Neel Sodha, early voter: “I’m a small business owner and over the last year I was considered non-essential. So I was shut down, whereas in other states I could have been operating. So I was excited for the recall and I did vote to recall Newsom.”
“I was happy to find (Larry) Elder. The other candidates were pretty good. I would have been happy with Faulconer or Kiley but Elder just kind of spoke to what I think the type of change that we need in California.”
Madeline Zoeller, early voter: “I came out here today because I want California to not have this republican take-over happen. I’m disgusted by some of the republican candidates and what’s happening in our country so I wanna support Gavin Newsom. And I voted no.”
Joe Biden, U.S. President:
“The eyes of the nation, this is not hyperbole, the eyes of the nation are on California, because the decision you’re about to make isn’t just going to, isn’t just going to have a huge impact on California, it’s going to reverberate around the nation. And, quite frankly, not a joke around the world.”
“All of you know, the last year I got to run against the real Donald Trump (pauses to cross himself, laughter). Well, this year, this year, the leading Republican running for governor is the closest thing to a Trump clone that I’ve ever seen in your state. No, I really mean it. And he’s leading the other team. He’s the clone of Donald Trump. Can you imagine him being governor of this state? You can’t let that happen.”
Governor Gavin Newsom, (D) California: “We still have people that are in complete denial, they don’t believe climate change is real (boos). People still call it a hoax. Larry Elder, he calls it a myth (boos). Larry Elder, who says his solution to the climate issue is more offshore oil drilling off the coast of Long Beach (boos).