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Star Parker Founder & President, Center for Urban Renewal and Education

House Speaker Mike Johnson is the right man for the times

Star Parker Founder & President, Center for Urban Renewal and Education

He served on Donald Trump’s legal defense team during his first impeachment. Speaking at an anti-abortion event, he openly praised “18th-century values.” He opposes LGBTQ and same-sex marriage protections. And he’s got a very important new job.

To Straight Arrow News contributor Star Parker, Rep. Mike Johnson, R-La., is the ideal House speaker for the current era. Parker argues that Johnson is a strong advocate for traditional family values and is equally committed to curbing government overspending.

He’s a dedicated public servant. He’s shown unwavering commitment to the Constitution, traditional values, the principles that have made America exceptional. You know, we wonder sometimes, where are the people that really think about the Founding Fathers and how we as a nation are exceptional, because we were the exception to the rule that anyone can break free and live a real wholesome life here. Well, he believes in the principles of the founders and American exceptionalism. 

His election brings with it a renewed sense of hope for all of us who hold conservative beliefs dear. In a recent speech that he made, he highlighted the importance of the Judeo-Christian tradition and values. Liberals up there are beside themselves about what happens now and what is going to happen next, because he spoke about the need to restore faith in our institutions and refocus on the family.

You know, the family is the bedrock of our society, and it’s a good thing that Speaker Johnson recognizes this. His vision for strengthening the social fabric that ties us together is a message that can resonate with Americans, because Americans can self-govern. 

It’s been really dark here in Washington DC. A lot of us know that a lot of us feel it. A lot of us been getting into these little huddles and wonder, can anything ever good happened here in Washington DC again? Can we see some light? Well, light shined just recently when Representative Mike Johnson became the 56th, Speaker of the US House of Representatives. 

He’s a representative of Northwest Louisiana, he rose to the position of speaker and it represents a real triumph for conservative principles and values. He’s a dedicated public servant. He’s shown unwavering commitment to the Constitution, traditional values, the principles that have made America exceptional. You know, we wonder sometimes, where are the people that really think about the founding fathers and how we as a nation are exceptional, because we were the exception to the rule that anyone can break free and live a real wholesome life here. Well, he believes in the principles of the founders and American exceptionalism. 

His election brings with it a renewed sense of hope for all of us who hold conservative beliefs dear. In a recent speech that he made, he highlighted the importance of the Judeo Christian tradition and values. Liberals up there up beside themselves about what happens now and what is going to happen next, because he spoke about the need to restore faith in our institutions, a refocus on the family. You know, the family is the bedrock of our society. And it’s a good thing that speaker Johnson recognizes this. His vision for strengthening the social fabric that ties us together is a message that can resonate with Americans, because Americans can self govern. 

We know how to be responsible if we’re challenged to be responsible, which would then limit the size and scope of government. And these are all the reasons that there are a lot of Democrats here in Washington that hate him already. They’re beside themselves. A Biden campaign spokesman said in a statement that speaker Johnson is someone who will seek to ban abortion. Oh, really? Okay. Yeah, we’re hearing those accusations every day. But I think it sounds great. Why as a nation, do we insist on having women killed their offspring, having men killed their offspring? I mean, what is it that people don’t understand about what abortion is? And they think, Oh, guess what, he’s gonna ban abortion. I like him even more. 

One of the most notable critics has been Biden’s former press secretary Jen Psaki, she’s now host on MSNBC. Well, she said, it’s not just his political ideology that should scare us. Johnson is basically a Christian fundamentalist. Well, you know, these new youth, they might have to look up what that means, because she meant it as an insult. She went on to say that the Bible doesn’t just inform his worldview, it is his worldview. Wow. Scary. Actually, that sounds great to me. Fact is what’s wrong with a whole lot of America, we don’t have a worldview, we don’t understand why we believe what we believe or even should we believe it. But when you realize that she means this as an attack against speaker Johnson, that he would actually believe the Bible, then you have to realize just how much the left truly hates those who have a biblical worldview. They fear those who take the Bible seriously. And because he’s such an upstanding, God fearing man, it really scares the left. But you know how he responded to these attacks? He said that if you truly believe in the Bible’s commands, and you seek to follow those, it’s impossible to be a hateful person. Because the greatest commandment in the Bible is that you love God with everything you have. And you love your neighbor as yourself. Wow. 

I’m not sure the attacks from Democrats are working over there on Capitol Hill, and I’m not sure that they’re going to work because this is going to be his response, as he navigates us through the body here in Congress that has the purse, and we can trust him because he’s saying, Look, I don’t hate. I take the Bible as a guidance to how I’m going to live my life. The more I hear him, the more I like him. But as a Republican congressman from New York said, whoever we picked, the left would have thought they were the Antichrist anyway. They already had the ads prepared. They just needed to us to submit the name, though. Here it is. We have a name. After weeks and weeks of turmoil, we now Have a speaker who believes in the Judeo Christian tradition, family values and the power of conservative ideas to lead our nation forward. 

Mike Johnson becoming speaker is a reminder that God’s values and principles can still prevail in the political arena. And this is really important for our nation, as we’re navigating through a few wars, some say the brink of world war three, and all of the funding that’s going to need to come with this, the possibility of government shutdown, the overspending that takes place here continuously. We needed someone who could actually govern and govern with a smile. 

The past weeks in Congress were marked by turmoil as Republicans had to search for their new leader. And Mike Johnson’s ability to unite the party and emerge as a consensus candidate speaks to his leadership skills. So we need to stand with Speaker Johnson and work together to advance a conservative vision for America. We’ve tried everything else and where we are today, all polling has shown that people are not pleased. So let’s give America a rebirth as we now speak to the world, in our response to the turmoil in the world, and as we speak to the nation, about what needs to happen next to bring our fiscal house in order

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