
Straight Arrow News is committed to fair, factual, unbiased journalism that encourages viewers to make up their own minds. In addition to the facts, we believe it’s vital to hear arguments from all sides of the political spectrum. We hope these different voices will help you reach your own conclusions. The opinions published in this section are solely those of the contributors and do not reflect the views of Straight Arrow News.

After that disaster of a debate, it’s clear Americans deserve younger, brighter, bolder leaders on both sides of the political divide.
Liberal Opinion
July 5

Americans deserve younger candidates, better ideas

National TV Political Analyst, Talk Radio Host, Univ. Prof.

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Despite his poor debate performance, President Biden has a track record of major wins for the American people, and he deserves our support.
Liberal Opinion
July 5

Despite poor debate performance, Biden deserves our support

Author; Founding Editor, Ramshackle Glam

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Sextortion is an online criminal activity targeting teens. Here are the signs to watch out for and how to talk about it with our kids.
Liberal Opinion
July 3

Talk to your kids about sextortion

Legal analyst, law professor & award-winning author

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Republicans don't really want to close the southern border and often lie when it comes to anything concerning immigration.
Liberal Opinion
July 2

Why Republicans will never shut down US-Mexico border

Columnist, host & author

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President Joe Biden might just win the state of Florida in a stinging rebuke of Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis’s governing policies.
Liberal Opinion
July 1

How Biden can win Florida

Host of The David Pakman Show

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How can one understand Christian evangelicals, the policies they support, and their preferred candidate for the White House?
Liberal Opinion
June 28

Time for Christian evangelicals to part ways with Trump

National TV Political Analyst, Talk Radio Host, Univ. Prof.

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Here's what we discover when comparing some of of today's more controversial female Republican politicians with those from earlier eras.
Liberal Opinion
June 27

The modern-day Republican woman has terrifying role models

Author; Founding Editor, Ramshackle Glam

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Louisiana’s unconstitutional law requiring classrooms to display the Ten Commandments shows we need real penalties for corrupt politicians.
Liberal Opinion
June 26

Louisiana’s Ten Commandments law proves Gov. Landry is corrupt

Legal analyst, law professor & award-winning author

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Donald Trump is showing more and more signs of accelerating cognitive decline. Journalists and voters should both look at this as a serious concern.
Liberal Opinion
June 24

Donald Trump is mentally unwell

Host of The David Pakman Show

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With six months until the election, polling data gives Trump an advantage over President Biden in the Electoral College, if not the popular vote.
Conservative Opinion
May 13

Polls give slight advantage to Trump in Electoral College

President & CEO, The Lindsey Group

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Biden's threat to withhold some munitions to Israel is counterproductive, shows weak leadership, and damages America at home and abroad.
Conservative Opinion
May 10

Biden withholding weapons from Israel emboldens Hamas

Founder & President, Center for Urban Renewal and Education

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Putin pledges to fight for however long it takes, but is that a realistic pledge for a hamstrung Russian economy and a demoralized Russia?
Conservative Opinion
May 9

Putin’s promise of a long war might be hollow threat

Senior Fellow, American Enterprise Institute

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Ukraine must be allowed to strike back at Russia itself, and lawmakers must promptly remove conditions on U.S. military assistance.
Conservative Opinion
May 8

Lawmakers must remove conditions on US aid to Ukraine

Former House Speaker; Chairman of Gingrich 360

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Governments and social media platforms might be working together to censor certain kinds of online content.
Conservative Opinion
May 7

Governments could be censoring social media content

Federalist Senior Contributor; Claremont Institute Fellow

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Students, teachers and benefactors should pay attention to who is backing the students and who is backing the mob.
Conservative Opinion
May 3

Left-leaning politicians too lenient with pro-Palestinian protesters

Founder & President, Center for Urban Renewal and Education

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U.S. elections have become much more secure in the past 25 years, but there is still room for more progress to be made.
Conservative Opinion
May 2

US elections have become much more secure since 2000

Senior Fellow, American Enterprise Institute

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Do those who say they are pro-Hamas even know what Hamas is, how Hamas treats people, or what Hamas aims to accomplish?
Conservative Opinion
May 1

Pro-Palestine protesters should recognize the evils of Hamas

Former House Speaker; Chairman of Gingrich 360

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Elite institutions such as Columbia University have long welcomed students with radical left-wing views who oppose Western ideals.
Conservative Opinion
April 30

Action required to combat anti-Jewish sentiment at elite schools

Federalist Senior Contributor; Claremont Institute Fellow

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College sports now offers financial windfalls to many involved, but there are also significant drawbacks to consider.
Conservative Opinion
April 29

College sports is big money but not everyone benefits

President & CEO, The Lindsey Group

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