Scott Morrison, Australian Prime Minister: “Well, the first cab off the rank is Australians – Australian citizens and Australian residents who are vaccinated – and they will be able to, in New South Wales, be able to travel overseas and return. And if you are double vaccinated overseas and you’re an Australian resident, or an Australian citizen, you’re immediate family, you’ll be able to travel under those arrangements. But we need to get those home quarantine facilities or procedures in place. New South Wales will have those in place next month and for the other states and territories, and I’ve spoken to (Victoria state Premier) Dan Andrews about this. We’re getting trials in place there as well. Once that home quarantine model is up and running at scale, then this will enable that to happen. The next priorities are skilled migrants that are very important for the country and who are double vaccinated, as well as students who are coming and returning to Australia for their studies. They’re another important priority. And we will get to international visitors as well, I believe, next year. But the priority is Australians: we’re ready for takeoff.”