The American Enterprise Institute is a public policy think tank dedicated to defending human dignity, expanding human potential, and building a freer and safer world. AEI President Robert Doar, along with Senior Fellows Matthew Continetti and Timothy Carney, and Fellow Katherine Zimmerman are regular contributors to Straight Arrow News.

Biden's new tariffs might help American metal manufacturers but will cause problems for American businesses and workers who use these metals.
Conservative Opinion
July 18

How Biden’s tax on Chinese metal harms Americans

Senior Fellow, American Enterprise Institute

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With Putin ruling since 1999 and an unstable domestic situation, what will Russia's future will look like when he is no longer in charge?
Conservative Opinion
July 11

What happens to Russia after Putin?

Senior Fellow, American Enterprise Institute

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Americans need a leader who will highlight the country's strengths and "inspire us to get back on the right track."
Conservative Opinion
June 27

What kind of leader America needs

Senior Fellow, American Enterprise Institute

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NY Gov. Hochul's reversal on congestion pricing shows Democrats prioritize climate issues only when it won't harm their reelection chances.
Conservative Opinion
June 20

Democrats use climate change issues to help sell liberal agenda

Senior Fellow, American Enterprise Institute

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Biden and Trump will have at least two debates prior to November 2024. How did this happen, and what does it tell us about debates as a whole?
Conservative Opinion
June 6

How do presidential debates work?

Senior Fellow, American Enterprise Institute

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Biden's appointment of Becerra as HHS secretary betrayed his fellow Catholics in favor of pursuing a liberal “culture war” health agenda.
Conservative Opinion
May 30

HHS Secretary Becerra’s crusade against Catholicism

Senior Fellow, American Enterprise Institute

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The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is more powerful and more necessary today than it has ever been before.
Conservative Opinion
May 23

NATO is stronger now than ever before

Senior Fellow, American Enterprise Institute

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The old leaders of anti-Vietnam War protests are now crushing the anti-war student protests of a new generation. What explains this?
Conservative Opinion
May 16

Universities must blame themselves for protest hypocrisy

Senior Fellow, American Enterprise Institute

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Putin pledges to fight for however long it takes, but is that a realistic pledge for a hamstrung Russian economy and a demoralized Russia?
Conservative Opinion
May 9

Putin’s promise of a long war might be hollow threat

Senior Fellow, American Enterprise Institute

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U.S. elections have become much more secure in the past 25 years, but there is still room for more progress to be made.
Conservative Opinion
May 2

US elections have become much more secure since 2000

Senior Fellow, American Enterprise Institute

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Donald Trump has a long list of eligible VP candidates for the 2024 ticket, the only question is which one of them he’ll choose.
Conservative Opinion
April 25

Who will Trump pick for vice presidential running mate?

Senior Fellow, American Enterprise Institute

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The government wants to subsidize child daycare. Like other demand-side subsidies, this is only going to drive up prices even more.
Conservative Opinion
April 18

Subsidizing demand won’t fix real problems

Senior Fellow, American Enterprise Institute

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The Murthy case will help clarify the boundaries of communication between the federal government and social media companies.
Conservative Opinion
March 28

SCOTUS case on threat of disinformation raises thorny questions

Senior Fellow, American Enterprise Institute

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Education and income level are becoming more important to American elections than race or ethnicity, and that change continues to accelerate.
Conservative Opinion
March 21

Education, income becoming key variables in elections

Senior Fellow, American Enterprise Institute

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The societal impact of America's declining birth rate, largely attributed to cultural factors, will be substantial on various fronts.
Conservative Opinion
March 7

America’s baby bust portends tough times ahead

Senior Fellow, American Enterprise Institute

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The Supreme Court must decide if Trump is eligible to run for president, and whether individual states can make that ruling on their own.
Conservative Opinion
February 29

Trump v. Anderson is more complicated than it looks

Senior Fellow, American Enterprise Institute

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A Congressional candidate accused politicians of prioritizing illegal immigrants over citizens, leading to a heated exchange.
Conservative Opinion
February 22

