Reporter: “Can you tell us about Mr. Chipman? Will he be getting a different position in the administration?”
Jen Psaki, White House press secretary: “Mr. Chipman spent, David Chipman, I suppose, it’s very formal to call him Mr. Maybe I should. But he spent 25 years in distinguished service to our country as an ATF agent. He’s a gun owner himself and someone who had the backing of law enforcement groups. He would have been an exemplary director of the ATF and would have redoubled efforts to crack down on illegal firearms traffickers and help keep our communities safe from gun violence. So to answer your question, Jeff, one, we always knew this would be challenging. There hasn’t been an ATF, a confirmed ATF director in six years and only one confirmed director in its entire history. We knew it would be challenging. Obviously, he has exemplary credentials. He’s someone the president has a great deal of respect for. And we’re in active discussions with him about what role might be of interest to him in the federal government.”