“We love you, Mr. Cosby. We love you sir. We love you sir. We knew it, we knew it, we knew it.”
Andrew Wyatt, Bill Cosby’s publicist: “We want to thank the Pennsylvania State Supreme Court, as I mentioned earlier, for reviewing Mr. Cosby’s appeal, but also seeing the light. Seeing the lies, saying that Mr. Cosby had immunity, this U.S. citizen who served our country in the Navy. Not just in the Navy, but he served our country in so many different ways through his celebrity, him and Mrs. Cosby. Mr. Cosby has always used his celebrity, his name, his likeness to uplift women, this is a man who refused to perform at the White House with Nixon. Nixon put him on a communist list in the 60s. Along with so many other great names like Dick Gregory, Jane Fonda. How could a man who was being watched by the FBI every day be raping and drugging women in the 60s or 70s, especially a black man? Today, innocence came to Mr. Cosby with the help of these wonderful attorneys. As I said earlier, James Brown made a song, It’s a man’s world, there’d would be nothing without a woman, a girl. Mrs. Cosby was that woman. For 57 years the queen, the matriarch of the Cosby family who fought for his vindication, who said he would be vindicated. And today, on this hot day, this is a hot verdict for us that we will forever cherish because we got one of the greatest or the greatest entertainer alive today. Mr. Bill Cosby is a great American citizen, this American treasure, this icon.”
Jennifer Bonjean, Bill Cosby’s lawyer:
“Obviously, we are thrilled to have Mr. Cosby home. He served three years of an unjust sentence and he did it with dignity and principle and he was a mentor to other inmates. He was really, as I say, doing the time but the time was not doing him. They’ve demonstrated that they were impervious to the court of public opinion, which, frankly, the lower courts were not. Mr. Cosby, we knew all along he never should have been prosecuted for this. He had every right to rely on the prosecutor’s word and they pulled the rug out from underneath him because of politics, because of the court of public opinion. And that is not how our system should operate. When that happens, there cannot be a just sentence. And if there had been a just verdict and a just sentence, we wouldn’t be here fighting. But there was not a just sentence and not a just verdict.”
Andrew Wyatt, Bill Cosby’s publicist: “You know, what we saw today was justice, justice for all Americans, Mr. Cosby conviction being overturned is for the world and all Americans who are being treated unfairly by the judicial system and some bad officers because all officers are not bad.”