Dr. Brent Blue, Teton County Coroner: “After detailed investigationby our forensic pathologist, our anthropologist and local law enforcement, with assistance from the FBI, the Teton County Coroner’s Office is filing the following verdict in the death of Gabrielle Venora Petito: We hereby find the cause and manner of death to be, the cause, death by strangulation, and manner is homicide.”
“This autopsy included a whole body cat scan, an examination by a forensic pathologist, an examination by a forensic anthropologist and toxicology evaluation. So it was pretty much covered all the bases.”
“I can tell you the DNA samples were taken by law enforcement, and all I can tell you about remains is that the body was outside for three to four weeks.”
“Unfortunately, this is only one of many deaths around the country of people who are involved in domestic violence. And it’s unfortunate that these other deaths did not get as much coverage as this one. I’m assuming because the deceased was a blogger, that this received more coverage than others. But there are a lot of both men and women who lost their lives that are covered with this kind of media attention.”