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Scott Peterson is guilty of murder. The Innocence Project should not defend him or any other suspect where the verdict is not in question.

The Innocence Project is a legal defense organization that assists individuals believed to have been victims of wrongful conviction and imprisonment. Its stated mission “to free the innocent” is a reminder of the many Americans who continue to serve sentences for crimes they might not have committed. One of their clients is a man named…

Dartmouth College basketball players are not just athletes but university employees and can form a union, according to a recent ruling.

Dartmouth College basketball players are not just athletes, but university employees able to negotiate salaries, practice schedules and travel schedules. That’s what a National Labor Relations Board regional official ruled on Monday, Feb. 5, clearing the path for a union vote. Dartmouth can still appeal the decision in a case that could wind up at…

A three-judge panel rejected Trump's claims he could not be charged because of presidential immunity, but Trump may appeal the ruling.

On Feb. 6, a federal appeals court ruled former President Donald Trump is not immune from prosecution on the basis of “presidential immunity.” Trump has been arguing he can’t be charged for actions related to Jan. 6 since he was still president at the time — an argument the three-judge panel rejected. “For the purpose…

With more than a dozen GOP governors, Abbott repeated his claim that Texas is in imminent danger from an “invasion” of migrants.

Thirteen Republican governors joined Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, R, over the weekend of Feb. 2 at Shelby Park in Eagle Pass, Texas. Shelby Park currently serves as the epicenter of a standoff between the state of Texas and the federal government. “As opposed to detaining any illegal immigrants, Biden has instead let them all loose…

CEOs from TikTok, X, Snapchat and Meta testified on child safety before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Capitol Hill, Wednesday, Jan. 31.

CEOs from TikTok, X, Snapchat and Meta testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Capitol Hill, Wednesday, Jan. 31. In a key moment of the hearing on social media child safety measures, Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg apologized directly to the parents impacted by his company’s policies. “I’m sorry for everything you all have gone through,”…

Democrats plan to overturn part of the Comstock Act, a law forbidding mailing abortion materials and several forms of birth control.

The U.S. Supreme Court is set to hear its first abortion case since the controversial Dobbs decision that overturned Roe v. Wade. The high court announced it will hear oral arguments in the case on access to abortion drug, mifepristone, in March. Mifepristone is one of two abortion drugs used to end a pregnancy. “It…

A June Gallup poll reveals over half of Americans now favor reducing immigration, a sentiment not seen since 2005.

The U.S. Border Patrol recorded more than 6.3 million encounters with illegal immigrant border crossers since President Biden assumed office in January 2021. Preliminary numbers for December 2023 reveal 302,000 encounters along the southwest border, marking the highest monthly total on record. In response to the escalating number of illegal border crossings, Texas Gov. Greg…

A Lebanese migrant was caught near El Paso, Texas, claiming to be a former Hezbollah member planning to make a bomb.

The fight between Texas and the federal government over enforcement at the U.S. southern border continues to intensify. The Supreme Court ruled on Jan. 22 that federal officers could cut and remove razor wire installed along the border by the Lone Star state to prevent illegal crossings.  Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, R, and other officials fired…

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