If we’re lucky, AOC and the Squad are on their way out

Senior Fellow, American Enterprise Institute

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U.S. inflation is still too high. The American people are still suffering from it. And President Biden is still to blame.
Conservative Opinion
February 8

Inflation is still too high and Biden is still to blame

Senior Fellow, American Enterprise Institute

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For Iowa and New Hampshire, it’s the end of a political era. South Carolina and Nevada might replace them as the Democratic proving grounds.
Conservative Opinion
February 1

Era of Iowa, New Hampshire kicking off election season is ending

Senior Fellow, American Enterprise Institute

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Matthew Continetti highlights the rarity of a sitting president and a former president vying against each other in a general election.
Conservative Opinion
January 25

All bets are off in a Biden-Trump rematch

Senior Fellow, American Enterprise Institute

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The United States has a range of options on how to proceed in its fight against the Houthis, but one of those options is clearly superior.
Conservative Opinion
January 18

US should help Yemen fight Houthis

Fellow, American Enterprise Institute

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A new policy went into effect on Jan. 1, 2024, that’s going to make college a lot harder to afford for American families.
Conservative Opinion
January 11

College just got much pricier for American families

Senior Fellow, American Enterprise Institute

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The "over-the-top rhetoric" surrounding Georgia's voting laws enacted in the wake of the 2020 presidential election was destructive.
Conservative Opinion
December 28

Why the frenzy over Georgia’s voting laws was misplaced

Senior Fellow, American Enterprise Institute

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If Ukraine is left vulnerable without U.S. aid, the outcome for the United States would be worse than its retreat from Afghanistan in 2021.
Conservative Opinion
December 21

If America cuts off Ukraine aid, Putin will never stop aggression

Senior Fellow, American Enterprise Institute

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Hunter Biden's leveraging of his father's name to attract clients — and the president's acceptance of this practice — is troubling.
Conservative Opinion
December 14

Hunter Biden’s tax evasion charges not the worst part of controversy

Senior Fellow, American Enterprise Institute

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Iran informed neighboring countries 72 hours prior to retaliatory strikes on Israel.
Conservative Opinion
December 7

US must respond to threat from Iran-backed Houthis

Fellow, American Enterprise Institute

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Children and parents feel immense pressure to use smartphones, but healthier alternatives are possible. Here’s how.
Conservative Opinion
November 16

How to avoid child smartphone dependency

Senior Fellow, American Enterprise Institute

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Some university administrations have failed in their leadership roles by permitting calls for Israel's demise on campus.
Conservative Opinion
November 9

Appalling silence on college campuses in the face of antisemitism

Senior Fellow, American Enterprise Institute

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The Right thinks ousting Kevin McCarthy and appointing Mike Johnson as speaker gives them an advantage. In reality, not much will change.
Conservative Opinion
November 2

Changing speakers isn’t actually going to help Republicans

Senior Fellow, American Enterprise Institute

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In light of the brutal Hamas terrorist attack, here's what both Israel and the U.S. must do to stay one step ahead of their adversaries.
Conservative Opinion
October 26

US, Israeli counterterrorism policy must adjust after Hamas attack

Fellow, American Enterprise Institute

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Young people aren't getting married and settling down. Housing prices are to blame. Governments at all levels can and should intervene.
Conservative Opinion
October 19

Government can and should solve housing crisis

Senior Fellow, American Enterprise Institute

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How safe are we from terrorist attacks? Safer than we were, but not safe enough. The U.S. must sustain pressure against al-Qaeda.
Conservative Opinion
October 12

US must sustain pressure against al-Qaeda

Fellow, American Enterprise Institute

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A new poll shows a dead heat in the Kentucky governor's race, with both candidates holding 47 percent of the vote.
Conservative Opinion
October 5

GOP might be disappointed after key Virginia, Kentucky elections

Senior Fellow, American Enterprise Institute

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Which of the two major parties — Democrats or Republicans — might face more consequences if No Labels were to field a presidential candidate?
Conservative Opinion
September 28

