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President Biden wants to blame everyone else, including Russia, for America's crippling inflation. Ultimately, the buck stops with him.

The economic forecast for the U.S. remains gloomy, and experts say the worst may be yet to come. Wall Street just endured its worst first-half performance since 1970 and the World Bank expects global economic growth to slow dramatically in 2022. As his poll numbers sink amid soaring gas prices, President Joe Biden has tried…

Many tools used to regulate the economic system, like interest rates at the federal bank level, may not work anymore as the population ages. 

The U.S. is in the grip of the worst inflation the country has endured in decades. In the wake of a steep interest rate hike, Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell faced bipartisan grilling from the Senate this week about the plan to rein in inflation. But will those actions be enough? Straight Arrow News contributor…

As the Russian army’s onslaught continues to eat up more territory in Ukraine, Vladimir Putin may already be prepping for Russia’s next war. He’s also continuing to try and justify his invasion. Straight Arrow News contributor Peter Zeihan says Putin is doing so to prepare the Russian people for what could potentially be the next…

Russia and China conducted joint warplane exercises.

President Joe Biden’s trip to Asia concluded with a bang as Russia and China sent him off with joint warplane exercises. According to a senior Biden administration official, Tuesday’s exercises were the first conducted by China and Russia since Moscow invaded Ukraine back in February. However earlier that month, the leaders of each country met…

President Joe Biden launched a new trade deal designed to raise the economic profile of the U.S. and create a counter to China within Asia.

President Joe Biden launched a new trade deal with 12 Indo-Pacific nations aimed at strengthening their economies. Biden, speaking at a news conference in Japan, said the pact is designed to raise the economic profile of the U.S. and create a counter to China within Asia. The Indo-Pacific Economic Framework is a broad plan for…

Joe Biden said the United States would intervene militarily should China try to invade Taiwan.

As President Joe Biden continued his six-day trip to Asia, he made headlines when he said the United States military would intervene in the ongoing tensions between China and Taiwan should they escalate. President Biden was asked about the subject during a Monday news conference with Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida. “We support the ‘One…

President Biden toured a massive Samsung chip plant as part of a trip meant to send a message of economic security to China and Taiwan.

U.S. President Joe Biden’s first stop on his inaugural trip to Asia on Friday was a massive Samsung Electronics plant where semiconductor chips are produced. The trip underscores a message of economic security with an eye on China and Taiwan. “The critical component of how we’ll do that in my view is by working with…

President Biden departed on his first Indo-Pacific trip as president, stopping first in South Korea and planning to focus on China.

President Joe Biden departed on his first trip to the Indo-Pacific region as President. Over the six-day trip, President Biden is set to meet newly elected South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol and Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida. While in Japan, Biden will also meet with fellow leaders of the Indo-Pacific strategic alliance known as…

China flew aircraft in the air defense zone of Taiwan.

Taiwan’s Defense Ministry announced on Twitter that 18 aircraft from China’s People’s Liberation Army flew into its air defense zone. The ministry said aircraft included six Chinese J-11 fighters, six J-16 fighters and two H-6 bombers. The bombers, accompanied by a Y-8 anti-submarine aircraft, flew to the south of Taiwan through the Bashi Channel. The…

Taiwan's book includes information on where to find bomb shelters and how to stockpile emergency supplies in the event of conflict with China.

Taiwan’s military released a handbook on civil defense for the first time this week, advising civilians on how to prepare for a potential Chinese invasion. The book includes information on where to find bomb shelters and how to stockpile emergency supplies. China has never renounced the use of force to bring Taiwan under its control…

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