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Minority Leader McConnell told Republicans he supports working toward a border security deal to go with aid for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said Thursday, Jan. 25 he still supports a border security deal that’s linked to aid for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan. He put months of negotiations in question when, on the previous night, he said he didn’t want to do anything to undermine the presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump,…

Senate continues negotiations on a foreign aid package that also includes border security measures, however, more work needs to be done.

Senate negotiators are close, however, they have not reached a deal on a supplemental foreign aid package. The package would also create border security and immigration reforms in the U.S. The principal lawmakers are working out the details and hope to have something to vote on within a week. Republicans have been holding up the…

After Xi Jinping promised the Chinese people that "reunification" is "inevitable" in his New Year’s speech, will China invade Taiwan?

Chinese President Xi Jinping said in his recent New Year’s address to the Chinese people that “reunification” with Taiwan is “inevitable.” His remarks follow years of increasingly provocative Chinese actions against Taiwan, as well as against other nations in the region, including U.S. allies like the Philippines. International observers have long debated the likelihood and…

Given the potential threat of another world war, preventing Trump from securing a second term must be the top priority for Americans.

On Monday, Jan. 16, former President Donald Trump solidified his frontrunner status by decisively defeating his GOP rivals, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, at the Iowa caucus. As the possibility of another Trump-Biden rematch looms, some voters are not clear about which candidate is better suited to guide the…

The 2024 presidential primaries kick off on Monday with the Iowa caucuses as the GOP frontrunner, Donald Trump, tops the latest poll.

Voters are ready to be heard as the 2024 presidential primary kicks off in Iowa. And congressional leaders said they have reached a deal to avert a government shutdown. These stories and more highlight The Morning Rundown for Monday, Jan. 15, 2024. Trump leads in Iowa ahead of record-cold caucuses On Monday, Jan. 15, the…

Many of China's most vaunted weapons systems won't work, according to a new report. Why? Instead of fuel, their tanks were filled with water.

A driving force in the U.S. military is preparing for competition with near-peer adversaries like China and Russia. But as it turns out, perhaps those peers aren’t so near. For decades, Russia said it controlled the world’s “second army.” However, current events in Ukraine are punching plenty of holes in that argument. This leaves China…

A recent study showed that TikTok suppresses certain topics. Now, new information is saying the study is limited and potentially incorrect.

According to a recent study from Network Contagion Research Institute and Rutgers, TikTok may be suppressing content that doesn’t align with Chinese interests. The study compared the volume of posts on controversial topics on Instagram to the amount on TikTok, concluding that the ratio of comparisons show certain topics are nearly off limits on TikTok.…

The U.S. Air Force is rebuilding the airfield used to launch the nuclear attacks on Japan during World War II.

The United States Air Force is rebuilding the airfield used to launch the nuclear attacks on Japan during World War II, reclaiming Tinian Island’s north field from the jungle — just in case it’s needed in a war with China. Diplomatic efforts to prevent a conflict notwithstanding, the U.S. and China are on a path…

The Senate passed a $886 billion defense policy bill, called The National Defense Authorization Act, in a 87-13 vote.

On Wednesday, Dec. 13, the Senate passed a $886 billion defense policy bill in a 87-13 vote. The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which passed with little pushback, gives 5.2% pay increases to troops, the biggest raise in over two decades. Other features of the bill include hundreds of millions of dollars in military assistance to…

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