Scott Morrison, Prime Minister of Australia: “I’m very concerned about the actions, though, of using the lasers on an Australian surveillance aircraft. That is, I can see it no other way than an act of intimidation, one that was unprovoked, unwarranted, and Australia will never accept such acts of intimidation. They are in our exclusive economic zone, it did not occur in Australian waters, but I have no doubt that if it had been an Australian vessel or a British vessel, American vessel, a French vessel, a Japanese vessel for that matter, or German, that was going through a similar waters up in the South China sea, and that was done to a Chinese surveillance aircraft, then I think people can guess about what the reaction to that would have been. So, it was a dangerous act, these sorts of things can disable such aircraft and put those on that aircraft at great risk. So, I thought it was a reckless and irresponsible act and it should not occur. Now, we’re raising those issues directly through the diplomatic and defence channels.”