
Straight Arrow News is committed to fair, factual, unbiased journalism that encourages viewers to make up their own minds. In addition to the facts, we believe it’s vital to hear arguments from all sides of the political spectrum. We hope these different voices will help you reach your own conclusions. The opinions published in this section are solely those of the contributors and do not reflect the views of Straight Arrow News.

Democrats should take a page from the far-right handbook, be more assertive, and do whatever necessary to safeguard our democracy.
Liberal Opinion
October 2

For Left to preserve democracy it can no longer play defense

Legal analyst, law professor & award-winning author

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Fifty former intelligence officials who claimed Hunter Biden's laptop was Russian disinformation were banned from some government facilities.
Liberal Opinion
October 1

Donald Trump already blaming Jews for his expected loss

Columnist, host & author

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Tariffs can sometimes benefit economies, but Trump's plan would likely raise prices and cause further inflation for U.S. consumers.
Liberal Opinion
September 30

Trump’s terrible tariff plan will raise prices for US consumers

Host of The David Pakman Show

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The fossil fuels industry and its friends in corporate media are opposed to electric vehicles, despite recent improvements in EV tech.
Liberal Opinion
September 26

Fossil fuels industry is behind GOP opposition to electric vehicles

Author; Founding Editor, Ramshackle Glam

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Children should not be punished for delays in reporting threats, and disciplinary approaches may actually backfire.
Liberal Opinion
September 25

Punishing children for failure to report threats will backfire

Legal analyst, law professor & award-winning author

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As long as the Texas GOP continues enacting anti-Latino policies, and immigrants keep voting, Democratic candidates will continue gaining ground.
Liberal Opinion
September 24

How Texas GOP policies are helping turn state purple

Columnist, host & author

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If Republicans want to address political extremism and violence, they need to have a difficult conversation with themselves in the mirror.
Liberal Opinion
September 23

GOP should look in a mirror to address violent extremism

Host of The David Pakman Show

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After Trump, will the conservative movement fully embrace the MAGA agenda or pivot in a direction that could push them farther to the Left?
Liberal Opinion
September 20

What happens to the Republican Party after Trump?

National TV Political Analyst, Talk Radio Host, Univ. Prof.

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With most young men backing Trump, women should remember their vote is private and follow their conscience.
Liberal Opinion
September 19

Don’t let your Trump-supporting partner influence your vote

Author; Founding Editor, Ramshackle Glam

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The most disturbing part of Amazon Alexa’s alleged bias is that voters are asking an AI program who to vote for in the first place.
Liberal Opinion
September 18

Citizens shouldn’t need AI to tell them how to vote

Legal analyst, law professor & award-winning author

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Democrats should be consistent in their approach to security rather than selectively applying measures based on what is best for them.
Conservative Opinion
August 23

Democrats’ double standard when selectively building security walls

Founder & President, Center for Urban Renewal and Education

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Kamala Harris is to the left of Biden on a range of big issues, including the war in Gaza, and that’s a bad sign for conservatives.
Conservative Opinion
August 22

Harris is further Left than Biden on Gaza, Supreme Court and more

Senior Fellow, American Enterprise Institute

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Kamala Harris's first policy speech in North Carolina as a Democratic presidential candidate reveals her socialist ambitions.
Conservative Opinion
August 21

Kamala Harris really is a big-government socialist

Former House Speaker; Chairman of Gingrich 360

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Vice President Harris defends US support for Israel, citing self-defense needs and a strong alliance between American and Israeli people.
Conservative Opinion
August 20

Kamala Harris is trying to pull off a fast one

Federalist Senior Contributor; Claremont Institute Fellow

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Minnesota Democratic Gov. Tim Walz has taken actions that have raised questions about the dynamics between him and his lieutenant governor.
Conservative Opinion
August 16

Pro-life conservatives must reject Tim Walz

Founder & President, Center for Urban Renewal and Education

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Omarosa Manigault Newman, a former Trump White House aid, said former President Donald Trump dictated his medical history.
Conservative Opinion
August 15

Uncensored political content like Trump-Musk on X is a win for free speech

Senior Fellow, American Enterprise Institute

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Given the grave threats to Israel's security, the U.S. must remain steadfast in its support of this democratic ally.
Conservative Opinion
August 14

America must stand by Israel as threat of greater war looms

Former House Speaker; Chairman of Gingrich 360

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The U.S. government's harsh treatment of whistleblowers will deter others from coming forth and protecting the Constitution.
Conservative Opinion
August 13

Is US government hanging IRS whistleblowers out to dry?

Federalist Senior Contributor; Claremont Institute Fellow

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Voters should carefully examine VP Harris's record on immigration, crime, and the economy before making their decision at the polls.
Conservative Opinion
August 9

Harris’ record of failure and divisiveness makes her unfit for presidency

Founder & President, Center for Urban Renewal and Education

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JD Vance’s comments about childless cat ladies highlight the very real problem of the modern costs of raising a family and declining U.S. birth rates.
Conservative Opinion
August 8

Real birth rate crisis lurks beneath the ‘childless cat ladies’ debate

Senior Fellow, American Enterprise Institute

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