before, during slavery?


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