Two Congressional Republicans introduced a bill that would give Americans the right to sue the Chinese Communist Party for what they call a “large-scale misrepresentation campaign during the COVID-19 pandemic.”
Representatives Chris Smith and Michael Burgess say their legislation is aimed at getting access to more information about the pandemic, and providing relief to those who lost loved ones and suffered severe economic hardship.
If passed the bill would waive the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act and allow US citizens to sue the Chinese government for monetary damages.
It was introduced after the former head of the CDC testified that he believes the pandemic began because of a lab leak.
Dr. Robert Redfield: This conclusion is based primarily on the biology of the virus itself. Including the rapid, high infectivity for human to human transmission.As a clinical virologist, I felt it was not scientifically plausible that this virus went from a bat to humans and became one of the most infectious viruses that we have in humans.
But Doctor Anthony Fauci, the former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, says he still thinks the pandemic began with a natural occurrence.
He cited a peer reviewed paper in Science magazine that said it likely began with a zoonotic jump from animals to humans.
Dr. Anthony Fauci: There have never been a situation where a virus escaped from a lab, that’s a brand new virus that no one has ever seen before, that led to a pandemic.
But some of the speculation may be over soon. On Friday, the House of Representatives unanimously passed a bill that would require the Biden administration to declassify intelligence regarding links between the Wuhan Institute of Virology and the origins of the Covid pandemic. The bill had already been unanimously approved by the Senate, so now it’s up to President Biden to sign it. Stick with Straight Arrow News for more updates on Covid’s origins. You can count on us for unbiased, straight facts.