Karah Rucker: Deaths at the U.S. – Mexico border have reached a new all-time high.
More bodies have been recovered in the last nine months than any full year in history.
For the second year straight…A record number of deaths have been recorded. Last year 566 bodies were found. This year there have been 609. It more than doubles the deaths from 2019 or 2020…With three months still left in the fiscal year that started in October.
U.S. Secretary of homeland security Alejandro Mayorkas was directly asked if the border is safe in an interview last week…His response gaining scrutiny.
Alejandro Mayorkas | DHS Secretary: “The border is secure, we are working to make the border more secure that has been a historic challenge.”
Karah Rucker: Deaths at the border is only the latest statistic to be shattered under the Biden administration.
In May…border patrol apprehended 220,000 migrants. More than any other time in border patrol’s century long existence.