Jens Stoltenberg, NATO Secretary-General: “On the situation on the border between Belarus and Poland, but also we’ve seen similar situations a bit earlier on the border between Belarus and two other NATO allied countries, Lithuania and Latvia, this is something which is deeply concerning. We are following and monitoring closely the developments, and we are consulting also with our allies, those allies historically affected, we stand in solidarity with Poland and Latvia and Lithuania.”
“The Lukashenko regime in Minsk, they are now using innocent, vulnerable people as a mean of hybrid tactics against neighbours, Poland, Lithuania and Latvia, and this is cynical, this is inhumane, and actually it puts lives at risk the way they are now using people, vulnerable people in an effort to put pressure on neighbour countries.”
“Let me first make it clear that NATO’s military presence in the Eastern part of the alliance is absolutely defensive, it is transparent, and it has been there for several years, and what we now see from Russia is an unusual concentration of force, large number of troops close to Ukraine’s border, and we have seen that they are willing to use force against neighbours, so that’s absolutely a different thing than a defensive presence of NATO troops in NATO countries, and they have never engaged in anything like what we have seen from the Russian side against Ukraine.”
“What we see close to the borders of Ukraine, but also in Crimea which is illegally occupied by Russia, is a significant military build-up by Russia, they are gradually increasing the number of troops, combat forces, and this is something of course we follow closely, Ukraine is a partner nation of NATO and NATO stands in solidarity with Ukraine, we support Ukraine politically, practically, and of course Ukraine is a sovereign, independent nation, we support territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine.”