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In the South China Sea, Chinese vessels surrounded a Philippine Coast Guard ship as journalists witness an aggressive confrontation.

In the South China Sea, a fleet of Chinese vessels surrounded a Philippine Coast Guard ship Tuesday morning, March 5. CNN and The Wall Street Journal reporters were aboard a Philippine ship, marking the first instance of foreign journalists joining the mission. The reporters observed a Chinese boat firing a water cannon at the Philippine…

The collapse of global maritime trade and shipping is only a single major catastrophe away. Societies should plan now for what comes next.

With major wars, sanctions, tribal militias, and pirate gangs each disrupting the world’s waterways, global maritime trade is becoming more complicated, more expensive, and more dangerous. Many of these conflicts show signs of intensifying, raising important questions about the future of global maritime trade. Straight Arrow News contributor Peter Zeihan says it is only a…

Given the potential threat of another world war, preventing Trump from securing a second term must be the top priority for Americans.

On Monday, Jan. 16, former President Donald Trump solidified his frontrunner status by decisively defeating his GOP rivals, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, at the Iowa caucus. As the possibility of another Trump-Biden rematch looms, some voters are not clear about which candidate is better suited to guide the…

The U.S. Air Force is rebuilding the airfield used to launch the nuclear attacks on Japan during World War II.

The United States Air Force is rebuilding the airfield used to launch the nuclear attacks on Japan during World War II, reclaiming Tinian Island’s north field from the jungle — just in case it’s needed in a war with China. Diplomatic efforts to prevent a conflict notwithstanding, the U.S. and China are on a path…

Satellite images allegedly show Chinese militia ships massing around a contested reef in the South China Sea, encroaching on the Philippines.

As tensions continue to rise in the South China Sea between China and the Philippines, a look at newly-released satellite images allegedly shows Chinese militia ships massing around a contested reef. Beijing claims it has rights over the Whitsun Reef, which is about 750 nautical miles from China’s nearest province. The reef is considered to…

Vessels from the Chinese Coast Guard are harassing fishermen and marines from the Philippines in disputed waters in the South China Sea.

The Chinese military is nothing if not consistent. Vessels from the Chinese coast guard are harassing Filipino fishermen and marines in disputed waters in the South China Sea at a rate of about twice a month since August. The Chinese ships are working to stop Filipino vessels from reaching destinations in the Scarborough Shoal and…

For the first time ever, warships from China were seen Sunday docking at the Ream Naval Base in Cambodia, which has a pier large enough to fit a Chinese aircraft carrier.

The Chinese navy, the world’s largest by number of ships, is expanding its reach. For the first time, Chinese warships were seen docking at the Ream Naval Base in Cambodia. We and countries in the region have expressed concerns about the lack of transparency on the intent, the nature, the scope of this project. Ned…

The Philippines has constructed a new coast guard station on the contested island of Thitu in the South China Sea, enhancing its ability to monitor movements of Chinese vessels and aircraft in the busy disputed waterway.

The Philippines has constructed a new coast guard station on the contested island of Thitu in the South China Sea. The move aims to enhance the coast guard’s ability to monitor movements of Chinese vessels and aircraft in the busy, disputed waterway. Thitu Island, also referred to as Zhongye Island by the People’s Republic of…

A Chinese scientist claimed China’s own stealth fighters can shoot down the B-21 Raider. So, should you believe the hype?

The United States Air Force flew its newest stealth bomber, the B-21 Raider, for the first time in early November. A few weeks later, a Chinese scientist claimed China’s own stealth fighters can shoot down the B-21. The claim comes from Chen Jun, an associate professor at China’s Northwestern Polytechnical University in Xian. South China…

Sea turtle nests reach record breaking numbers in the U.S. amid worries of climate change threatening the future of the species.

Despite climate change worries, sea turtles are breaking records as biologists in the U.S. report discovering the most nests since 2016. On beaches in Florida, preliminary reports recorded more than 133,840 loggerhead turtle nests and 76,500 green turtle nests. So particularly with climate change, reproductive output of all of these nests is actually quite low…

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