Ben Weingarten Federalist Senior Contributor; Claremont Institute Fellow

A year after Oct. 7, US still not doing enough to support Israel

Ben Weingarten Federalist Senior Contributor; Claremont Institute Fellow

A year has passed since Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack on Israel. Since then, the Biden administration has provided roughly $18 billion in military aid to Israel. Against substantial criticism from within his own party, Biden has doubled down on his support for Israel, asserting recently that “No administration has helped Israel more than I have. None. None. None.” On Oct. 1, 2024, President Biden announced new sanctions against Iran in response to recent attacks.

Watch the above video as Straight Arrow News contributor Ben Weingarten argues that the Biden administration still hasn’t done enough to support Israel in its now multifront war, and claims that President Biden is instead pursuing an “Iran-first” policy agenda.

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The following is an excerpt from the above video:

Israel is winning. Hamas is largely eviscerated in Gaza. Hezbollah may well be on the ropes in Lebanon, its leaders decapitated, its rank and file wounded in the stunning pager attack, its command and control infrastructure corroded, the Iranian mullocracy, its energy infrastructure and nuclear reactors could all be next now for America and the West.

What Oct. 7 revealed is staggering, our ruling elites and their efforts to constrain and squeeze Israel while empowering and emboldening its enemies, has shown an inability or unwillingness to distinguish between right and wrong, good and evil, moral and immoral. Our ruling elites have shown an inability or unwillingness to decisively win wars or allow our allies and partners to decisively win wars, which might, in part, be why they’re trying to project a failed Western way of failing to win, destroy the enemy and force him to surrender, on Israel.

And our ruling elites have been actively supporting the enemy, wittingly and unwittingly, as we’ve been covering with particularly the Obama-Biden-Harris Iran-first agenda, one shared by many of the European governments, who may not only be ideologically aligned, but are likely cowed by their increasingly Islamic supremacist populations.

Last week marked the one year anniversary of a day that will forever live in infamy, October 7. On that day, the genocidal Jew hating jihadists of Hamas slaughtered over 1100 innocent men, women and children, Israeli and American alike. They raped, maimed and hostage, took over 200 more in a savage and barbaric display in this week’s commentary, I wanted to share my reflections on that day. Now, one year on, regarding Israel, the US and the Western world, the Jewish State has navigated unimaginably difficult circumstances, facing the demoralization and heartbreak of the attack, the strategic costs of it, and a sense that the impenetrable fortress of its homeland was suddenly insecure, and the nation’s strength and cunning in question. Its confidence perhaps shaken. It has faced a seven front war from Iran and all of its proxies, and most despicably, from my vantage point, it’s faced the treachery of the Biden Harris administration and much of the free world. It has been left undefended at ghoulish global institutions, been slandered with a false equivalence of and faced international opprobrium for the absurd accusation that the victim of a genocidal attack and war crimes was actually engaging in genocide. And war crimes suffered the withholding of critical weaponry and the micromanaging of its every movement been hamstrung with suicidal rules of engagement, was prevented from striking Hezbollah in the immediate wake of October 7, leaving 10s of 1000s of citizens rendered refugees in their own land. Had Gazans confined to Gaza, as expressly requested by the US, making war fighting nearly impossible, given Israel’s humanitarian standards, been forced to permit de facto material support to Hamas through the aid the West has demanded it led through to Gaza and most disgustingly of all, instead of seeing all of its enemies pressured by the West to surrender, turn over the hostages and face justice, been pressured to not win the war, nations led by America have sought to impose a cease fire, force disastrous hostage for terrorist swaps, and work towards the creation of a Palestinian State. The idea is to reward the genocide of jihadists for their savagery, to reward Palestinian Arabs who aided, abetted and directly participated in the orgy of animalism on October 7, people, some 98% of whom said the slaughter, quote, made them proud, despite all of these odds, being wounded after the attack threatened by Iran and its proxies, and having had the screws put to it by America, the West, the Israeli left and others working with the US and independently to topple the government, Israel is winning. Hamas is largely eviscerated in Gaza, Hezbollah may well be on the ropes in Lebanon, its leaders decapitated its rank and file, wounded in the stunning pager attack, its command and in control. Infrastructure corroded the Iranian monocracy, its energy infrastructure and nuclear reactors could all be next now for America and the West, what October 7 revealed is staggering our ruling elites and their efforts to constrain and squeeze Israel while empowering and emboldening its enemies, has shown an inability or unwillingness to distinguish between right and wrong, good and evil, moral and immoral. Our ruling elites have shown an inability or unwillingness to decisively win wars or allow our allies and partners to decisively win wars, which might, in part, be why they’re trying to project a failed Western way of failing to win, destroy the enemy and force him to surrender on Israel and our ruling elites have been actively supporting the enemy, wittingly and unwittingly, as we’ve been covering with particularly the Obama Biden Harris Iran first agenda, one shared by many of the European governments, who may not only be ideologically aligned, but are likely cowed by their increasingly Islamic supremacist populations. Last but not least, for the US, we’ve seen the chickens come home to roost, the explosion of Jew hatred quarter progressivism, and that is a proxy, ultimately, for hatred of America and the Judeo Christian West and all it stands for bubble to the surface, particularly at our so called elite institutions. It’s been on display for all to see. This mind virus is paralyzing destructive, and ultimately it will threaten the West’s existence in everything but name. The Bright Side is all has been stripped bare for even the most blind and deluded to see. Let us hope and pray that on October 7, 2025


Israel has vanquished its enemies and freed the hostages to America’s benefit, and our nation is once again led by those who will pursue our national interests, not the interest of our mortal foes.

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