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Two Senators are working together on a bipartisan basis to put cameras in the Supreme Court, hoping to increase transparency and trust.

Sens. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., and Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, are introducing a bipartisan bill to put cameras in the Supreme Court so the public can watch oral arguments live. The Cameras in the Courtroom Act would require the court’s open proceedings to be televised unless the justices determine by a majority vote that it would violate…

The Texas man suing his ex-wife's friends for helping her get an abortion is a scare tactic that's designed to maintain control over women.

The fight over the Texas abortion law is crowding courthouses at the state and federal levels. The Supreme Court recently ruled that a lawsuit challenging S.B. 8, which bans abortions in the state after six weeks of pregnancy, can proceed. In another case, a Texas man named Marcus Silva is suing three women he claims helped…

South Carolina lawmakers have proposed a bill to redefine "person" to include the unborn, seeking to link an abortion to an act of homicide.

Republican lawmakers in South Carolina have proposed a bill that seeks to redefine the term “person” to include the unborn. The South Carolina Prenatal Equal Protection Act of 2023 would consider an “unborn child” which is aborted at any stage of development the victim of homicide, with protections afforded under the state’s assault laws. The change…

A gun law in the state of Missouri that made certain federal gun laws invalid has been thrown out by a federal judge.

A gun law in the state of Missouri made certain federal gun laws invalid. Local and state officials were not to enforce federal gun regulations because it stated that the gun restrictions violated the Second Amendment. A federal judge has tossed out Missouri’s law, arguing it violates the Constitution’s supremacy clause. The power struggle between…

Student loans have been paused for three years. Now, SoFi, a company that refinances loans is challenging Biden's latest pause extension.

Student loans have been paused for three years. Now, SoFi, a company that refinances student loans is suing to block President Biden’s latest pause extension. The bank says its federal student loan refinancing business has suffered because borrowers have little incentive to refinance while payments and interest remain on hold. The company claims in the…

The Supreme Court will review whether the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is unconstitutional. The agency was born out of the 2008 financial crisis.

The Supreme Court is set to review whether an entire federal agency is unconstitutional. This week, it announced it would take up another challenge to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau after the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit determined its funding structure violated the constitution. The Biden administration asked the Supreme Court to…

The Supreme Court heard arguments on two cases challenging Biden's plan to forgive $10 to $20 thousand in student loan debt for 43 million borrowers.

The Supreme Court heard oral arguments on President Biden’s plan to forgive $10 thousand to $20 thousand in student debt for 43 million people. The justices are considering two cases: Biden v. Nebraska, which was brought forward by a group of states, and Department of Education v. Brown, filed on behalf of two individual borrowers.…

The U.S. Department of Energy has assessed that the COVID-19 pandemic most likely came from a laboratory leak in China.

The U.S. Department of Energy has assessed that the COVID-19 pandemic most likely came from a laboratory leak in China; several tornadoes stretched across the central U.S. overnight; the Supreme Court is taking up Biden’s student loan program this week; and a lawsuit has been filed over the streaming rights of South Park. These stories…

Section 230 has been called "the law that created the modern internet." These Supreme Court cases could change the way the internet works.

This week, the U.S. Supreme Court is looking at whether to narrow Section 230, a foundational internet shield law that passed in 1996. But even some of the justices are grappling with that role. “I mean, we’re a court, we don’t really know about these things. These are not, like, the nine greatest experts on…

Google and Twitter are facing lawsuits by families of victims killed in ISIS attacks, challenging the tech companies' legal immunity under Section 230.

The Supreme Court will hear two cases this week that have major implications for the future of the internet. Google and Twitter are both facing lawsuits by families of victims killed in separate ISIS attacks, challenging the tech companies’ legal immunity for what users post on platforms granted through Section 230. Section 230 has been…

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