How a No Labels candidate might affect outcome of 2024 election

Senior Fellow, American Enterprise Institute

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Former President Trump's immigration policy served as a humane and effective deterrent, in contrast to President Biden's current approach.
Conservative Opinion
September 21

Trump’s immigration deterrence policy more humane than Biden’s

Senior Fellow, American Enterprise Institute

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A string of recent coups in Africa's Sahel region reveals an urgent need for U.S. security policy changes.
Conservative Opinion
September 15

African coups demand US policy changes

Fellow, American Enterprise Institute

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Biden's declining popularity began in the summer of 2021, overlapping with gas prices, inflation and a messy withdrawal from Afghanistan.
Conservative Opinion
September 7

Biden’s declining popularity began in Afghanistan

Senior Fellow, American Enterprise Institute

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Voting reforms may be polarizing, but if you look at the actual data, the changes have minimal partisan impact on voter turnout.
Conservative Opinion
August 31

Voting reforms have minimal partisan impact on electoral turnout

Senior Fellow, American Enterprise Institute

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Some politicians are suggesting a mandatory national service corp to improve American, but the country is too divided for that to work.
Conservative Opinion
August 24

Partisan divide makes a new national service corps impossible

Senior Fellow, American Enterprise Institute

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Since the U.S. killing of Ayman al-Zawahiri, al-Qaeda has not had a visible leader. Here's why that matters.
Conservative Opinion
August 11

The impact of al-Qaeda’s missing public leadership

Fellow, American Enterprise Institute

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The Supreme Court's ruling against affirmative action is consistent with America's ongoing efforts to rectify its discriminatory past.
Conservative Opinion
August 3

Affirmative action ruling consistent with struggle against US racist past

President, American Enterprise Institute

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The polls don't lie: Biden's economic policies have been detrimental to the country and have made the president deeply unpopular.
Conservative Opinion
July 27

‘Bidenomics’ falls short in addressing America’s economic woes

Senior Fellow, American Enterprise Institute

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We don't need any more regulations that require campaign ads to inform voters when AI has been used to create the audio or visual content.
Conservative Opinion
July 20

Do we need new laws for AI-generated political ads?

Senior Fellow, American Enterprise Institute

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Some conservatives believe Democrats have been spreading misinformation about COVID and Hunter Biden when they should have known better.
Conservative Opinion
July 13

What Democrats get wrong about misinformation and free speech

Senior Fellow, American Enterprise Institute

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While the threat of terrorism against the U.S. has decreased, it would be a costly mistake to divest from counterterrorism efforts.
Conservative Opinion
June 22

Divesting from counterterrorism would be costly mistake for US

Fellow, American Enterprise Institute

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Presidential debates are an important part of the election process, but with Republicans unhappy with the format, it's time for some changes.
Conservative Opinion
June 15

Republican demands for changes to presidential debates warranted

Senior Fellow, American Enterprise Institute

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President Biden's uninspired launch of his reelection campaign is indicative of the mixed feelings many Democrats have about his candidacy.
Conservative Opinion
June 1

Biden’s lukewarm campaign rollout is sign of problems ahead

Senior Fellow, American Enterprise Institute

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Florida Governor Ron DeSantis can turn his feud with Disney into a wider platform for tackling corporate welfare.
Conservative Opinion
May 25

DeSantis is right to oppose government subsidies for Disney

Senior Fellow, American Enterprise Institute

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To avoid a default and restore confidence, President Biden and House Speaker Kevin McCarthy must quickly resolve their debt ceiling standoff.
Conservative Opinion
May 18

Debt ceiling standoff between Biden and GOP must end quickly

Senior Fellow, American Enterprise Institute

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Fighting in Sudan prompted the U.S. government to evacuate embassy staff, but should private American citizens receive the same treatment?
Conservative Opinion
May 12

Did the US government abandon its private citizens in Sudan?

Fellow, American Enterprise Institute

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