Presidential gaffes happen.
President Biden says: “But all kidding aside of course, President Harris.”
President Biden says: “Imagine had the tobacco industry been immune to prostitutes being sued. Come on”
Most of the time – small mistakes can be corrected in transcripts. But others can impact the president’s reputation on the world stage. As seen in this SNL style skit in Saudi Arabia. “(snoring) and the president of China, oh we didn’t finish Russia? Thank you to correct me first lady.”
These slips can have consequences in foreign policy. The President made this comment about Vladimir Putin during a speech in Poland to rally support for Ukraine.
President Biden says: “For God sake, this man cannot remain in power.”
The White House immediately tried to walk it back. An Administration official said the President: “was not discussing Putin’s power in Russia, or regime change.”
While some of the President’s unexpected comments require mending, the President calling Russia’s murder of innocent civilians in Ukraine a genocide rallied other world leaders around him.
President Biden says: “Yes I called it Genocide”
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky tweeted: True words of a true leader @POTUS. Calling things by their names is essential to stand up to evil.
Prime Minister Boris Johnson says: “What Putin has done in Urkaine which you know, doesn’t look far short of genocide to me.”
So what do you think? Do gaffes impact the president’s reputation with voters? Let us know in the comments below.