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As President Biden announced the U.S. will send 31 Abrams tanks to Ukraine, Sen. Lindsey Graham called out Republicans who question the support.

Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., is calling out Republicans who question whether the U.S. should continue providing financial and military aid to Ukraine. Graham’s statement came as President Biden announced the U.S. will send the country 31 Abrams tanks to help defeat Russia. “So this idea that we can’t help Ukraine because we got a broken…

Authorities have found classified materials in the homes of three current and former members of the executive branch from their time in the White House.

Authorities have found classified materials in the private homes of three current and former elected members of the executive branch from their time in the White House. The feds revealed Tuesday that former Vice President Mike Pence, like President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump, had classified material in his private residence. As the…

Classified documents were found at the home of Mike Pence and Joe Biden has been sued over his migrant sponsorship plan.

Classified documents were found at the home of former Vice President Mike Pence; President Joe Biden has been sued over his migrant sponsorship plan; and Pope Francis criticized laws criminalizing homosexuality. These stories and more highlight the morning rundown for Wednesday, Jan. 25, 2023. Earthquake hits California coast A 4.2 magnitude earthquake struck off the…

Will the government default on its debt if the ceiling isn't raised? According to James Galbraith, the government legally can't default.

Congress is at a familiar crossroads in 2023. Since 1960, elected representatives have acted on the debt ceiling 78 times to avoid default. As the U.S. breaches its current $31.4 trillion ceiling, the Treasury Department is taking “extraordinary measures” to avoid default. Those measures will help stave off decision-making time until June, but Congress theoretically…

Could the nation's debt crisis be solved by a single coin? Every day the U.S. gets closer to default, the calls grow louder for a trillion-dollar solution.

Could the nation’s debt crisis be solved by a single coin? Every day the U.S. gets closer to defaulting on its debt, the calls grow louder for a trillion-dollar solution. In true fashion, The Simpsons got close to foreshadowing this exact scenario in a 1998 episode titled, “The Trouble With Trillions,” in which former President…

Republicans and Democrats on Capitol Hill have not started debt limit negotiations as a government default looms.

The United States government has hit the nearly $31.4 trillion debt ceiling and Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen informed congressional leaders she’s taking extraordinary measures to pay the government’s bills. But according to Rep. Don Bacon, R-Neb., negotiations on Capitol Hill to increase the ceiling and avoid a default have still not started. “Not yet, unfortunately.…

Republicans are playing hardball over the looming debt limit crisis, demanding spending cuts to help bring U.S. debt under control.

The U.S. has officially hit its debt ceiling, the max amount of money it is able to borrow. With the government on the hook for $31 trillion, Republicans in Congress say they want spending concessions made before they agree to raise the debt ceiling. The White House says it won’t negotiate. Straight Arrow News contributor…

America was founded on racist principles, and despite what some lawmakers claim, it's alive and well in both the country and GOP.

How problematic is racism in America? Depends on who you ask. According to a Pew Research study, “Americans tend to view racism by individuals as a bigger problem for Black people in the United States than racism in the nation’s laws. Black Americans themselves, however, are more likely to say racism in U.S. laws is the…

The US government has hit the debt ceiling of nearly $31.4 trillion. That's the maximum amount of money it can borrow to pay its bills.

The United States has hit the debt ceiling, or the maximum amount of money it’s allowed to borrow to pay its bills. The debt ceiling is currently set at nearly $31.4 trillion. In a letter to congressional leaders, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said she is now taking extraordinary measures to keep the United States from…

After President Biden was shown to have classified documents in his possession, as did Trump, the GOP decided to investigate further.

For months now, there has been a national discussion about whether former President Trump committed a crime by ignoring repeated requests from the National Archives to return any classified documents he had in his possession. Just when Republicans thought the bipartisan debate would never end, President Biden inadvertently comes to the rescue. After authorities discovered…

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