Shannon Longworth: Your international travels are about to get easier this summer.
The COIVD testing requirement for air travelers entering the U-S is being lifted.
The Biden administration announced the change today.
It takes effect at 12:01 a.m. Sunday.
Currently — international travelers are required to get tested for COVID-19 within a day of boarding their flights.
Just days after that’s set to happen — federal health officials are set to take the next step toward potential approval of a COVID-19 vaccine for kids under 5.
An advisory panel to the F-D-A is set to take a look at candidates from both Pfizer and Moderna next Wednesday.
If the F-D-A approves one or both of the candidates — the C-D-C will have to decide whether all children should get the vaccine — or just those at risk to catch the virus.
Dr. Nimmi Rajagopal | Cook County Health: “I don’t know that it’s going to change that much in the uptake in that age range. I think there will be a slight bump because there are some people that are pretty consistent right, like the parents got Moderna, so that’s what they’d like their kids to get because they know how they responded to it.”
Shannon Longworth: If the vaccines are approved — they could become available by the following week.
White House officials say they have ordered millions of doses as they anticipate the approval.
Ashish Jha | White House COVID-19 response coordinator: “If the FDA and CDC recommend these vaccines, this would mark an important moment in the pandemic. It would mean that for the first time, essentially every American from our oldest to our youngest, would be eligible for the protection that vaccines provide.”