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Gavin Newsom doesn’t have the leadership chops to be president

Ruben Navarrette Columnist, host & author

While much of the talk surrounding the 2024 presidential race is focused on the Republican party and the prospect of a Donald Trump reelection campaign, speculation is now swirling around who will be vying for the Democratic nomination. One name that hasn’t circulated much — until recently — is the governor of California, Gavin Newsom. Native Californian — and Straight Arrow News contributor — Ruben Navarrette isn’t surprised by the chatter. Newsom has brilliant political chops and “movie star good looks,” according to Navarrette. He’ll have a tough road ahead, however, given California’s poor marks on key issues and Newsom’s inability to connect with a key constituency: Minorities.

What is Gavin’s game? I’ll tell you this much, whatever game it is, it’s all about Gavin. And it’s been in the works and well planned for months, even years. And one day soon, perhaps after the November midterm elections, which promise for Democrats who resemble the red wedding from “Game of Thrones,” California’s progressive prince of privilege will climb down off of “mount elitist” and let you in on the secret, when you need to know but not a minute before.

Gavin Newsom, you’re governor of the most populous state in the nation. California is the big bear. It has 55 electoral votes, more than 20% of the 270 electoral votes a candidate needs to be elected president. You easily beat back a recall campaign last year making this year’s coronation — I mean re-election — a foregone conclusion and a walk in the park. You’re 54 years old with movie star good looks, a beautiful and talented filmmaker wife, a contact list full of rich and powerful friends — and your iPhone  — and a war chest of more than $25 million. Your tan, rested and ready, and, super ambitious. There’s only one job left for you. You were built for this moment.

So Gavin Newsom, what are you going to do now? And whatever you say, don’t say you’re going to Disneyland. You don’t have time to wait in line for a churro before getting on Thunder Mountain Railroad — you’re going to be too busy running for the Democratic nomination for president in 2024. That’s how this is going to play out. Everybody in California knows it. You know it, soon the rest of America will know it too. Our governor is ready for his close-up.

What is Gavin’s game? I’ll tell you this much. whatever game it is, it’s all about Gavin. And it’s been in the works and well planned for months, even years. And one day soon, perhaps after the November midterm elections, which promise for Democrats who resemble the Red Wedding from Game of Thrones, California’s progressive prints of privilege, we’ll climb down off of mountain elitist and let you in on the secret when you need to know but not a minute before. Gavin Newsom, your governor the most populous state in the nation, California is the big bear. It has 55 electoral votes, more than 20% of the tuner and 70 electoral votes a candidate needs to be elected president. You easily beat back a recall campaign last year making this year’s coronation I mean re election, a foregone conclusion and a walk in the park. You’re 54 years old with movie star good looks a beautiful and talented filmmaker wife, a contact list full of rich and powerful friends and your iPhone and a war chest of more than $25 million. Your tan rested and ready and super ambitious. There’s only one job left for you. You were built for this moment. So Gavin Newsom, what are you going to do now? And whatever you say, don’t say you’re going to Disneyland. You don’t have time to wait in line for churro. Before getting on Thunder Mountain Railroad, you’re going to be too busy running for the Democratic nomination for president 2024. That’s how this is going to play out. Everybody in California knows it. You know it soon the rest of America will know it to our governor is ready for his close up. That’s why nuisance reelection campaign has purchased ads in Florida to tweak Governor Ron DeSantis. And in Texas, to mess with Governor Greg Abbott. Both Republicans could be in the mix of 2024 presidential hopefuls. So why wait until the last minute to throw down. Newsom insists that he’s not vying for the White House, at least not now. That’s classy, classy move. after all. The United States has one President at a time. The current occupant of the White House is a fellow Democrat Joe Biden. But come on. Now the Long Knives are out for Biden. Even the New York Times is floating the idea that since he’s going to turn 80 In a few months, he’s too old to run for reelection. Oddly enough, Biden is only two years older than he was in November 2020. When the times insisted that he was most certainly not too old to serve as president, and that anyone who suggested otherwise was guilty of ageism. The baby boomers went all in on that one, didn’t they? Suddenly every critic of Biden was an ageist. The generation of 50 years ago warned us Hey, you can’t trust anyone over 30 was suddenly arguing pay 70 is the new 40. The same liberal media is trying to gently or not so gently pushed Biden out of the way has little fondness for vice president Kamala Harris, and even less confidence that she has the likability and competence to defeat a Republican challenger in 2024. So they’re shopping and Newsom is sure to catch their eye. He probably already has. Well take it from a native Californian who has lived on the Left Coast for four fifths of my life. Buyer Beware, in the Golden State. All the glitters is not gold. Gavin Newsom is a brilliant campaigner. If only he was half as skilled at governing, California might be in better shape. Instead of struggling with crime, homelessness, drought, sky high gas prices, and unaffordable cost of living and a laundry list of other problems. Newsom lords over what is now a majority minority state, that paradoxically he doesn’t connect not at all with Latino, Asian or black Californians. The wealthy event near and restaurant tour seems so barely noticed the demographic changes that have happened in his home state all around him for his entire life. Newsom is a good politician with buckets of charisma. But he is also the embodiment of a life spent on easy street. A politician who’s clueless about people who don’t look like him. Hmm, it’s not a good recipe for leadership. Unfortunately for Newsom that’s the number one requirement for the job he covets.

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