
Straight Arrow News is committed to fair, factual, unbiased journalism that encourages viewers to make up their own minds. In addition to the facts, we believe it’s vital to hear perspectives from all sides of the political spectrum. We hope these different voices will help you reach your own conclusions. The commentary published in this section are solely those of the contributors and do not reflect the views of Straight Arrow News.

Fears of future wars over potable water fail to account for some significant factors, and ultimately those conflicts are unlikely to occur.
April 19

Water wars are an unlikely future

Geopolitical Strategist

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Norway will now be sending F-16s to Ukraine. As U.S. global leadership declines, more and more EU states are stepping in to defend Ukraine.
April 17

Norway sending F-16s to Ukraine

Geopolitical Strategist

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Developing countries might seem to enjoy a natural demographic advantage over the developed world, but that advantage carries risks.
April 10

The trouble with ‘good’ demographics

Geopolitical Strategist

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Ohio’s natural endowment of oil and gas fields makes it a top global contender for the production and export of high-end plastics.
April 9

Ohio’s oil is a boon for plastics production

Geopolitical Strategist

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Islamic State group attacks in Syria and Iraq are on track to double compared to last year, signaling a resurgence attempt.
April 8

The geopolitics of ISIS terrorism

Geopolitical Strategist

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Germany is the economic staple of modern Europe. What will happen as Germany declines in a post-American world?
April 5

Germany in a post-American world

Geopolitical Strategist

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