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Opinion: U.S. immigration policy needs repair

Dr. Rashad Richey National TV Political Analyst, Talk Radio Host, Univ. Prof.

Immigrants to the United States are caught in a policy quagmire that’s not working. Just look at the situations in Afghanistan and Haiti. When the U.S. pulled out of Afghanistan, thousands of Afghans scrambled to leave, too. The plan to resettle them in America has been rife with conflict and commotion, but at least there is a plan. Contrast that against the treatment of Haitians, whom we are swiftly returning to their home nation.

In both cases, America is ignoring its own policies on individuals seeking asylum. All of this unfolds against the backdrop of ill-formed concerns about the impact of immigrants settling in the United States.

Okay, let me start by saying this. Somebody’s got some explaining to do. I’m talking about the border crisis, right? Really it’s manufactured. What makes it a crisis? Why do people call it a border crisis? 

They say it’s a crisis because we have drugs and crime and all of these other things happening. They’re taking away American jobs, all of that contrary to the truth. There’s not a crisis. We have an immigration issue that we need to resolve.

We need to be compassionate about, and we need to get it done, but it’s not a crisis in the sense of Americans are losing lives or even losing jobs.

So I’m going to give you a breakdown of the hypocrisy of our immigration policy in the United States of America. 

Now look at Afghanistan, nobody argues that Afghanistan was a complete nightmare.

We decided to go to war with a country when the truth is we were at war with an ideology, and we did nothing to address the ideological issue that led to the terrorist attack and other terrorist attacks on American soil and American interests. 

We didn’t deal with that. We decided to go to war with the country. We went to war with the country of Afghanistan. Here’s the irony, the hypocrisy related to that. 

We go there for endless war without a real plan. 

And then when Joe Biden, president of the United States, does what every Republican and Democrat saying should have been done a long time ago he’s being criticized because of how he came out of the nation. 

I agree.  It should have been done with more diplomacy. We should not have left any Americans behind. I get all of that. 

But when it comes to resettlement, literally you have Republicans mainly complaining about the resettlement plan of Afghanistan when they agreed we needed to have a diplomatic approach and to leave the country in the first place. And we never, never should have engaged in a 20-year war. Well, we broke it. We got to fix it. 

We are the reason why the resettlement is necessary because these individuals, these people in Afghanistan, they decided, yes, I will side with the American occupation. Well, now that America is leaving, their lives, their families, all at risk. 

So resettlement is right, but contrast that to what’s happening with Haitians. At least the Afghans have a resettlement plan. The Haitian resettlement plan is to ship them and resettle them back to Haiti. That’s it. And the excuse from the administration is, well, we’re not able to properly vet the Haitians like we can vet those in Afghanistan. 

Afghanistan isn’t even a united country. Never has been, not even under the occupation of American colonization. It was not united  then, it was not united before, and it will not be united now. It’s fragmented. And it’s difficult to verify information, to know who people are or their connection.

So that’s a bogus excuse. We’ve been in Haiti longer than we’ve been in Afghanistan. You don’t know the Haitians.  I guarantee you the Haitians know you.  The Haitians, they remember when America took over their country, when America decided to control their political processes. 

Haiti is not a poor country. Haiti is a raped country, and it has been raped by the interest of others. Raped of natural resources, raped up political culture. Now we’re saying no, no, no, they don’t get asylum, but others do. 

We need a wholistic policy that is fairly implemented. 

Let’s be clear. When someone seeks asylum in the United States of America, that is a legal process. They need to see a judge. A judge has to make that determination. Seeking asylum is a legal remedy.  It’s part of our statutory language and federal law. That means it is a policy. Statutes create contracts. This is what we live by.

We are a nation of laws. It is unconstitutional. It is illegal. It is against the statutory language of the federal government of the doctrine of laws for us to say, yes, you can seek asylum.

And then when they do seek asylum, we violate the rule. We don’t allow the law to work out as it should for them. So that’s one. 

So let’s talk about the crisis of jobs because they keep saying, well, undocumented workers are taking American jobs away. Nope. Not based on statistical data. 

Right now you have a labor shortage. So how can you have a job crisis of undocumented workers and a labor shortage at the same time? It does not coexist, even before it did not exist because the vast majority —  we’re talking about 99%  — of the jobs we’re talking about, Americans did not want them. 

And when you look at job loss in America, the number one killer of jobs is actually automation, automation.

That’s your number one killer of jobs. They’ve already taken around 60, 65 million jobs. They’re going to take about 85 million by 2025. 

So if you want to get mad, if you want to protest, if you want to get upset about someone taking American jobs, find you a machine and protest against it because machines are taking away more jobs from American workers than any other single entity in the United States of America.

And then the other bogus argument that this is somehow about protecting families. 

You do realize that undocumented workers have a lower rate of criminal action or activity than those who are native born Americans. 

They actually get in trouble with the law less and less than one percent of individuals who cross the border illegally are coming here, committing another crime in the process, less than 1%.

And the number one violators of the immigration policy, the number one violators of overstaying their visas are actually Canadians.

They are the number one violators of that immigration policy. 

Have you ever heard of a narrative, a news story about Canadians being a problem? I wonder why.

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