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States sue Biden administration over student loan plan, VP Harris condemns North Korea nuclear tests, Google to shut down Stadia


Six Republican-led states file suit against Biden administration over student loan relief plan – A lawsuit filed in a Missouri federal court in by state attorneys general from Missouri, Arkansas, Kansas, Nebraska and South Carolina, as well as legal representatives from Iowa, seeks to challenge the Biden administration’s student loan debt forgiveness program.

“This burden of economic loss will do little to benefit the working class and the poor,” said Nebraska Attorney General Doug Peterson. “The majority of the Mass Debt Cancellation will accrue to the debt borrowers in the top 60% of the income distribution. It is fundamentally unfair for those who can least afford it to provide through their tax dollars relief to the well-off who can afford to pay their own loans.”

Meanwhile, the student loan program was scaled back on the same day these six states moved to sue President Joe Biden. Borrowers whose federal student loans are guaranteed by the government but held by private lenders will now be excluded from receiving debt relief, affecting about 770,000 Americans.

Vice President Kamala Harris visits South Korea, condemns North Korea’s recent nuclear tests – North Korea on Thursday test fired two short-range ballistic missiles into the sea, just after Vice President Harris visited the Demilitarized Zone dividing the Korean Peninsula’s two nations.

“It is clearly a provocation, and it is meant, we believe, to destabilize the region and we’re taking it seriously, and everyone should,” said Harris.

The vice president made South Korea the last stop on her four-day trip to Asia, where she also denounced North Korea’s “brutal dictatorship” and accused its ruling regime of “rampant human rights violations.”

Google has made plans to shut down its cloud gaming platform Stadia in 2023, will issue refunds – Google is shutting down Stadia, its cloud gaming service, allowing it to remain live for players until Jan. 18, 2023.

“While Stadia’s approach to streaming games for consumers was built on a strong technology foundation, it hasn’t gained the traction with users that we expected so we’ve made the difficult decision to begin winding down our Stadia streaming service,” explained Stadia Vice President and GM Phil Harrison.

Harrison added that Google sees opportunities to apply Stadia’s technology to other parts of Google, like YouTube, Google Play, and its artificial-reality efforts. Employees who had been working on game-streaming platform will be distributed to other parts of the company.

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