assily Nebenzia, Russian ambassador to the UN and Security Council president: “Authorities started to persecute those who who were not…Would you allow me just a second, because I need to answer this call, please?”
“Just received information that the U.S. authorities have undertaken another hostile action against the Russian mission to the United States, to the United Nations, grossly violating their commitments on the host country agreement that they undertook, telling us that they are announcing 12 people from the personnel of the Russian mission ‘persona non grata,’ and demanding that they will leave by the 7th of March.”
Journalist: “They’re UN diplomats?”
Nebenzia: “Yes, UN diplomats…UN diplomats. They just visited the Russian mission and gave us a note prescribing us to to do what they demand. You know that we were raising with the secretary general the issue of the arbitrage with the host country, which grossly violates its commitments on the host country agreement. So far, it has not been done, but I think it’s high time already. This is just hot news that arrived at my attention right away. That’s why I took the phone. Sorry?”
Journalist: “Twelve diplomats?”
Nebenzia: “Yes, 12 diplomats, yes.”
Journalist: “Do you know who they are?”
Nebenzia: “Sorry?”
Journalist: “Who are they and who is the most senior?”
Nebenzia: “I don’t know the names yet, but the number is 12.”
Journalist: “Nobody in this room?”
Nebenzia: “Sorry?”
Journalist: “Nobody in this room, I hope?”
Nebenzia: “None of you, at least. Coming back, this is sad news. And again, another demonstration of gross disrespect of the host country agreement to the to their commitments as I said within the framework of their obligations under both under the UN charter and the host country agreement and Vienna conventions, obviously. So, coming back to Ukraine, I said that…”
Journalist: “Sorry, just can we just ask one more thing. Did they give a reason?”
Nebenzia: “Sorry?”
Journalist: “What was their reason?”
Nebenzia: “I don’t know yet. I haven’t seen the note. I will give you updates as soon as we have more information.”