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Have Democrats and the liberal media given up on the Biden White House?

Newt Gingrich Former House Speaker; Chairman of Gingrich 360

Something remarkable is happening right now in Washington — people are abandoning ship on President Joe Biden with alarming speed and right out in the open.

I’m not talking about Republicans criticizing Biden’s agenda or declaring him a useless president — although that is certainly happening. And it’s not just Biden’s plummeting poll numbers, although those don’t help his cause. I’m talking about the president’s allies within his own party looking for the exit door as his administration’s failures pile up.

What failures, you ask? How about the collapse of his multi-trillion dollar socialism act, the Build Back Better bill, because a fellow Democrat, West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin, stood firm against its irresponsible spending? Or the rejection of his voting rights bill, which was just a barely-concealed attempt to make elections easier to rig? And let’s not forget the ongoing inflation and supply-chain issues that threaten to cripple our economy. The Biden White House has dropped the ball on all these issues, so badly that even that most dependable of liberal allies, the media, is turning its back on the administration.

The New York Times, CNN, a whole range of places that are normally liberal are now really poking at Biden, poking at Kamala Harris, really driving home the idea that maybe Biden should announce he’s not gonna run for reelection. Which would frankly make him a lame duck for three years. But I can’t remember any time when your own allies…I mean, it’s one thing if Democrats say to Donald Trump or Republicans say to Joe Biden, “you know, you really ought to, you’re not up to it.” 

But when you have your own allies, just less than a year into your administration telling you that you really need to get out of the way, when you start having lists of people who might be the right replacement, there’s something strange going on.

Manchin and Arizona Senator Kyrsten Sinema get most of the headlines and hate from liberal voters for standing up to Biden’s reckless policies, but it’s not just them. More and more, we’re seeing democrats throwing their hands up and walking away from this disastrous presidency less than a year since it began.

There is an amazing effort underway to drive down the Biden Administration’s prospects.

The New York Times, CNN, a whole range of places that are normally liberal are now really poking at Biden, poking at Kamala Harris, really driving home the idea that maybe Biden should announce he’s not gonna run for reelection. Which would frankly make him a lame duck for three years. But I can’t remember any time when your own allies…I mean, it’s one thing if Democrats say to Donald Trump or Republicans say to Joe Biden, “you know, you really ought to, you’re not up to it.” 

But when you have your own allies, just less than a year into your administration telling you that you really need to get out of the way, when you start having lists of people who might be the right replacement, there’s something strange going on.

And it’s almost a feeling that with the collapse of their multi-trillion dollar bill in the Senate, and the fact that they’re not gonna be able to move the corrupt politician act to steal elections, that they’d hope to, that they’re leaving town at the end of this year on a really low note. And the polls are indicating that all this is weighing them down and that the Democrats are gonna come back here in January facing the prospect of a disastrous election next year. 

And with every day, that disaster gets a little closer and the Democrats feel it a little more strongly. So, it’s a strange time. And when Senator Sinema from Arizona went out of her way to announce that she would oppose trying to change the filibuster rules in the Senate, because she thought it was very important to continue to make it difficult to pass controversial legislation, just to have stability, that was an amazing blow. Everybody’s been paying attention to Senator Manchin of West Virginia. Suddenly it’s Senator Sinema who delivers the final blow, killing any effort to pass a political corruption bill in the middle of the election. So I think they’re gonna go home feeling discouraged and defeated. And I think the world’s gonna continue to get a little bit worse in inflation, in logistics problems, in crime, in illegal immigrants where we set a record in November with 173,000 coming across the border.

 All these things are compounding and I think making it more difficult for the Biden team to put together some kind of program next year.



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