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What’s going on in President Biden’s head?

Newt Gingrich Former House Speaker; Chairman of Gingrich 360

He’s telling lies and criticizing members of his own party, so it’s no surprise President Biden’s approval ratings are dropping to catastrophic levels. The recent Quinnipiac poll shows the president’s approval at 33% overall, 25% among independents, 28% among Latinos, and 24% approval with young Americans. 

There’s a laundry list of reasons for these low numbers, including the fact that the Democrats are sucked into a left-wing agenda that the country doesn’t want. Look at the voting rights bill which is about to fail. More than 80% of the country believes we should require voters to present photo identification; the legislation would put an end to that.

Americans are also extremely worried about inflation, but the Democrats are still pushing the Build Back Better bill which would increase the money supply and drive up inflation.

On top of all of that, Biden can’t stop spreading falsehoods. During a recent speech to a civil rights group at Morehouse College in Atlanta, he recalled getting arrested. The Washington Post fact checked him, said it’s not true, and gave him four Pinocchios, the most you can get. This wasn’t the first time the President fabricated his arrest.

And you have to wonder, I mean, what’s going on in his head that he keeps making up things that are total falsehoods?

During that same speech in Atlanta, Biden called Georgia’s new voting laws restrictive and equated its supporters with Bull Connor, Jefferson Davis, and George Wallace. As my daughter, Jackie Cushman, pointed out in her column, these three are all Democrats.

So the three people that Biden warned Republicans not to be like, in fact, all Democrats, and it’s his party’s tradition of segregation and slavery, not the Republican party. The Republican party was founded as the party of freedom.

I think it’s that kind of thing, the combination of mismanagement of the economy, looking very weak and incompetent in foreign policy, and pursuing issues that most Americans oppose. All those are becoming, I think, a huge hurricane of negative consequence, which could really shape the 2022 election.

I wanna talk very briefly about three different things that involve president Joe Biden. 

The first is I’m talking to you shortly after the release of the Quinnipiac poll, which shows him at 33% approval, which verges on catastrophic. And when you look at the other numbers in the poll, 25% approval among, independents, 28% approval among Latinos, something like 24% approval among young Americans. 

If I were a Democrat, I’d begin to really start to worry. Part of the reason is they are just totally sucked into a left-wing agenda the country doesn’t want. Over 80% of the country believes you ought to have a photo identity order to vote. That would be killed by the bill they’re trying to pass. 

Overwhelmingly, the country’s worried about inflation. 

The Build Back Better bill would add a trillion, $700 billion of additional money, increasing the money supply, driving up inflation.

So they’re trapped into a treadmill of things that are unpopular at a time when the president’s already down to 33%.

Two other observations. For reasons I don’t fully understand, Biden can’t help being a liar. He got all excited and told this group of civil rights activists that he remembered back when he was arrested.  

Well, the Washington Post, for the second time, by the way, he did this earlier, for the second time, the Washington Post investigated, came back and gave him four Pinocchios, which is the most you can get, saying it’s just plain, not true. 

And you have to wonder, I mean, what’s going on in his head that he keeps making up things that are total falsehoods?

The other thing that I think is fascinating and my daughter, Jackie Kushman, just wrote a column and included this, and I didn’t piece it together till I read Jackie’s column.

The three bad people that he contrasted and said, we don’t wanna be like them – implying that Republicans were like them included Bull Connor, the police chief, in Birmingham, who was made famous by a Newsweek cover of a police dog barking at, and almost biting a young girl. Jefferson Davis, who was the head of the Confederacy, and George Wallace, who was the segregationist governor of Alabama. 

And as Jackie pointed out in her column, all three are Democrats. So the three people that Biden warned Republicans not to be like, in fact, all Democrats, and it’s his party’s tradition of segregation and slavery, not the Republican party. The Republican party was founded as the party of freedom.

I think it’s that kind of thing, the combination of mismanagement of the economy, looking very weak and incompetent in foreign policy, and pursuing issues that most Americans oppose.

All those are becoming, I think, a huge hurricane of negative consequence, which could really shape the 2022 election.


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