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Ray Bogan

Political Correspondent

U.S. Elections

Georgia, Pennsylvania Senate races tighten 5 days from election


Ray Bogan

Political Correspondent


Senate races, the key to deciding the balance of power, are tightening five days out from the midterm elections. The contests in Georgia and Pennsylvania are both a toss-up with the candidates no more than a point apart.

In Pennsylvania, Dr. Mehmet Oz, R, and Lt. Governor John Fetterman, D, are separated by less than one percentage point. That’s a big difference from August when Fetterman was 8 points up. Both candidates are spending the last week on the attack. Fetterman is criticizing Oz’s stance on abortion.

“And then they try to make Roe v. Wade as extremist, and that’s absurd. To me, Roe v. Wade was the law of the nation, and that’s the way it stood for 50 years. And to me that’s what I am running on and that’s what I would absolutely codify given the opportunity to vote in support for that,” Fetterman said during a recent campaign event.

Dr. Oz is trying to paint Fetterman as soft on crime, a strategy used by the GOP nationwide.

“John Fetterman during this crime wave has been trying to get as many murderers, convicted and sentenced to life in prison, out of jail as possible,” Oz said.

In Georgia, Herschel Walker, R, has taken a little over a one point lead over incumbent Sen. Raphael Warnock, D. This race has been close, but Warnock has been in front for most of it. Neither candidate is at 50%, and they need an absolute majority to win, otherwise they will go to a runoff on Dec. 6.

Recently, Warnock has been criticizing Walker, saying the football legend is a liar and unqualified. 

“Herschel Walker is not ready. This is a man who lies about the most basic facts of his life,” Sen. Warnock said during a recent campaign event with former President Barack Obama.

But Walker said he is not backing down.

“I’m the wrong Georgian for them to come after. They can keep coming. I’m going to keep knocking them down. I told them when I got in this race I’m that warrior for God that needs to straighten things out because what they’re doing to this country is not right,” Walker said.

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We are less than a week away from the midterm elections and want to show you two tightening Senate races that are key to the balance of power. 

First in Pennsylvania, Dr. Oz and Lt. Governor John Fetterman are less than a point apart. That’s a big difference from August when Fetterman was 8 points up. 

In the final week – Fetterman and Oz are both on the attack. Fetterman is criticizing Oz’s stance on abortion, while Oz says Fetterman is soft on crime. 

JOHN FETTERMAN – to make Roe v. Wade as extremist and that’s absurd. To me, Roe V. Wade was the law of the nation, and that’s the way it stood for 50 years. And to me that’s what I am running on and that’s what I would absolutely codify given the opportunity to vote in support for that.”

DR. MEHMET OZ – “John Fetterman during this crime wave has been trying to get as many murderers, convicted and sentenced to life in prison, out of jail as possible.”

In Georgia, Herschel Walker has taken a little over a one point lead over incumbent Democratic Senator Raphael Warnock. This race has been close but Warnock has been in front for most of it.

It’s important to note though that neither one of these candidates are at 50% and they need an absolute majority to win, otherwise they will go to a runoff on December 6th.

Recently Warnock has been criticizing Walker, saying he’s a liar and unqualified. Walker says he’s not backing down. 

SEN. RAPHAEL WARNOCK – “Herschel Walker is not ready. This is a man who lies about the most basic facts of his life.”

HERSCHEL WALKER – “I’m the wrong Georgian for them to come after. They can keep coming I’m going to keep knocking them down. I told them when I got in this race I’m that warrior for God that needs to straighten things out because what they’re doing to this country is not right.”}

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