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Biden is right: 2022 midterm election is about the soul of America

Star Parker Founder & President, Center for Urban Renewal and Education

President Biden hit the campaign trail with a message to voters that democracy was on the ballot in next Tuesday’s midterm elections. It’s a consistent drum Biden has pounded in recent months, warning that former President Trump’s election lies and MAGA Republicans are a threat to the future of the United States. Straight Arrow News contributor Star Parker says Biden is right that this election is about the soul of America. However, she says those who value individualism and freedom from government overreach must stand up and have their votes counted to help the GOP regain control of Congress.

The role of government is to keep my neighbor’s sin from me. The role of government is to protect my interests, not to plunder my interests. The role of government is just to secure our nation, our borders, and make sure that they implement the law when someone’s sin enters my space. When we see crime levels where we are, is it any wonder people are very upset? But the other worldview says no actually, we don’t believe that you have the capacity to self govern. We think the country is corrupted from internal out. 

We think from its founding it has been systematically stacked against certain people groups so therefore, people always need government help. Therefore, we’re going to always expand government. Therefore, we’re always going to have discussions about who’s the winner, who’s the loser? It’s an us or them game. We heard it really clearly out of former President Barack Obama on the campaign trail during this midterm election. But President Joe Biden has made it very, very clear that that’s what’s at stake. When we go into the polls, we need to understand what is at stake. 

We’re either going to have expansion of government in every area in a secular environment, or we’re going to have people live free. We’re going to have people decide whether they want church and community to work, whether they want their schools to be teaching things that are inconsistent with their own values, whether they want high crime and all these misdemeanors that are just being dismissed because somebody else’s fault when somebody does crime. That’s what’s at stake going into the polling booths coming out of November and what we will be determining and arguing about in January, depending on who’s in power.

There’s been a lot of discussion about President Joe Biden’s competency levels. We’ve seen over and over again that perhaps he should have a revisit with his doctor And it’s making a lot of people really uncomfortable to see the President age right in front of our eyes. But one place where the President has been very consistent in what he has said, is that this election is about the soul of America. 

He started that narrative when he ran for office and I think a lot of people missed what he meant by, “this election is about the soul of America.” Well, he’s elaborating even deeper during this midterm, saying this is about worldview. And what he knows and I hope you know, is we are vying for the soul of America when it comes to worldview. One line of thought is for freedom, where people say we want to be free, we want to be responsible, we’re adults, we can make decisions about our own lives. 

The role of government is to keep my neighbor’s sin from me. The role of government is to protect my interests, not to plunder my interests. The role of government is just to secure our nation, our borders, and make sure that they implement the law when someone’s sin enters my space. When we see crime levels where we are, is it any wonder people are very upset? But the other worldview says no actually, we don’t believe that you have the capacity to self govern. We think the country is corrupted from internal out. 

We think from its founding it has been systematically stacked against certain people groups so therefore, people always need government help. Therefore, we’re going to always expand government. Therefore, we’re always going to have discussions about who’s the winner, who’s the loser? It’s an us or them game. We heard it really clearly out of former President Barack Obama on the campaign trail during this midterm election. But President Joe Biden has made it very, very clear that that’s what’s at stake. When we go into the polls, we need to understand what is at stake. 

We’re either going to have expansion of government in every area in a secular environment, or we’re going to have people live free. We’re going to have people decide whether they want church and community to work, whether they want their schools to be teaching things that are inconsistent with their own values, whether they want high crime and all these misdemeanors that are just being dismissed because somebody else’s fault when somebody does crime. That’s what’s at stake going into the polling booths coming out of November and what we will be determining and arguing about in January, depending on who’s in power.

I think it’s really critical that we listen to our president in this moment, at least for those sentences, where he tells us two things: This is about the soul of America, and this is about worldview. How do you see your individualism in a society that we want to be free and civil? I want to just remind you in closing up this episode is that…

Sam Adams told us that it doesn’t take a majority to prevail. Just an irate, tireless minority that’s keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men. That’s the big job if we’re going to keep our culture and our country moving towards our founding principles of freedom.

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