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Ukraine is using some of the world’s best air defense systems, but it’s not enough to down every threat Russia launches.

The war in Ukraine is now almost two years old, and it’s not going the way Russia intended. On the ground, a brutal stalemate means any advance is quickly spotted and eliminated. But agreements with Iran and North Korea are bolstering Russia’s air attacks. Over the last few weeks, the Russians resumed their winter warfare…

Under the USSR, Ukraine was a major weapons manufacturer. Ukraine’s government wants the country to regain that former prominence.

When Ukraine was a part of the USSR, it was a major weapons manufacturer. To win the war with Russia and protect its future, Ukraine’s government wants the country to regain that former prominence. Ukraine’s Armed Forces are up to the task. The UAF used domestically produced Unmanned Surface Vessels (USV) called Sea Babies to…

Critics of Ukraine’s counteroffensive agains’t Russia say it's moving to slow. Ukraine is telling those critics they can help, or shut up.

Ukraine’s counteroffensive against Russia isn’t going as quickly as some in the West would like. Ukraine doesn’t care. Just take it from the country’s foreign minister, Dmytro Kuleba. He said, “Criticizing the slow pace of the counteroffensive equals spitting in the face of the Ukrainian soldier who sacrifices his life everyday moving forward and liberating…

Ukraine made a deal with Sweden to produce CV90s domestically. The CV90 is lauded by many as the finest infantry fighting vehicle available.

Ukraine’s current counteroffensive strategy depends on good infantry fighting vehicles. U.S.-supplied Bradley IFVs are nothing to shake a stick at, but the Swedish-made Stridsfordon 90 may be in a class of its own. The Stridsfordon, or combat vehicle, is manufactured by BAE Systems Hägglunds. Ukraine already has at least 50 in its inventory. However, that…

Baykar and Rheinmetall are building factories in western Ukraine. Soon, Ukrainians will make their own Bayraktar drones and Leopard tanks

The country may not be a NATO member yet, but that doesn’t mean Ukraine can’t make some sweet deals with its future NATO allies. Defense contractors from Germany and Turkey are moving ahead with plans to build factories in western Ukraine. Turkish manufacturer Baykar will be building drones in Ukraine soon. Ukraine Minister of Strategic…

To build its new Common Tactical Truck, the Army awarded four contracts to different companies to build prototypes.

The U.S. Army needs new trucks. The service wants to replace its aging Family of Heavy Tactical Vehicles with more affordable models based on commercial designs. To build its new Common Tactical Truck (CTT), the Army awarded four contracts to different companies to build prototypes. Each team will construct variants of the Army’s M915 Line…

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